This section includes procedures for managing network routes using the Network Interface Management and Network Route MBeans.

What is a network route?

A network route identifies when a particular network interface will be used when an outbound network dialog is created. It includes:

  • a type, either IN or SIP

  • a rule, used to determine when the network route is selected

  • the name of the network interface selected if the rule is satisfied

  • an ordered position within the routing table.

The SIS evaluates network route rules in position order, starting from position 0, until a rule matches.

A SIS instance should also define a default route. A default route has no rule associated with it and is used if no other rule in the routing table is satisfied. The default route always occupies the last position in the routing table. If a default route is not defined for a SIS instance and an attempt to route a dialog results in no matching rule, a routing failure will occur and the dialog will be deemed unroutable.

Network Interface Management MBean

The Network Interface Management MBean includes operations for performing the following procedures on a SIS instance:

sis-console command(s) MBean(s) → Operation

Procedure: Add a network route

Network Interface Management → addRoute
Network Interface Management → addDefaultRoute
Network Interface Management → removeRoute
Network Interface Management → removeDefaultRoute

Procedure: View network routes

Network Interface Management → getRoutes

Network Route MBean

The Network Route MBean includes operations for performing the following procedures on a SIS instance:

sis-console command(s) MBean(s) → Operation
Network Route → getRule
Network Route → getInterfaceName
Network Route → setRule
Network Route → setInterfaceName
Network Route → getPosition
Network Route → reposition
Network Route → remove
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SIS Version 2.5.4