Rhino Checks


Check using MetaView Server or REM on the MAG node that there are no active Rhino alarms. Refer to the Troubleshooting pages if any alarms are active.

Active components

Check using REM on the MAG node that various MMT GSM components are active.

Check REM Page Expected Result

Check SLEE is running

Monitoring tab → Cluster NodesState

The SLEE should be in the Running state.

Check Sentinel VoLTE SLEE services are active

Monitoring tab → Services

  • sentinel.registrar, sentinel.volte.sip and sentinel.volte.ss7 should be active.

  • IM-SSF should be active if CAP charging is configured.

Check Sentinel VoLTE Resource Adaptors are active

Monitoring tab → Resource Adaptor Entities

  • cassandra-general, cassandra-third-party-reg, cginra, diameter-sentinel-internal, http, reorigination-correlation-ra, sentinel-management, sh-cache-microservice-ra, sip-sis-ra, sipra and uid should be active.

  • cdr should be active if session or interim CDRs are enabled.

  • diameterro-0 should be active if Diameter Ro is enabled.

  • imssf-cdr should be active if CAP charging is configured and session CDRs are enabled.

  • imssf_management should be active if CAP charging is configured.

  • rf-control-ra should be active if Diameter Rf is enabled.

  • sis-in should be active if any features querying the HLR are enabled.

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Rhino VoLTE TAS VMs Version 4.2