Class |
Description |
ActivityContextInterfaceFactoryBinding |
Metadata class representing a JNDI binding to an activity context interface factory.
AdoptionResult |
Result of an adoption operation.
AdoptionResultType |
BindingType |
The type of a JNDI binding.
Bundle |
BundleException |
BundleInfo |
CallFlow |
ChildRelationFacility |
The Child Relation Facility is used by SBBs to gain access to child SBB relations specified declaratively in the SBB deployment descriptor.
CMPField |
This interface provides an alternative access mechanism to a single CMP field.
CMPFieldReplication |
Annotation that can be used to control the replication behaviour of a CMP field.
CMPFields |
This interface provides an alternative access mechanism for all SBB CMP fields.
CMPFieldTag |
Annotation that can be used to assign arbitrarily named tags to CMP fields.
CMPFieldVisitor |
CMP field visitor interface.
ConvergenceName |
The ConvergenceName interface provides an SBB and SBB part with access to the convergence name that the root SBB of an SBB entity tree was created for.
ConvergenceNameSessionOwnershipRecord |
The ConvergenceNameSessionOwnershipRecord interface represents a Rhino-managed session ownership record that is related to an SBB entity tree.
CounterType |
Type of usage counters.
DatatypeCodec<T> |
Interface defining a datatype codec.
DatatypeCodecType |
Annotation that can be used on a datatype class stored in CMP to indicate to Rhino a codec that should be used to serialise and deserialise objects of that type.
DecoderUtils |
Utility datatype codec decoding functions.
Direction |
Encodable |
This interface provides an alternative to the DatatypeCodec interface where the codec behaviour can be inlined directly into the datatype code.
EncodableList<E> |
Generic implementation of a list structure that can be stored in SLEE CMP fields with sensible serialisation semantics.
EncodableList.BackingStore |
Pre-defined backing stores for the EncodableList .
EncodableMap<K,V> |
Generic implementation of a map structure that can be stored in SLEE CMP fields with sensible serialisation semantics.
EncodableMap.BackingStore |
Pre-defined backing stores for the EncodableMap .
EncodableSet<E> |
Generic implementation of a set structure that can be stored in SLEE CMP fields with sensible serialisation semantics.
EncodableSet.BackingStore |
Pre-defined backing stores for the EncodableSet .
EncodeableParameter |
Implemented by users of this facility when a message parameter should be encoded directly into a SAS message buffer (for performance reasons).
EncoderUtils |
Utility datatype codec encoding functions.
EnumParameter |
A SAS enum parameter.
EnvEntry |
Metadata class representing a JNDI binding to an environment entry.
EventDescription |
EventKey |
EventMessage |
Methods to set message fields specific to Events.
ExtendedTracer |
Rhino extensions to the SLEE-defined Tracer interface.
Facility |
Metadata class representing a JNDI binding to a SLEE facility.
GenerateMergedBundle |
InitialValueField |
Annotation that names a class field that contains the initial value for a CMP field.
InvalidConfigurationException |
This exception can be thrown by an implementation of the RhinoSbbLocalHome.verifyConfiguration() method if the SBB determines that a configuration error should prevent the service from being activated at this time.
InvokingTrailAccessor |
Provides access to the InvokingTrail.
JndiBinding |
Base class for JNDI binding metadata.
LimiterEndpoint |
Metadata class representing a JNDI binding to a Rhino limiter endpoint.
ListCodecType |
Annotation that can be used on a list-type CMP field getter or setter method to indicate to Rhino a codec that should be used to serialise and serialise list elements.
LoggingContextFacility |
Entry point for Resource Adaptors to interact with logging MDC
MapCodecType |
Annotation that can be used on a map-type CMP field getter or setter method to indicate to Rhino codecs that should be used to serialise and serialise map keys and values.
MarkerMessage |
Methods to set message fields specific to Markers.
Markers |
MarshalableParameter |
Implemented by users of this facility when a message parameter can be marshalled into a byte array but the marshalling should be deferred until it is known that it is needed (for performance reasons).
Message<T> |
MiniBundle |
A mini-bundle is a fragment of a SAS bundle with an independent version and partial event ids.
MiniBundleParser |
Parse and validate mini-bundles for SAS.
NullEventMessageImpl |
This is public because package-private is classloader-package-private.
NullLoggingContextFacilityImpl |
NullMarkerMessageImpl |
This is public because package-private is classloader-package-private.
NullSasFacilityImpl |
No-op implementation of the SAS facility to support unit testing and components shared by
non-SLEE applications.
NullTrailImpl |
This is public because package-private is classloader-package-private.
OnActivate |
Annotation that designates a method to receive a callback when the SLEE reassigns the object to an existing persistent entity.
OnException |
Annotation that designates a method to receive a callback when a mandatory transactional method of the object throws an unchecked exception.
OnPassivate |
Annotation that designates a method to receive a callback when the SLEE needs to reclaim the object by disassociating it from an existing persistent entity.
PassByReference |
Annotation that indicates to Rhino that it can maintain the value of the CMP field by reference rather than value during the specified scope.
PassByReference.Scope |
Pass-by-reference scopes.
PostCreate |
Annotation that designates a method to receive a callback when the object is associated with a newly created persistent entity.
PostLoad |
Annotation that designates a method to receive a callback when the state of the persistent entity needs to be synchronised with the state in the underlying data source.
PreDispose |
Annotation that designates a method to receive a callback when the SLEE no longer needs the object.
PreRemove |
Annotation that designates a method to receive a callback when the persistent entity associated with the object is about to be removed.
PreStore |
Annotation that designates a method to receive a callback when state the underlying data source needs to be synchronised with the state of the persistent entity.
ProfileFacility |
Rhino extensions to the SLEE-defined Profile Facility.
ProfileMapCodec |
Annotation that can be used on a map-type CMP field getter or setter method in a Profile CMP Interface to indicate to Rhino the profile codecs
that can be used to generate or consume structured map information for the CMP field in a profile table export instead of serialised state.
ProfileTableDescriptor |
Profile table metadata descriptor.
PropagateUncheckedThrowables |
Annotation that can be used on SBB and profile local interface methods to indicate that any unchecked throwables (runtime exceptions and errors) thrown by the method should be propagated back to the caller as-is without marking the transaction for rollback.
ResourceAdaptorEntityBinding |
Metadata class representing a JNDI binding to a resource adaptor entity.
ResourceAdaptorTypeBinding |
Base class for JNDI binding metadata related to resource adaptor types.
RhinoActivityContextInterface |
An extension of the JAIN SLEE-defined interface that provides access to Rhino-specific features.
RhinoInitialEventSelector |
An extension of the JAIN SLEE-defined interface that provides access to Rhino-specific features.
RhinoSbbContext |
An extension of the JAIN SLEE-defined interface that provides access to Rhino-specific features.
RhinoSbbLocalHome |
The RhinoSbbLocalHome interface may be used by an SBB as its local home interface.
RhinoTimerOptions |
An extension of the JAIN SLEE-defined class that provides access to Rhino-specific features.
SampleUnits |
Source and display units for a sample usage parameter.
SasBundle |
SasEnum |
SasEventEnum |
Interface implemented by enumerated types that provide SAS Event IDs.
SasFacility |
Entry point to the SAS event reporting facility.
SbbPartContext |
The SbbPartContext interface provides an SBB part object with access to SLEE-managed state that is dependent on the SBB part’s currently executing context.
SbbStatsPresentation |
Annotation that can be used on an SBB Abstract Class to define an SNMP OID suffix for the SBB.
Scope |
Specifies whether a marker message is an association marker, and if so, what its scope is.
ServiceNodeActivity |
This interface is implemented by Service Node Activity objects.
ServiceNodeActivityContextInterfaceFactory |
The Service Node Activity Context Interface Factory is used by SBBs to obtain an ActivityContextInterface object for a Service Node Activity.
ServiceNodeActivityFactory |
The Service Node Activity Factory is used by SBBs to get their Service Node Activity object.
ServiceNodeStartedEvent |
This interface is implemented by Service Node Started events generated by Rhino when a Service is started on a given node.
SessionOwnershipActivity |
The Session Ownership Activity is the activity type on which the Session Ownership resource adaptor fires session ownership operation result events.
SessionOwnershipActivityContextInterfaceFactory |
The Session Ownership Activity Context Interface Factory is used by SBBs to obtain an ActivityContextInterface object for a session ownership activity.
SessionOwnershipFacility |
The session ownership facility provides a mechanism for tracking which node is currently responsible for processing
a given session.
SessionOwnershipProvider |
Resource adaptor interface for the Session Ownership resource adaptor type.
SessionOwnershipReadListener |
Callback interface for Session Ownership Facility users that reports the outcome of read (retrieve) query operations.
SessionOwnershipReadResultEvent |
SessionOwnershipRecord |
A Session Owner Record represents data for a single session stored by the session ownership facility.
SessionOwnershipRecord.Builder |
Builder of Session Ownership Records.
SessionOwnershipWriteListener |
Callback interface for Session Ownership Facility users that reports the outcome of write (store and delete) query operations.
SessionOwnershipWriteResult |
Provides the result of any attempt to write data into the session ownership store.
SessionOwnershipWriteResultEvent |
SetCodecType |
Annotation that can be used on a set-type CMP field getter or setter method to indicate to Rhino a codec that should be used to serialise and serialise list elements.
SimpleDatatypeCodecs |
Predefined codecs for simple Java types.
SimpleDatatypeCodecs.BigDecimalCodec |
Datatype codec for BigDecimal .
SimpleDatatypeCodecs.BigIntegerCodec |
Datatype codec for BigInteger .
SimpleDatatypeCodecs.BooleanCodec |
Datatype codec for Boolean .
SimpleDatatypeCodecs.ByteArrayCodec |
Datatype codec for byte[] .
SimpleDatatypeCodecs.ByteCodec |
Datatype codec for Byte .
SimpleDatatypeCodecs.CharacterCodec |
Datatype codec for Character .
SimpleDatatypeCodecs.DoubleCodec |
Datatype codec for Double .
SimpleDatatypeCodecs.FloatCodec |
Datatype codec for Float .
SimpleDatatypeCodecs.IntegerCodec |
Datatype codec for Integer .
SimpleDatatypeCodecs.LongCodec |
Datatype codec for Long .
SimpleDatatypeCodecs.ShortCodec |
Datatype codec for Short .
SimpleDatatypeCodecs.StringCodec |
Datatype codec for String .
SleeDatatypeCodecs |
Predefined codecs for SLEE datatypes.
SleeDatatypeCodecs.ActivityContextInterfaceCodec<T> |
Datatype codec for ActivityContextInterface and derived interfaces.
SleeDatatypeCodecs.EventContextCodec |
Datatype codec for EventContext .
SleeDatatypeCodecs.ProfileLocalObjectCodec<T> |
Datatype codec for ProfileLocalObject and derived interfaces.
SleeDatatypeCodecs.SbbLocalObjectCodec<T> |
Datatype codec for SbbLocalObject and derived interfaces.
SleeDatatypeCodecs.TimerIDCodec |
Datatype codec for TimerID .
SleeDatatypeDecoder |
Decoder of SLEE-specific datatypes.
SleeDatatypeEncoder |
Encoder of SLEE-specific datatypes.
StatsInterface |
Annotation that identifies a Rhino stats parameter set type interface.
Tracer |
Rhino extensions to the SLEE-defined Tracer interface.
TracerAccessor |
Trail |
The primary interface for creating and reporting markers and events.
UniquenessScope |
UnrecognisedFieldNameException |
Exception thrown by methods in CMPFields if an arbitrary CMP field name is referenced but support for arbitrary CMP fields has not been enabled.
UnrecognisedTagNameException |
Exception thrown by methods in CMPFields if an unrecognised CMP field tag name is specified.
UnrecognizedChildRelationException |
This exception is thrown by the Child Relation Facility when passed the name of a child relation that has not been declared in the SBB’s deployment descriptor.
UnrecognizedUsageParameterSetException |
This exception is thrown by the Usage Facility when passed a usage parameter set object that it does not recognize.
UnrecognizedUsageParameterSetTypeException |
This exception is thrown by the Usage Facility when passed the name of a usage parameter set type that has not been declared in the SBB’s deployment descriptor.
UsageCounter |
Annotation that can be used to provide addition information about a usage counter to the SLEE.
UsageCounter.Visibility |
Usage counter visibilities.
UsageFacility |
The Usage Facility is used by SBBs and resource adaptors to gain access to the their usage parameter sets.
UsageParameters |
Annotation that can be used to provide addition information about a usage parameters interface to the SLEE.
UsageParameters.Singleton |
Usage parameter set type singleton status options.
UsageParameterSetNameOIDMapping |
Annotation that can be used to define an SNMP OID suffix mapping for a usage parameter set name.
UsageParametersInterface |
Base interface for a usage parameters interface.
UsageSample |
Annotation that can be used to provide addition information about a usage sample statistic to the SLEE.
WriteResult |
Session ownership facility write result types.