get or set the assisting dialog application context override for a service,
…use the following sis-console
commands, Ant task, or related MBean operations:
This is a SIS feature for IN only. |
This option provides the same function and capability as that described in Getting and Setting the Service Application Context Override except that it applies to assisting dialogs used for user interaction. |
Console commands
Command |
getinassistingdialogapplicationcontext <ra-entity> <name> Get IN application context that the service will be invoked with for assisting dialogs |
Example |
To get the assisting dialog application context override for a service with reference name $ ./sis-console getinassistingdialogapplicationcontext sis VPN IN assisting dialog application context for service reference VPN is cap_v2:cap-v2-assist-gsmSSF-to-gsmSCF-AC |
Command |
setinassistingdialogapplicationcontext <ra-entity> <name> <app-context> Set IN application context that the service will be invoked with for assisting dialogs. Use - to clear an existing setting The list of supported application context names that can be used by this command is obtainable using the |
Example |
To set the assisting dialog application context override for a service with reference name $ ./sis-console setinassistingdialogapplicationcontext sis VPN cap_v3:capssf-scfAssistHandoffAC Set IN assisting dialog application context for service reference VPN to cap_v3:capssf-scfAssistHandoffAC To remove an existing assisting dialog application context override for the same service: $ ./sis-console setinassistingdialogapplicationcontext sis VPN - Cleared IN assisting dialog application context for service reference VPN |
Command |
listsupportedapplicationcontexts <ra-entity> List the set of supported application contexts that a service can be invoked with |
Example |
To list the application contexts supported by the SIS instance named $ ./sis-console listsupportedapplicationcontexts sis The following application contexts are supported: cap_v1:cap-v1-gsmSSF-to-gsmSCF-AC cap_v2:cap-v2-assist-gsmSSF-to-gsmSCF-AC cap_v2:cap-v2-gsmSRF-to-gsmSCF-AC cap_v2:cap-v2-gsmSSF-to-gsmSCF-AC cap_v3:cap3-sms-AC cap_v3:capssf-scfAssistHandoffAC cap_v3:capssf-scfGenericAC cap_v3:gsmSRF-gsmSCF-ac cap_v4:cap4-sms-AC cap_v4:capssf-scfAssistHandoffAC cap_v4:capssf-scfGenericAC cap_v4:gsmSRF-gsmSCF-ac etsi_inap_cs1:core-INAP-CS1-IP-to-SCP-AC etsi_inap_cs1:core-INAP-CS1-SCP-to-SSP-AC etsi_inap_cs1:core-INAP-CS1-SSP-to-SCP-AC etsi_inap_cs1:core-INAP-CS1-assist-handoff-SSP-to-SCP-AC |
Ant task
Task |
<updateserviceref name="..." inAssistingDialogApplicationContext="..."/> |
Example |
<sis-management> <updateserviceref name="VPN" inAssistingDialogApplicationContext="cap_v3:capssf-scfGenericAC"/> </sis-management> |
MBean operations
MBean |
Operation |
public String getINAssistingDialogApplicationContext(ServiceRefID serviceRefID) throws NullPointerException, UnrecognizedComponentException, ManagementException; |
Operation |
public void setINAssistingDialogApplicationContext(ServiceRefID serviceRefID, String appContextName) throws NullPointerException, UnrecognizedComponentException, InvalidArgumentException, ManagementException; |
Operation |
public String[] getSupportedApplicationContexts() throws ManagementException; |