module mag-nginx-configuration {
yang-version 1.1;
namespace "";
prefix "mag-nginx";
organization "Metaswitch Networks";
contact "";
description "Nginx configuration schema.";
revision 2023-10-30 {
"Initial revision";
"Metaswitch Deployment Definition Guide";
grouping mag-nginx-configuration-grouping {
leaf nginx-perip-rate-limit {
type uint32 {
range "1 .. 500";
description "The request rate per sec for an IP.";
leaf nginx-perip-burst-limit {
type uint32 {
range "1 .. 500";
description "The burst rate for an IP.";
leaf nginx-server-rate-limit {
type uint32 {
range "1 .. 500";
description "The request rate per sec for the server.";
leaf nginx-server-burst-limit {
type uint32 {
range "1 .. 500";
description "The burst rate for the server.";
leaf nginx-perip-conn-limit {
type uint32 {
range "1 .. 500";
description "The no of simultaneous conn per IP.";
leaf nginx-server-conn-limit {
type uint32 {
range "1 .. 500";
description "The no of simultaneous conn for server.";
description "Nginx configuration.";