To replace an existing extension reference with a reference to a new JAIN SLEE service, use the following sis-console command, Ant task, or related MBean operation:

Console command



replaceextensionref <ra-entity> <name> <service-id>
    Replace an extension reference with a binding to a SLEE service
Warning If the named extension reference does not exist, this command will fail. It is not possible to change the type of extension referenced (SCS or INTERCEPTOR) using this command.


To replace an existing extension reference called External DB Selector in the SIS instance named sis with a reference to a SLEE service with identifier ServiceID[name=External DB Selector Service,vendor=OpenCloud,version=2.0]:

$ ./sis-console replaceextensionref sis "External DB Selector" "name=External DB Selector Service,vendor=OpenCloud,version=2.0"
Replaced extension reference External DB Selector with reference to SLEE service ServiceID[name=External DB Selector Service,vendor=OpenCloud,version=2.0]

Ant task



<replaceextensionref name="..." type="service">
    <service name="..." vendor="..." version="..."/>


To replace an extension reference called External DB Selector with a new reference to a SLEE service with identifier ServiceID[name=External DB Selector,vendor=OpenCloud,version=2.0]:

    <replaceextensionref name="External DB Selector" type="service">
        <service name="External DB Selector Service" vendor="OpenCloud" version="2.0"/>

MBean operation




To replace a service reference with a new reference to a local JAIN SLEE service:

public void replaceExtensionRef(ExtensionRefID extensionRefID, ServiceID serviceID)
    throws NullPointerException, UnrecognizedComponentException,
DeploymentException, ManagementException;
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SIS Version 2.5.4