RVT service groups


Note that whilst SDFs include all VNFCs in the deployment, this section only covers the Rhino VoLTE TAS VMs (TSN, ShCM, MAG, MMT CDMA, and SMO).

Define one service group for each RVT node type (tsn, shcm, mag, mmt-cdma, or smo).

Networks for RVT service groups

Product options for RVT service groups

The following is a list of RVT-specific product options in the SDF. All listed product options must be included in a product-options:<node type> section, for example:

  • cds-addresses : Required by all node types. This element lists all the CDS addresses. Must be set to all the signaling IPs of the TSN nodes.

  • secrets-private-key : Required by all node types. Contains the private key to encrypt/decrypt passwords generated for configuration. The rvtconfig tool should be used to generate this key. More details can be found in the rvtconfig page. The same key must be used for all VMs in a deployment

  • ims-domain-name : Required by MMT, SMO, MAG, and ShCM nodes. The IMS SRV domain name, for example mnc001.mcc001.3gppnetwork.org.

  • mmt-vnf : Required by MMT nodes. Host part of the FQDN of the MMT virtual network function, e.g. the mmt in mmt.mnc001.mcc001.3gppnetwork.org. The full FQDN consists of the mmt-vnf and ims-domain-name, This will correspond to an SRV record which resolves to the MMT nodes providing the function to the site.

  • atu-sti-hostname : Required by MMT nodes. The Access Transfer Update - Session Transfer Identifier (ATU-STI) hostname. See Access transfer in the Configuration and Management Guide for more details.

  • smo-vnf : Required by SMO node. Host part of the FQDN of the SMO virtual network function, e.g. the smo in smo.mnc001.mcc001.3gppnetwork.org. The full FQDN consists of the smo-vnf and ims-domain-name, and corresponds to an SRV record which resolves to the SMO nodes providing the function to the site.

  • shcm-vnf : Required by MMT, SMO, MAG, and ShCM nodes. Host part of the FQDN of the Sh Cache Microservice virtual network function, e.g. the shcm in shcm.mnc001.mcc001.3gppnetwork.org. The full FQDN consists of the shcm-vnf and ims-domain-name, and will correspond to an SRV record which resolves to the ShCM nodes providing the microservice to the site.

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Rhino VoLTE TAS VMs Version 4.0.0