The SIS exporter tool sis-export exports the state of a SIS instance as an Ant script. The script, when executed with Ant, invokes a series of management commands to restore the state of that SIS instance into Rhino.

Warning The SIS exporter is not a standalone tool for generating an export image of a SIS instance in a Rhino SLEE. sis-export only exports the configuration state of a SIS instance, under the assumption that when the export script is run the SIS will have already been installed into Rhino and the SIS instance being configured recreated.

Below are details of what sis-export exports, instructions for using sis-export, a sample export, and list of files exported.

What does the SIS exporter export?

Below are listings of what sis-export does and does not export.

The SIS exporter exports from a SIS instance: The SIS exporter does not export:
  • deployable units installed in the SLEE, including:

    • deployable units for SIS and its dependencies

    • deployable units for any extension components or services used by their respective references in the SIS instance

  • profile tables used by the SIS instance

  • resource adaptor configuration properties used to recreate the SIS instance

  • SIS address or service key subscription information

    • subscription information may be too numerous to generate individual management operations for

  • SIS trigger address tracing information.

Tip You can export these items using the rhino-export shell script.

Export instructions

To export a SIS instance, use the sis-export tool in the SIS admin directory.

Warning You cannot run sis-export unless the Rhino SLEE is available and ready to accept management commands, and you include at least two arguments — the name of the SIS instance to export and the directory to write the export image to.

Command-line arguments

You can include the following command-line arguments with sis-export:

$ cd sis/
$ ./sis-export
Valid command line options are:
-h <host>            - The hostname to connect to.
-p <port>            - The port to connect to.
-u <username>        - The user to authenticate as.
-w <password>        - The password used for authentication.
-D                   - Display connection debugging messages.
-l                   - List SIS instances found in the Rhino connected to.
-f                   - Removes the output directory if it exists.
<sis-name>           - The name of the SIS instance to export.
<output-directory>   - The destination directory for the export.

Usually, only the <sis-name> and <output-directory> arguments must be
All other arguments will be read from '' in the Rhino client

Sample SIS export

For example, an export might run as follows:

$ cd sis/
$ ./sis-export sis ../../../sis_export
Connecting to localhost:1199
Export complete

Exported files

The SIS exporter creates:

  • a new sub-directory, such as sis_export (as specified by the command-line parameter)

  • all macro, trigger, composition, and interceptor files that are installed in the SIS instance

  • an Ant script called build.xml, which can be used later to initiate the import process.

For example:

$ cd ../../../sis_export
$ ls

Exported files and directories include:

File or directory Description

The main Ant build file, which gives Ant the information it needs to import all the macros, triggers, compositions, and configuration state of this export directory into the SLEE.

A file with configuration information that includes the location of the SIS directory containing the required Java libraries.


A directory containing the macros installed in the SIS instance.


A directory containing the triggers installed in the SIS instance.


A directory containing the compositions installed in the SIS instance.


A directory containing the interceptors installed in the SIS instance.

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SIS Version 2.5.4