This page provides a summary of the statistics defined for Sentinel VoLTE features.
General Features
DetermineChargeMode statistics are tracked by the sentinel.volte.sip SBB
and can be found under the following parameter set in REM:
SLEE-Usage → sentinel.volte.sip service → sentinel.volte.sip SBB → feature → DetermineChargeMode
or with rhino-stats:
Name | Description |
Started |
Incremented each time the feature runs |
FailedToStart |
Incremented when a fatal error occurs before feature execution |
IssuedWarning |
Incremented when a non-fatal error occurs during feature execution |
FailedDuringExecution |
Incremented when a fatal error occurs during feature execution |
TimedOut |
Incremented when feature execution does not complete within a reasonable time frame |
MonitorOnly |
Incremented when the feature has set the MonitorCallOnly Session State field to true |
NonMonitorOnly |
Incremented when the feature has set the MonitorCallOnly Session State field to false |
Error |
Incremented when the feature was unable to determine the charge mode |
DetermineInitialLegNames statistics are tracked by the sentinel.volte.sip SBB
and can be found under the following parameter set in REM:
SLEE-Usage → sentinel.volte.sip service → sentinel.volte.sip SBB → feature → DetermineInitialLegNames
or with rhino-stats:
Name | Description |
FeatureStarted |
Incremented each time the feature runs |
FeatureFailedToStart |
Incremented when Sentinel VoLTE encounters an error while attempting to start the feature |
FeatureIssuedWarning |
Incremented when a non-fatal problem is encountered and the feature issues a warning |
FeatureFailedDuringExecution |
Incremented when a fatal problem is encountered and the feature cannot execute correctly |
FeatureTimedOut |
Incremented when the feature takes too long to complete and Sentinel VoLTE aborts execution |
FeatureCallingLegNameSet |
Incremented when calling leg name is found |
FeatureCalledLegNameSet |
Incremented when called leg name is found |
Determine International and Roaming Status
DetermineInternationalAndRoamingStatus statistics are tracked by the volte.sentinel.sip SBB
and can be found under the following parameter set in REM:
SLEE-Usage → volte.sentinel.sip service → volte.sentinel.sip SBB → feature → DetermineInternationalAndRoamingStatus
or with rhino-stats:
Parameter | Type | Description |
Started |
Counter |
Incremented each time the feature runs |
FailedToStart |
Counter |
Incremented when a fatal error occurs before feature execution |
IssuedWarning |
Counter |
Incremented when a non-fatal error occurs during feature execution |
FailedDuringExecution |
Counter |
Incremented when a fatal error occurs during feature execution |
TimedOut |
Counter |
Incremented when feature execution does not complete within a reasonable time frame |
VisitedNetworkHeaderFound |
Counter |
Incremented when the requestURI identity is in RegistrationRecords list of public identities. |
AccessNetworkMccFound |
Counter |
Incremented when the mobile-Country-Code is found in the P-Access-Network-Info header. |
DeterminedInternationalUsingAccessNetworkMcc |
Counter |
Incremented when the MCC prefix address list is used to determine whether the call is international. |
DeterminedInternationalUsingVisitedNetworkId |
Counter |
Incremented when the visited-network-id prefix address list is used to determine whether the call is international. |
DeterminedInternationalUsingIsoCC |
Counter |
Incremented when ISO country codes are used to determine whether the call is international. |
CouldNotGetPVisitedNetworkID |
Counter |
Incremented when no visited network ID information could be found. |
HomeNetworkIdSetForNetworkOperatorIsEmpty |
Counter |
Incremented when the Sentinel SIP configuration for the network operator has an empty |
InternationalRoaming |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature determines that the served user is roaming in a foreign country. |
NationalRoaming |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature determines that the served user is roaming in their home country. |
NotRoaming |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature determines that the served user is on their home network. |
UnknownRoaming |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature is unable to determine the served user’s roaming status. |
AddressNotMinimumLength |
Counter |
Incremented when destination address is less than the configured minimum length |
AddressOnSkipList |
Counter |
Incremented when destination address matches an entry in the |
StatusDeterminedFromHeader |
Counter |
Incremented when the roaming status is determined from a OC-Roaming-Status header on the incoming request. |
NoActionRequired |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature determines that it does not need to do anything for the current invocation. |
DetermineVoltePlanId statistics are tracked by the sentinel.volte.sip SBB
and can be found under the following parameter set in REM:
SLEE-Usage → sentinel.volte.sip service → sentinel.volte.sip SBB → feature → DetermineVoltePlanId
or with rhino-stats:
Name | Type | Description |
Started |
Counter |
Incremented each time the feature runs |
FailedToStart |
Counter |
Incremented when a fatal error occurs before feature execution |
IssuedWarning |
Counter |
Incremented when a non-fatal error occurs during feature execution |
FailedDuringExecution |
Counter |
Incremented when a fatal error occurs during feature execution |
TimedOut |
Counter |
Incremented when feature execution does not complete within a reasonable time frame |
NoPlanSelected |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature fails to select an appropriate plan ID |
MmtelOriginatingPlanSelected |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature selects the plan ID as “mmtel-orig” |
MmtelTerminatingPlanSelected |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature selects the plan ID as “mmtel-term” |
MmtelConferencingPlanSelected |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature selects the plan ID as “mmtel-conf” |
SccOriginatingPlanSelected |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature selects the plan ID as “scc-orig” |
SccTerminatingPlanSelected |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature selects the plan ID as “scc-term” |
SccTerminatingTadsOnlyPlanSelected |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature selects the plan ID as “scc-term-tads” |
SccTerminatingAnchorOnlyPlanSelected |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature selects the plan ID as “scc-term-anchor” |
SccReoriginationPlanSelected |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature selects the plan ID as “scc-reorigination” |
SccAccessTransferPlanSelected |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature selects the plan ID as “scc-access-transfer” |
ConferenceConfigurationNotFound |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature is unable to find a valid conference PSI from configuration profiles |
PlanIDAlreadySet |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature detects that a plan ID has already been selected |
IMSIDLookup statistics are tracked by the IMSIDLookup SBB and can be found under the following parameter set:
SLEE-Usage ▶ sentinel.volte.sip service ID ▶ IMSIDLookup SBB ID.
Name | Type | Description |
Invoked |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature runs. |
FeatureError |
Counter |
Incremented when a fatal error occurs during feature execution. |
NoSubscriberSpecified |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature is unable to determine which subscriber to retrieve IDs for. |
IMSIDRetrieveSuccess |
Counter |
Incremented when IDs are successfully retrieved and decoded. |
IMSIDRetrieveFail |
Counter |
Incremented when ID retrieval or decoding fails. |
CacheQueried |
Counter |
Incremented when a query is made to the Sh Cache Microservice. |
CacheIndicatedQuerySuccess |
Counter |
Incremented when a success response is received from the Sh Cache Microservice. |
CacheIndicatedQueryFailure |
Counter |
Incremented when a failure response is received from the Sh Cache Microservice. |
SubscriberNotRegistered |
Counter |
Incremented when the searched subscriber is not present in the Sh Cache Microservice or has no valid registration. |
RegistrationOutOfSync |
Counter |
Incremented when the searched subscriber information is not consistent between the network and the Sh Cache Microservice. |
ResponseLatency |
Sampled |
Records elapsed time between requesting data from the Sh Cache Microservice and getting a response (in milliseconds). |
IMSIDLookupFromCassandraSIP statistics are tracked by the IMSIDLookupFromCassandraSIP feature and can be found under the following parameter set:
SLEE-Usage ▶ sentinel.volte.sip service ID ▶ sentinel.volte.sip SBB ID ▶ IMSIDLookupFromCassandraSIP.
Name | Type | Description |
Started |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature runs. |
FailedToStart |
Counter |
Incremented when Sentinel VoLTE encounters an error while attempting to start the feature. |
IssuedWarning |
Counter |
Incremented when a non-fatal problem is encountered and the feature issues a warning. |
FailedDuringExecution |
Counter |
Incremented when a fatal problem is encountered and the feature cannot execute correctly. |
FeatureError |
Counter |
Incremented when a feature error occurs. |
TimedOut |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature takes too long to complete and Sentinel VoLTE aborts execution. |
NoSubscriberSpecified |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature is unable to determine which subscriber to retrieve IDs for. |
IMSIDRetrieveSuccess |
Counter |
Incremented when IDs are successfully retrieved and decoded. |
IMSIDRetrieveFail |
Counter |
Incremented when ID retrieval or decoding fails. |
CassandraQueried |
Counter |
Incremented when a query is made to Cassandra. |
MultipleDevicesRegistered |
Counter |
Incremented when multiple registered devices have been detected. |
SubscriberNotRegistered |
Counter |
Incremented when could not find an active subscriber. |
RegistrationOutOfSync |
Counter |
Incremented when the searched subscriber information is not consistent between the network and the database. |
ResponseLatency |
Sampled |
Records elapsed time between querying the Cassandra database and getting a response (in milliseconds). |
IMSIDLookupFromCassandraIN statistics are tracked by the IMSIDLookupFromCassandraIN feature and can be found under the following parameter sets:
SLEE-Usage ▶ sentinel.volte.ss7 service ID ▶ sentinel.volte.ss7 SBB ID ▶ IMSIDLookupFromCassandraIN feature.
Name | Type | Description |
Started |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature runs. |
FailedToStart |
Counter |
Incremented when Sentinel VoLTE encounters an error while attempting to start the feature. |
IssuedWarning |
Counter |
Incremented when a non-fatal problem is encountered and the feature issues a warning. |
FailedDuringExecution |
Counter |
Incremented when a fatal problem is encountered and the feature cannot execute correctly. |
TimedOut |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature takes too long to complete and Sentinel VoLTE aborts execution. |
SLEE-Usage ▶ sentinel.volte.ss7 service ID ▶ volte.sentinel.volte-imsid-lookup-cassandra-ss7-feature SBB ID.
Name | Type | Description |
Started |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature runs. |
FailedToStart |
Counter |
Incremented when Sentinel VoLTE encounters an error while attempting to start the feature. |
IssuedWarning |
Counter |
Incremented when a non-fatal problem is encountered and the feature issues a warning. |
FailedDuringExecution |
Counter |
Incremented when a fatal problem is encountered and the feature cannot execute correctly. |
FeatureError |
Counter |
Incremented when a feature error occurs. |
TimedOut |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature takes too long to complete and Sentinel VoLTE aborts execution. |
CassandraQueried |
Counter |
Incremented when Cassandra is queried for a subscriber’s registration. |
NoSubscriberSpecified |
Counter |
Incremented when no subscriber is specified for the query. |
SubscriberNotRegistered |
Counter |
Incremented when the returned subscriber from Cassandra is not registered. |
IMSIDRetrieveFail |
Counter |
Incremented when the Cassandra lookup fails. |
IMSIDRetrieveSuccess |
Counter |
Incremented when the Cassandra lookup succeeds. |
ImsUserStateSourceNotApplicable |
Counter |
Incremented when Sentinel VoLTE is configured to determine the IMS user state from the HSS |
ResponseLatency |
Sampled |
Records elapsed time between querying the Cassandra database and getting a response (in milliseconds). |
IMSUserStateLookupFromHSS statistics are tracked by the IMSUserStateLookupFromHSS feature and can be found under the following parameter sets:
SLEE-Usage ▶ sentinel.volte.ss7 service ID ▶ sentinel.volte.ss7 SBB ID ▶ IMSUserStateLookupFromHSS feature.
Name | Type | Description |
Started |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature runs. |
FailedToStart |
Counter |
Incremented when Sentinel VoLTE encounters an error while attempting to start the feature. |
IssuedWarning |
Counter |
Incremented when a non-fatal problem is encountered and the feature issues a warning. |
FailedDuringExecution |
Counter |
Incremented when a fatal problem is encountered and the feature cannot execute correctly. |
TimedOut |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature takes too long to complete and Sentinel VoLTE aborts execution. |
SLEE-Usage ▶ sentinel.volte.ss7 service ID ▶ volte.sentinel.scc-lookup-ims-user-state-hss-feature SBB ID.
Name | Type | Description |
Started |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature runs. |
FailedToStart |
Counter |
Incremented when Sentinel VoLTE encounters an error while attempting to start the feature. |
IssuedWarning |
Counter |
Incremented when a non-fatal problem is encountered and the feature issues a warning. |
FailedDuringExecution |
Counter |
Incremented when a fatal problem is encountered and the feature cannot execute correctly. |
FeatureError |
Counter |
Incremented when a feature error occurs. |
TimedOut |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature takes too long to complete and Sentinel VoLTE aborts execution. |
SubscriberNotRegistered |
Counter |
Incremented if the subscriber is not registered in the IMS. |
ImsUserStateQueried |
Counter |
Incremented when the ShCM is queried for a subscriber’s IMS user state. |
ImsUserStateRetrieveSuccess |
Counter |
Incremented when the ShCM lookup succeeds. |
ImsUserStateRetrieveFail |
Counter |
Incremented when the ShCM lookup fails. |
ImsUserStateUnknownSubscriber |
Counter |
Incremented when the ShCM lookup fails, as the subscriber in unknown in the IMS. |
ImsUserStateRetrieveSuccessNoData |
Counter |
Incremented when the ShCM lookup succeeds, but no IMS user state data is returned. |
ImsUserStateSourceNotApplicable |
Counter |
Incremented when Sentinel VoLTE is configured to determine the IMS user state from Third Party Registration |
statistics are tracked by the SubscriberDataLookupFromHss2
SBB and can be found under the following parameter set: SLEE-Usage → volte.sentinel.sip service ID → SubscriberDataLookupFromHss2 SBB ID.
Name | Type | Description |
Invoked |
Counter |
Incremented each time the feature runs. |
Failed |
Counter |
Incremented if a fatal error occurs while the feature is running. |
SubscriberDataRetrieved |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature receives subscriber data from the Sh Cache Microservice. |
SessionStatePopulated |
Counter |
Incremented after the feature successfully processes the data it received, and loads it into session state fields. |
AdaptorClassError |
Counter |
Incremented when Adaptor class is not of type SimservsSessionAdaptor or the feature fails to retrieve adaptor class. |
CodecClassError |
Counter |
Incremented when Codec class is not of type ServiceDataCodec or the feature fails to retrieve codec class. |
Misconfigured |
Counter |
Incremented when absent configuration data prevents the feature from running. |
SessionStateNotFound |
Counter |
Incremented when the session state field the feature requires for operation is missing. |
ResponseLatency |
Sampled |
Records elapsed time between sending the request to the HSS and getting a response (in milliseconds). |
statistics are tracked by the sentinel.volte.sip
SBB and can be found under the following parameter set:
SLEE-Usage → sentinel.volte.sip service ID → sentinel.volte.sip SBB ID → feature.VolteNetworkKPI
Name | Type | Description |
kPISccOrigOnNetAttempts |
counter |
Incremented on every 'onNet' SCCOrig call. |
kPISccOrigOnNetSuccess |
counter |
Incremented on 'success' 'onNet' SCCOrig call. |
kPISccOrigUnknownAttempts |
counter |
Incremented on every 'unknown' SCCOrig call. |
kPISccOrigUnknownSuccess |
counter |
Incremented on 'success' 'unknown' SCCOrig call. |
kPIMmtelTermOnNetAttempts |
counter |
Incremented on every 'onNet' MMTelTerm call. |
kPIMmtelTermOnNetSuccess |
counter |
Incremented on a 'success' 'onNet' MMTelTerm call. |
kPIMmtelTermUnknownAttempts |
counter |
Incremented on every 'unknown' MMTelTerm call. |
kPIMmtelTermUnknownSuccess |
counter |
Incremented on every 'unknown' 'success' MMTelTerm call. |
postDialDelayMMTelOrig0to500ms |
counter |
Incremented if the delay ⇐ 500 ms. |
postDialDelayMMTelOrig501to1000ms |
counter |
Incremented if the delay > 500 ms and ⇐ 1000 ms. |
postDialDelayMMTelOrig1001to1500ms |
counter |
Incremented if the delay > 1000 ms and ⇐ 1500 ms. |
postDialDelayMMTelOrig1501to2000ms |
counter |
Incremented if the delay > 1500 ms and ⇐ 2000 ms. |
postDialDelayMMTelOrig2001to2500ms |
counter |
Incremented if the delay > 2000 ms and ⇐ 2500 ms. |
postDialDelayMMTelOrig2501to3000ms |
counter |
Incremented if the delay > 2500 ms and ⇐ 3000 ms. |
postDialDelayMMTelOrigOver3000ms |
counter |
Incremented if the delay > 3000 |
postDialDelayMMTelTerm0to500ms |
counter |
Incremented if the delay ⇐ 500 ms. |
postDialDelayMMTelTerm501to1000ms |
counter |
Incremented if the delay > 500 ms and ⇐ 1000 ms. |
postDialDelayMMTelTerm1001to1500ms |
counter |
Incremented if the delay > 1000 ms and ⇐ 1500 ms. |
postDialDelayMMTelTerm1501to2000ms |
counter |
Incremented if the delay > 1500 ms and ⇐ 2000 ms. |
postDialDelayMMTelTerm2001to2500ms |
counter |
Incremented if the delay > 2000 ms and ⇐ 2500 ms. |
postDialDelayMMTelTerm2501to3000ms |
counter |
Incremented if the delay > 2500 ms and ⇐ 3000 ms. |
postDialDelayMMTelTermOver3000ms |
counter |
Incremented if the delay > 3000 |
postDialDelaySCCOrig0to500ms |
counter |
Incremented if the delay ⇐ 500 ms. |
postDialDelaySCCOrig501to1000ms |
counter |
Incremented if the delay > 500 ms and ⇐ 1000 ms. |
postDialDelaySCCOrig1001to1500ms |
counter |
Incremented if the delay > 1000 ms and ⇐ 1500 ms. |
postDialDelaySCCOrig1501to2000ms |
counter |
Incremented if the delay > 1500 ms and ⇐ 2000 ms. |
postDialDelaySCCOrig2001to2500ms |
counter |
Incremented if the delay > 2000 ms and ⇐ 2500 ms. |
postDialDelaySCCOrig2501to3000ms |
counter |
Incremented if the delay > 2500 ms and ⇐ 3000 ms. |
postDialDelaySCCOrigOver3000ms |
counter |
Incremented if the delay > 3000 |
postDialDelaySCCTerm0to500ms |
counter |
Incremented if the delay ⇐ 500 ms. |
postDialDelaySCCTerm501to1000ms |
counter |
Incremented if the delay > 500 ms and ⇐ 1000 ms. |
postDialDelaySCCTerm1001to1500ms |
counter |
Incremented if the delay > 1000 ms and ⇐ 1500 ms. |
postDialDelaySCCTerm1501to2000ms |
counter |
Incremented if the delay > 1500 ms and ⇐ 2000 ms. |
postDialDelaySCCTerm2001to2500ms |
counter |
Incremented if the delay > 2000 ms and ⇐ 2500 ms. |
postDialDelaySCCTerm2501to3000ms |
counter |
Incremented if the delay > 2500 ms and ⇐ 3000 ms. |
postDialDelaySCCTermOver3000ms |
counter |
Incremented if the delay > 3000 |
MMTel Features
MMTel Conference
MMTelCONF statistics are tracked by the MMTelCONF SBB and can be found under the following parameter set:
SLEE-Usage → volte.sentinel.sip service ID → MMTelCONF SBB ID.
Statistic | Incremented when... |
FeatureInvocations |
the conference feature runs |
FeatureFsmCompletions |
the main conference FSM reaches its end state |
SentinelAborts |
Sentinel VoLTE instructs the conference feature to abort execution |
SipParseMinorFailure |
a non-fatal error occurs while attempting to read the information in a SIP message |
SipDataAccessFailure |
a problem occurs while trying to access a SIP leg or message |
SipParticipantSentByeOnActiveConnection |
a |
SipParticipantSentByeOnInactiveConnection |
a |
SipMRFSentByeOnActiveConnection |
a |
SipMRFSentByeOnInactiveConnection |
a |
ConferenceFeatureConfigurationFailure |
a problem occurs while trying to load the conference feature’s network-level configuration data |
ConferenceCoreError |
a fatal error occurs in the core conference feature FSM |
ConferenceConnectionError |
a fatal error occurs in the conference feature’s non-control connection management FSM |
ConferenceConnectionEstablished |
a non-control connection is successfully established between a conference participant and the MRF |
ConferenceConnectionMRFLegCreated |
a non-control leg to the MRF is successfully established |
ConferenceConnectionTerminated |
a fully established non-control conference connection is terminated |
ConferenceConnectionCreditCheckInitiated |
the conference feature triggers a credit check |
ConferenceConnectionParticipantSupportsVideo |
a participant has indicated that they support video in an SDP answer |
ConferenceControlConnectionError |
a fatal error occurs in the conference feature’s control connection management FSM |
ConferenceControlConnectionEstablished |
a control connection is successfully established between a conference moderator and the MRF. |
ConferenceControlConnectionTerminated |
a fully established conference control connection is terminated. |
ConferenceControlConnectionReceivedMalformedMessage |
a badly formed REFER request is received from the conference moderator. |
ConferenceControlConnectionQueuedNotify |
a NOTIFY is queued on the control connection |
ConferenceControlConnectionSentNotify |
a NOTIFY is sent to the conference moderator |
FromHeaderAnonymised |
the moderator has indicated they want privacy applied to the outgoing INVITE |
ConferenceMediaVideoSelected |
the moderator sets the conference up as a video session |
ConferenceMediaServerIsAccessedViaSCSCF |
the feature makes a call to the MRF via the S-CSCF |
MMTelCDIV statistics are tracked by the volte.sentinel.sip SBB
and can be found under the following parameter set in REM:
SLEE-Usage → volte.sentinel.sip service → volte.sentinel.sip SBB → feature → MMTelCDIV
or with rhino-stats:
Statistic | Incremented when… |
Started |
the feature runs |
FailedToStart |
Sentinel VoLTE encounters an error while attempting to start the feature |
IssuedWarning |
a non-fatal problem is encountered and the feature issues a warning |
FailedDuringExecution |
a fatal problem is encountered and the feature cannot execute correctly |
TimedOut |
the feature takes too long to complete and Sentinel VoLTE aborts execution |
Misconfigured |
the feature configuration could not be loaded |
ProcessingSipResponse |
the feature is triggered on a SIP response |
ProcessingSipRequest |
the feature is triggered on a SIP request |
ProcessingChargingEvent |
the feature is triggered on a OCS event |
LegManagerError |
a problem occurs while trying to access data from the SIP leg manager |
ErrorProcessingSipRequest |
a problem occurs while trying to read or modify to a SIP request |
ErrorProcessingSipResponse |
a problem occurs while trying to read or modify to a SIP response |
DiversionLoopDetected |
diversion is aborted due to a diversion loop being detected |
DiversionLimitExceeded |
diversion is aborted due to the diversion limit being hit |
CancelledInviteRequest |
the CDIV feature cancels an |
ErrorCancellingInviteRequest |
a problem occurs while attempting to cancel an |
ReleasedDownstreamLeg |
caller is being diverted to voicemail |
TerminatedByResponse |
CDIV is aborted by sending an error response on the originating leg |
TerminatedByRetargeting |
CDIV is aborted by attempting to divert to a fixed final destination |
ErrorTerminatingByRetargeting |
diversion fails while trying to terminate by re-targeting |
NoReplyTimerSet |
the feature sets a timer for CFNR |
NoReplyTimerCancelled |
the feature cancels a timer for CFNR |
NoReplyTimerFired |
the feature is triggered by a CFNR timer expiring |
TimerSuppressedByResponseFromCSDomain |
timer is suppressed when parallel fork is done and the CS domain answers first |
CDIVSuppressedByResponseFromCSDomain |
CDIV service is suppressed when parallel fork is done and the CS domain answers first |
CallerNotifiedOfDiversion |
the feature notify the caller the session is being diverted |
FailedToNotifyCallerOfDiversion |
the feature fails to notify the caller the session is being diverted |
CFUSucceeded |
unconditional call forwarding is successfully executed |
CFUFailed |
a fatal problem occurs while trying to execute unconditional call forwarding |
CFNLSucceeded |
call forwarding due to the target user not being logged into IMS is successfully executed |
CFNLFailed |
a fatal problem occurs while trying to execute call forwarding due to the target user not being logged into IMS |
CFNRSucceeded |
call forwarding due to the target user not replying is successfully executed |
CFNRFailed |
a fatal problem occurs while trying to execute call forwarding due to the target user not replying |
CFBSucceeded |
call forwarding due to the target user being busy is successfully executed |
CFBFailed |
a fatal problem occurs while trying to execute call forwarding due to the target user being busy |
CFNRcSucceeded |
call forwarding due to the target user being unreachable is successfully executed |
CFNRcFailed |
a fatal problem occurs while trying to execute call forwarding due to the target user being unreachable |
CDImmediateSucceeded |
call forwarding due to immediate call deflection is successful. |
CDImmediateFailed |
a fatal problem occurs while trying to execute call forwarding due to immediate call deflection |
CDAlertingSucceeded |
call forwarding due to call deflection during alerting is successful |
CDAlertingFailed |
a fatal problem occurs while trying to execute call forwarding due to call deflection during alerting |
ToHeaderChanged |
'To' header is set to diverted party or served user |
SubscriberCDIVAttempted |
call forwarding due to subscriber rules was attempted, either succesfully or unsuccesfully |
OperatorCDIVAttempted |
call forwarding due to operator rules was attempted, either succesfully or unsuccesfully |
DivertingCallToVoicemail |
call is being forwarded to voicemail |
ExecutingDefaultForwardToVoicemail |
call is being re-targeted to voicemail |
ErrorExecutingDefaultForwardToVoicemail |
a fatal problem occured while re-targeting to voicemail |
DefaultForwardToVoicemailTimerSet |
the default forward to voicemail timer has been started |
DefaultForwardToVoicemailTimerCancelled |
the default forward to voicemail timer has been cancelled |
DefaultForwardToVoicemailTimerFired |
the default forward to voicemail timer has fired, call will be diverted to voicemail |
MMTelCW statistics are tracked by the sentinel.volte.sip SBB
and can be found under the following parameter set in REM:
SLEE-Usage → sentinel.volte.sip service → sentinel.volte.sip SBB → feature → MMTelCW
or with rhino-stats:
Statistic | Incremented when… |
Started |
the feature runs |
FailedToStart |
Sentinel VoLTE encounters an error while attempting to start the feature |
IssuedWarning |
a non-fatal problem is encountered and the feature issues a warning |
FailedDuringExecution |
a fatal problem is encountered and the feature cannot execute correctly |
TimedOut |
the feature takes too long to complete and Sentinel VoLTE aborts execution |
Misconfigured |
a fatal error if the feature configuration can not be loaded |
TimerError |
there is an error while trying to set a timer |
TimerCancelled |
a timer is cancelled by the feature |
TimerSet |
a timer is set by the feature |
ProcessingResponse |
the feature is invoked on receiving a SIP response |
ProcessingTimerEvent |
the feature is invoked on a timer firing |
OutgoingMessageContentChanged |
the feature changes the contents of an outgoing SIP message |
ReattemptedCallSetup |
the feature requests that call set up be reattempted |
Triggered180AUDUBResponse |
the feature requests a 180 response be sent back to the original caller, indicating call waiting service |
PlayAnnouncementTriggered |
the feature triggers an announcement to be played |
CancelledInviteRequest |
the feature cancels an outgoing |
FinalResponseChangedTo486 |
the feature changes a SIP response status code to |
FinalResponseChangedTo480 |
the feature changes a SIP response status code to |
FallbackToNetworkDefaultServiceConfig |
incremented when the feature uses the network default service configuration as the session state does not contain the feature specific subscriber service data. |
MMTelHold statistics are tracked by the sentinel.volte.sip SBB
and can be found under the following parameter set in REM:
SLEE-Usage → sentinel.volte.sip service → sentinel.volte.sip SBB → feature → MMTelHold
or with rhino-stats:
Statistic | Incremented when… |
Started |
the feature runs |
FailedToStart |
Sentinel VoLTE encounters an error while attempting to start the feature |
IssuedWarning |
a non-fatal problem is encountered and the feature issues a warning |
FailedDuringExecution |
a fatal problem is encountered and the feature cannot execute correctly |
TimedOut |
the feature takes too long to complete and Sentinel VoLTE aborts execution |
ProcessingRequest |
the feature is invoked on receiving a SIP request |
ProcessingResponse |
the feature is invoked on receiving a SIP response |
SipDataAccessError |
an error occurs while trying to access a SIP leg or message |
SipMessageSDPUpdated |
the feature changes the SDP content in a SIP message |
ReceivedHoldRequest |
the feature determines that an incoming message is a hold request |
ReceivedResumeRequest |
the feature determines that an incoming message is a resume request |
SessionBandwidthAdjusted |
any bandwidth information is adjusted in an SDP body |
MediaStreamBandwidthAdjusted |
bandwidth information is adjusted on a SDP media stream description |
MissingDataWarningTriggered |
an operation on SDP data fails due to the data being unavailable |
ReceivedMalformedMessage |
the feature determines that an incoming message is mal formed |
PlayAnnouncementTriggered |
the feature determines triggers the play announcement |
MMTelICB statistics are tracked by the sentinel.volte.sip SBB
and can be found under the following parameter set in REM:
SLEE-Usage → sentinel.volte.sip service → sentinel.volte.sip SBB → feature → MMTelICB
or with rhino-stats:
Statistic | Type | Incremented when… |
Started |
Counter |
the feature runs |
FailedToStart |
Counter |
Sentinel VoLTE encounters an error while attempting to start the feature |
IssuedWarning |
Counter |
a non-fatal problem is encountered and the feature issues a warning |
FailedDuringExecution |
Counter |
a fatal problem is encountered and the feature cannot execute correctly |
TimedOut |
Counter |
the feature takes too long to complete and Sentinel VoLTE aborts execution |
CallBarred |
Counter |
the feature bars a call (including when barring due to ACR) |
CallBarredByOdb |
Counter |
the feature bars a call by Operator Determined Barring rule |
PlayAnnouncementTriggered |
Counter |
the feature requests that an announcement be played to the calling party |
ACRTriggered |
Counter |
a call is barred by ACR |
OdbRulesEvaluatedTrue |
Counter |
a rule was evaluated to be True |
RulesEvaluatedTrue |
Counter |
incremented by the number of rules which evaluated true |
FallbackToNetworkDefaultServiceConfig |
Counter |
incremented when the feature uses the network default service configuration as the session state does not contain the feature specific subscriber service data. |
MMTelOCB statistics are tracked by the sentinel.volte.sip SBB
and can be found under the following parameter set in REM:
SLEE-Usage → sentinel.volte.sip service → sentinel.volte.sip SBB → feature → MMTelOCB
or with rhino-stats:
Statistic | Type | Description |
Started |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature is invoked. |
FailedToStart |
Counter |
Incremented when Sentinel VoLTE encounters an error while attempting to start the feature. |
IssuedWarning |
Counter |
Incremented when a non-fatal problem is encountered and the feature issues a warning. |
FailedDuringExecution |
Counter |
Incremented when a fatal problem is encountered and the feature cannot execute correctly. |
TimedOut |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature takes too long to complete and Sentinel VoLTE aborts execution. |
CallBarred |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature bars a call. |
CallExplicitlyAllowed |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature finds a rule that explicitly allows the call to go through, thus preventing any barring. |
ODBRuleApplied |
Counter |
Incremented when an ODB rule’s conditions were met and its action was executed. |
OCBRuleApplied |
Counter |
Incremented when an OCB rule’s conditions were met and its action was executed. |
PrefixBasedRuleApplied |
Counter |
Incremented when a rule was applied due to prefix barring. Either |
PlayAnnouncementTriggered |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature requests that an announcement be played to the calling party. |
RedirectionRequested |
Counter |
Incremented when an operator specific ODB rule’s conditions were met and it has been configured to redirect the call. |
RedirectionFailed |
Counter |
Incremented when an attempt to redirect the outbound |
RedirectionSuccessful |
Counter |
Incremented when an attempt to redirect the outbound |
OdbSpecificTypeRulesNotFound |
Counter |
Incremented when the subscriber data for the served user indicates that an operator specific ODB rule should be applied, but no configuration could be found for the specified rule. |
ClassifiedNumberByPrefix |
Counter |
Incremented when prefix barring classifies the dialled number as triggering some barring treatment(s). |
FoundMultipleNonConflictingPrefixBarringClassifications |
Counter |
Incremented when prefix barring classifies the dialled number and selects multiple classifications, all with separate treatments. |
FoundConflictingPrefixBarringClassifications |
Counter |
Incremented when prefix barring classifies the dialled number and selects multiple classifications, with some duplicate treatments. Such as
FallbackToNetworkDefaultServiceConfig |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature uses the network default service configuration as the session state does not contain the feature specific subscriber service data. |
MMTelOIP statistics are tracked by the sentinel.volte.sip
SBB and can be found under the following parameter set:
SLEE-Usage → sentinel.volte.sip service → sentinel.volte.sip SBB → feature → MMTelOIP
Name | Type | Description |
Started |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature is triggered. |
FailedToStart |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature fails to start. |
FailedDuringExecution |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature fails while executing. |
IssuedWarning |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature issues a warning. |
TimedOut |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature times out during execution. |
Misconfigured |
Counter |
Incremented when a fatal error if the feature configuration cannot be loaded. |
ReceivedMalformedPrivacyHeader |
Counter |
Incremented when a non-standard ‘Privacy’ header is found in an incoming SIP message. |
FromHeaderAnonymized |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature anonymizes the ‘From’ header in an outgoing SIP request. |
ContactHeaderAnonymized |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature anonymizes the ‘Contact’ header in an outgoing SIP message. |
ReferredByHeaderAnonymized |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature anonymizes the ‘Referred-By’ header in an outgoing SIP message. |
PerformedUserLevelAnonymization |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature applies user-level privacy to an outgoing SIP message. |
PerformedHeaderLevelAnonymization |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature applies header-level privacy to an outgoing SIP message. |
PerformedSessionLevelAnonymization |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature applies session-level privacy to an outgoing SIP message. |
PerformedCustomHeaderAnonymization |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature finds and evaluates custom header privacy rules for a message. |
OverrideCategoryTriggered |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature disregards requested privacy settings on an incoming SIP message (due to the subscriber having override category status). |
CriticalPrivacyCannotBeFulfilled |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature refuses an incoming request due to a |
FallbackToNetworkDefaultServiceConfig |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature uses the network default service configuration as the session state does not contain the feature specific subscriber service data. |
MMTelOIR statistics are tracked by the sentinel.volte.sip SBB and can be found under the following parameter set:
SLEE-Usage → sentinel.volte.sip service → sentinel.volte.sip SBB
Statistic | Increments when... |
Started |
the feature runs |
FailedToStart |
Sentinel VoLTE encounters an error while attempting to start the feature |
IssuedWarning |
a non-fatal problem is encountered and the feature issues a warning |
FailedDuringExecution |
a fatal problem is encountered and the feature cannot execute correctly |
TimedOut |
the feature takes too long to complete and Sentinel VoLTE aborts execution |
Misconfigured |
a fatal error if the feature configuration can not be loaded |
ReceivedMalformedPrivacyHeader |
a non-standard |
FromHeaderAnonymized |
the feature anonymizes the |
PrivacyHeaderChanged |
the feature changes the contents of the |
FallbackToNetworkDefaultServiceConfig |
incremented when the feature uses the network default service configuration as the session state does not contain the feature specific subscriber service data. |
MMTelTIP statistics are tracked by the sentinel.volte.sip SBB
and can be found under the following parameter set in REM:
SLEE-Usage → sentinel.volte.sip service → sentinel.volte.sip SBB → feature → MMTelTIP
or with rhino-stats:
SLEE-Usage → [sentinel.volte.sip service name] → [sentinel.volte.sip SBB name] → .feature.MMTelTIP
Statistic | Incremented when… |
Started |
the feature runs |
FailedToStart |
Sentinel VoLTE encounters an error while attempting to start the feature |
IssuedWarning |
a non-fatal problem is encountered and the feature issues a warning |
FailedDuringExecution |
a fatal problem is encountered and the feature cannot execute correctly |
TimedOut |
the feature takes too long to complete and Sentinel VoLTE aborts execution |
ProcessingResponse |
the feature processes a SIP response |
ProcessingRequest |
the feature processes a SIP request |
OverrideCategoryTriggered |
the feature disregards requested privacy settings on an incoming SIP message (due to the subscriber having override category status) |
FromChangeTagRemoved |
the feature removes the |
PrivacyHeaderChanged |
the feature changes the contents of the |
FallbackToNetworkDefaultServiceConfig |
incremented when the feature uses the network default service configuration as the session state does not contain the feature specific subscriber service data. |
MMTelTIR statistics are tracked by the sentinel.volte.sip SBB
and can be found under the following parameter set in REM:
SLEE-Usage → sentinel.volte.sip service → sentinel.volte.sip SBB → feature → MMTelTIR
or with rhino-stats:
SLEE-Usage → [sentinel.volte.sip service name] → [sentinel.volte.sip SBB name] → .feature.MMTelTIR
Statistic | Incremented when… |
Started |
the feature runs |
FailedToStart |
Sentinel VoLTE encounters an error while attempting to start the feature |
IssuedWarning |
a non-fatal problem is encountered and the feature issues a warning |
FailedDuringExecution |
a fatal problem is encountered and the feature cannot execute correctly |
TimedOut |
the feature takes too long to complete and Sentinel VoLTE aborts execution |
ProcessingResponse |
the feature processes a SIP response |
ProcessingRequest |
the feature processes a SIP request |
FromChangeTagRemoved |
the feature removes the |
ReceivedMalformedPrivacyHeader |
a non-standard |
PrivacyHeaderChanged |
the feature changes the contents of the |
FallbackToNetworkDefaultServiceConfig |
incremented when the feature uses the network default service configuration as the session state does not contain the feature specific subscriber service data. |
MMTelWifiChargingFinalisation statistics are tracked by the sentinel.volte.sip SBB and can be found under the following parameter set:
SLEE-Usage → [sentinel.volte.sip service name] → [sentinel.volte.sip SBB name] → feature.MMTelWifiChargingFinalisation
Statistic | Increments when… |
Started |
The feature is started. |
OCTerminatingDomainHeaderStripped |
An OC-Terminating-Domain header is found on an outgoing message and removed. |
ChargingInstanceFinalised |
A non-finalised reservation charging instance is found and finalised. |
Received2xxForOriginalInvite |
A SIP 2xx response for the initial INVITE is received by the feature. |
TerminatingDomainIsWifi |
The feature determines that terminating access is over WiFi. |
FailedToStart |
Sentinel VoLTE encounters an error while attempting to start the feature. |
IssuedWarning |
A non-fatal problem is encountered and the feature issues a warning. |
FailedDuringExecution |
A fatal problem is encountered and the feature cannot execute correctly. |
TimedOut |
The feature takes too long to complete and Sentinel VoLTE aborts execution. |
MMTelParallelFA statistics are tracked by the sentinel.volte.sip SBB
and can be found under the following parameter set in REM:
SLEE-Usage → sentinel.volte.sip service → sentinel.volte.sip SBB → feature → MMTelParallelFA
or with rhino-stats:
Name | Type | Incremented when … |
Started |
Counter |
each time the feature runs |
FailedDuringExecution |
Counter |
a fatal error occurs while the feature is executing |
FailedToStart |
Counter |
Sentinel VoLTE encounters an error while attempting to start the feature. |
IssuedWarning |
Counter |
a non-fatal problem is encountered and the feature issues a warning. |
TimedOut |
Counter |
the feature takes too long to complete and Sentinel VoLTE aborts execution |
ProcessingRequest |
Counter |
processing a request message. |
ProcessingResponse |
Counter |
processing a response from the downstream forked legs. |
InviteRequestReceived |
Counter |
the original INVITE is received. |
CancelRequestReceived |
Counter |
a CANCEL message is received. |
ProvisionalResponseReceived |
Counter |
a 1xx message is received. |
GroupMemberAlerted |
Counter |
an INVITE request is sent to a group member. |
LegReleased |
Counter |
a dialog leg is released. |
UpstreamForkCreated |
Counter |
the feature creates a new leg towards the calling party. It happens on the provisional responses. |
TriggeredOnResponse |
Counter |
the feature is triggered on a response message. |
TriggeredOnRequest |
Counter |
the feature is triggered on a request message. |
TriggeredOnTimer |
Counter |
the feature is triggered on a timmer. |
TimeoutTimerCancelled |
Counter |
the feature cancel the timer. |
TimeoutTimerSet |
Counter |
the feature sets the timer. The timer is set before the INVITE is sent to the first group member. |
ExitedEarlyNoMembersToAlert |
Counter |
there is just one member in the group and it is the pilot number. |
Received480 |
Counter |
receives a 480 (Temporarily Unavailable) response from a member |
Received486 |
Counter |
receives a 486 (Busy Here) response from a member |
Received408 |
Counter |
receives a 408 (Timeout) response from a member |
Received404 |
Counter |
receives a 404 (Not found) response from a member |
ReceivedSuccess |
Counter |
receives a 200 (OK) response from a member |
RespondedUpstreamWith480 |
Counter |
the feature sends a 480 (Temporarily Unavailable) to the calling party. |
RespondedUpstreamWith486 |
Counter |
the feature sends a 486 (Busy Here) to the calling party. |
RespondedUpstreamWith408 |
Counter |
the feature sends a 408 (Timeout) to the calling party. |
RespondedUpstreamWith404 |
Counter |
the feature sends a 404 (Not found) to the calling party. |
RespondedUpstreamWithSuccess |
Counter |
the feature sends a 200 (OK) to the calling party. |
MMTelSequentialFA statistics are tracked by the sentinel.volte.sip SBB
and can be found under the following parameter set in REM:
SLEE-Usage → sentinel.volte.sip service → sentinel.volte.sip SBB → feature → MMTelSequentialFA
or with rhino-stats:
Name | Type | Incremented when … |
Started |
Counter |
each time the feature runs |
FailedDuringExecution |
Counter |
a fatal error occurs while the feature is executing |
FailedToStart |
Counter |
Sentinel VoLTE encounters an error while attempting to start the feature. |
IssuedWarning |
Counter |
a non-fatal problem is encountered and the feature issues a warning. |
TimedOut |
Counter |
the feature takes too long to complete and Sentinel VoLTE aborts execution |
ProcessingRequest |
Counter |
processing a request message. |
ProcessingResponse |
Counter |
processing a response from a downstream forked leg. |
InviteRequestReceived |
Counter |
the original invite is received. |
CancelRequestReceived |
Counter |
a CANCEL message is received. |
ProvisionalResponseReceived |
Counter |
a 1xx message is received. |
SuccessResponseReceived |
Counter |
a 200 (OK) message is received. |
GroupMemberAlerted |
Counter |
an INVITE message was sent to a group member. |
GroupMemberAddedToQueue |
Counter |
a group member was queued for alerting. |
MemberLegReleased |
Counter |
a dialog leg is released. |
RespondedUpstreamManually |
Counter |
the feature created an upstream response. |
TriggeredOnResponse |
Counter |
the feature is triggered on a response message. |
TriggeredOnRequest |
Counter |
the feature is triggered on a request message. |
TriggeredOnTimer |
Counter |
the feature is triggered on a timer event. |
TriggeredOnLegEndEvent |
Counter |
the feature is triggered on a SIP leg end event. |
AnyResponseTimerSet |
Counter |
the feature set a timer to wait for a response on a downstream leg. |
FinalResponseTimerSet |
Counter |
the feature set a timer to wait for a final response on a downstream leg. |
AnyResponseTimerCancelled |
Counter |
the timer waiting for a response on a downstream leg was cancelled. |
FinalResponseTimerCancelled |
Counter |
the timer waiting for a final response on a downstream leg was cancelled. |
TimerFired |
Counter |
the feature handled a timer event. |
ExitedEarlyNoMembersToAlert |
Counter |
there is just one member in the group and it is the pilot number. |
Name | Increments when … |
Started |
each time the feature runs |
FailedDuringExecution |
a fatal error occurs while the feature is executing |
FailedToStart |
Sentinel VoLTE encounters an error while attempting to start the feature. |
IssuedWarning |
a non-fatal problem is encountered and the feature issues a warning. |
TimedOut |
the feature takes too long to complete and Sentinel VoLTE aborts execution. |
ReferReceivedFromServedUser |
a REFER request has been received from the served user |
ReferSuccessful |
the transferee has responded to a processed REFER request with a 202 Accepted) |
ReferProcessedAndForwarded |
a REFER request has been received from the transferor, appropriately modified and sent to the transferee |
EctInviteReceived |
an INVITE request has been received from the transferor as a result of a previous REFER request |
EctInviteProcessedAndForwarded |
an ECT INVITE request has been received by the transferee, appropriately modified and sent to the transfer-target |
ThirdPartyCallControlProceduresInvoked |
the Third Party Call Control (3pcc) transfer procedures have been invoked |
ThirdPartyCallControlProceduresFailed |
the Third Party Call Control (3pcc) transfer procedures did not result in a successful dialogue between the transferee and transfer-target |
OriginalCallResumed |
the original dialogue between the transferee and the transferor has been resumed if the 3pcc procedures failed |
CassandraInsertSucceeded |
ECT session information has been successfully inserted into the Cassandra DB |
CassandraInsertFailed |
an error occurred attempting to insert ECT session information into the Cassandra DB |
CassandraQuerySucceeded |
ECT session information has been successfully retrieved from the Cassandra DB |
CassandraQueryFailed |
an error occurred attempting to retrieve ECT session information from the Cassandra DB |
DeletedCassandraRow |
REFER request was cancelled by user, and so the Cassandra ECT record was deleted. |
StoppedHandlingAndAllowedB2BUA |
an INVITE request with a Request URI matching the ECT URI pattern was received and forwarded without modification |
TransferSuccessful |
a 200 (OK) was received from the transfer-target as a result of the ECT procedures |
ErrorOccurredDuringExecution |
an error occurred attempting to execute the feature |
NoAnswerTimerFired |
The feature timed-out waiting for an answer from a sent request. |
MMTel Session Transfer features
MMTelBindAci statistics are tracked by the sentinel.volte.sip SBB
and can be found under the following parameter set in REM:
SLEE-Usage → sentinel.volte.sip service → sentinel.volte.sip SBB → feature → MMTelBindAci
or with rhino-stats:
Name | Incremented when… |
Started |
the feature runs |
FailedToStart |
Sentinel VoLTE encounters an error while attempting to start the feature |
IssuedWarning |
a non-fatal problem is encountered and the feature issues a warning |
FailedDuringExecution |
a fatal problem is encountered and the feature cannot execute correctly |
TimedOut |
the feature takes too long to complete and Sentinel VoLTE aborts execution |
BoundAciToImpu |
the ACI is bound to an this is incremented. |
UsedLinkedAciForBinding |
the triggering ACI is not used for binding, i.e the call is not MobileTerminating then the linked ACI is used. |
UsedTriggeringAciForBinding |
the call is a MobileTerminating call the Triggering ACI is used for binding. |
Name | Incremented when… |
Started |
the feature runs |
FailedToStart |
Sentinel VoLTE encounters an error while attempting to start the feature |
IssuedWarning |
a non-fatal problem is encountered and the feature issues a warning |
FailedDuringExecution |
a fatal problem is encountered and the feature cannot execute correctly |
TimedOut |
the feature takes too long to complete and Sentinel VoLTE aborts execution |
StodIsEnabled |
the Stod is enabled for a subscriber |
StodIsNotEnabled |
the Stod is not enabled for a subscriber |
StodEnableSessionTracking |
STOD session tracking is enabled for this session |
StodSessionTrackingDisabled |
STOD session tracking is disabled for this session |
FoundTrackingKey |
A tracking key has been created for this session and added to the set |
Name | Incremented when… |
Started |
the feature runs |
FailedToStart |
Sentinel VoLTE encounters an error while attempting to start the feature |
IssuedWarning |
a non-fatal problem is encountered and the feature issues a warning |
FailedDuringExecution |
a fatal problem is encountered and the feature cannot execute correctly |
TimedOut |
the feature takes too long to complete and Sentinel VoLTE aborts execution |
SentRemoteUpdate |
a re-INVITE is sent to the called party. |
RemoteUpdateSuccess |
re-INVITE was accepted (200 OK). |
RemoteUpdateError |
re-INVITE was not accepted. |
CallAnsweredWith200 |
the (200 OK) from the re-INVITE is sent to the new access leg |
ReleasedOldAccessLeg |
the previous calling leg is released |
LinkedNewAccessLegToRemoteLeg |
the transfer INVITE leg is linked to the existing called party leg |
TerminatedSession |
the session finishes |
AccessTransferComplete |
the session transfer was done successfully |
HandoverRequestReceived |
a session transfer INVITE is received |
StodEnableSessionTracking |
tries to mark the new transfered session to be tracked |
FoundTrackingKey |
the tracking key is set |
StodSessionTrackingDisabled |
when failed to set the new transfered session to be tracked |
MMTelStodTriggerAnchor statistics are tracked by the sentinel.volte.sip SBB
and can be found under the following parameter set in REM:
SLEE-Usage → sentinel.volte.sip service → sentinel.volte.sip SBB → feature → MMTelStodTriggerAnchor
or with rhino-stats:
Name | Incremented when… |
Started |
the feature runs |
FailedToStart |
Sentinel VoLTE encounters an error while attempting to start the feature |
IssuedWarning |
a non-fatal problem is encountered and the feature issues a warning |
FailedDuringExecution |
a fatal problem is encountered and the feature cannot execute correctly |
TimedOut |
the feature takes too long to complete and Sentinel VoLTE aborts execution |
FiredIncomingRequestEvent |
the transfer INVITE is sent to the session to be transfered. |
SCC Features
Service Centralisation Features
statistics are tracked by the sentinel.volte.ss7 SBB and can be found under the following parameter set:
SLEE-Usage → sentinel.volte.ss7 service → sentinel.volte.ss7 SBB → feature → SCCCamelToIMSReOriginationIN
Parameter | Type | Description |
Started |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature starts. |
FailedToStart |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature failed to start due to an error. |
IssuedWarning |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature raised a warning. |
FailedDuringExecution |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature failed due to a major error. |
TimedOut |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature timed out during execution. |
CallReOriginated |
Counter |
Incremented when the call is successfully reoriginated. |
CallReleased |
Counter |
Incremented when reorigination fails and the call is released. |
ReoriginationFailedCallContinued |
Counter |
Incremented when reorigination fails but the call is able to be continued. |
Misconfigured |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature has not been correctly configured. |
IdpVlrNumberPresent |
Counter |
Incremented when the VLR number is found in the incoming |
IdpVlrNumberNotPresent |
Counter |
Incremented when the VLR number is not found in the incoming |
VisitedNetworkIdNotFound |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature is unable to determine the Visited Network ID. |
VisitedNetworkIdFound |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature is able to determine the Visited Network ID based on the VLR address. |
PoolAllocationFailed |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature fails to acquire a correlation ID from the correlation RA. |
PoolAllocationSucceeded |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature acquires a correlation ID from the correlation RA. |
OriginatingIMRNAttempt |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature executes reorigination for an originating call leg. |
TerminatingIMRNAttempt |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature executes reorigination for a terminating call leg. |
ReoriginationBypassed |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature bypasses reorigination for an unregistered subscriber. |
StoringCorrelationDataInCassandra |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature stores call information data in cassandra |
FailedToStoreCorrelationDataInCassandra |
Counter |
Incremented when there is a failure to store call information data in cassandra |
PoolAllocationReleased |
Counter |
Incremented when an allocated correlation ID is released due to any failure |
SCCCamelToIMSReOriginationSIP statistics are tracked by the volte.sentinel.sip SBB and can be found under the following parameter set:
SLEE-Usage → volte.sentinel.sip service → volte.sentinel.sip SBB → feature → SCCCamelToIMSReOriginationSIP
Statistic | Incremented when… |
Complete |
The feature ran to completion |
MultipleHistoryInfoHeadersFound |
Multiple history-info headers found on the |
NoHistoryInfoHeaderFound |
no history-info header found on the |
OneHistoryInfoHeaderFoundAndRemoved |
One history-info header found on the |
HSSLookupFailed |
HSS lookup failed |
HSSLookupSuccess |
HSS lookup succeeded |
HSSLookupSkipped |
HSS lookup was skipped due to SkipHSSLookup feature configuration flag |
CorrelationRaQueried |
Correlation RA was queried for the call information |
CorrelationRaQuerySuccess |
The Correlation RA query succeeded |
CorrelationRaQueryFailure |
The Correlation RA query failed |
IdpVlrNumberPresent |
The VLR number is present in the |
IdpVlrNumberNotPresent |
The VLR number is not present in the |
VisitedNetworkIdFound |
The feature could set the Visited Network Id based on the Location information or on the VLR address |
VisitedNetworkIdNotFound |
The feature could set the Visited Network Id |
IdpCalledPartyNumberPresent |
The |
IdpCalledPartyNumberNotPresent |
The |
SCSCFAddressNotFound |
The SCSCF could not be found in configuration, or retrieved from the HSS |
AccessNetworkInfoFound |
AccessNetworkInfo was found in the original |
AccessNetworkInfoNotFound |
AccessNetworkInfo could not be found in the original |
CallingPartyAndPaiDoNotMatch |
The request is rejected because of a mismatch between calling party and P-Asserted-Identity |
CassandraQueried |
Cassandra is queried for call information related to a correlation ID |
CassandraQueryFailed |
There is a failure to execute a cassandra query |
CassandraQueryResultReceived |
A CassandraQueryResult event is received with the result of the Cassandra query for call information |
CassandraQueryErrorReceived |
A CassandraQueryError event is received due to a failure |
CassandraQueryResultMissingData |
A CassandraQueryResult event is received with no call information associated for a correlation ID |
CassandraQueryResultExpired |
A CassandraQueryResult event is received with call information that has expired |
ReleasingCorrelationIdOnRemoteNode |
A SIP MESSAGE has been sent to a remote SCC-AS node to release a correlation ID |
FailedToReleaseCorrelationIdOnRemoteNode |
There was a failure to release a correlation ID on a remote SCC-AS node by sending a SIP MESSAGE |
ReleasedCorrelationIdUsedOnRemoteNode |
A correlation ID has been released in response to a SIP MESSAGE received from a remote SCC-AS node |
Started |
The feature starts |
FailedToStart |
The feature failed to start due to an error |
IssuedWarning |
The feature raised a warning |
FailedDuringExecution |
The feature failed due to a major error |
TimedOut |
The feature timed out during execution |
Terminating Access Domain Selection Features
SCCTADSDataLookUp statistics are tracked by the SCCTADSDataLookUp SBB and can be found under the following parameter set: SLEE-Usage → volte.sentinel.sip service ID → SCCTADSDataLookUp SBB ID.
Name | Type | Description |
Started |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature is triggered. |
FailedToStart |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature fails to start. |
FailedDuringExecution |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature fails while executing. |
IssuedWarning |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature issues a warning. |
TimedOut |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature times out during execution. |
QueriedShCache |
Counter |
Incremented when the Sh Cache Microservice RA is queried. |
ShCacheDataReceived |
Counter |
Incremented when the Sh Cache Microservice RA returns data from the query. |
FoundValidCSRoute |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature finds a valid route to the CS domain. |
FoundValidPSRoute |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature finds a valid route to the PS domain. |
BlindPSRoutingRequested |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature has set the BlindPSRouting Session State field. |
NoForkDispositionOverrodeRoutingMode |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature does not fork due to disposition header. |
CompanionDeviceOverrodeRoutingMode |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature selects |
TriggeredEndSession |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature rejects an |
ResponseLatency |
Sampled |
Records elapsed time between requesting data from the Sh Cache Microservice RA and getting a response (in milliseconds). |
CompanionDeviceSipInstanceRoutingEnabled |
Counter |
Incremented when enabling companion device sip instance routing override. |
statistics are tracked by the volte.sentinel.sip
SBB and can be found under the following parameter set:
SLEE-Usage → volte.sentinel.sip service ID → volte.sentinel.sip SBB ID → feature.SCCTADSParallelRouting
Name | Description |
Started |
Incremented when the feature is triggered. |
FailedToStart |
Incremented when the feature fails to start. |
FailedDuringExecution |
Incremented when the feature fails while executing. |
IssuedWarning |
Incremented when the feature issues a warning. |
TimedOut |
Incremented when the feature times out during execution. |
TriggeredOnRequest |
Incremented when the feature is triggered on a SIP Request. |
TriggeredOnResponse |
Incremented when the feature is triggered on a SIP Response. |
TriggeredOnTimer |
Incremented when the feature is triggered on the timer firing. |
CSRNNotFound |
Incremented when the CS fork cannot be established because no CSRN can be found. |
MaxWaitTimerSet |
Incremented when the Max Wait Timer is started. |
MaxWaitTimerCancelled |
Incremented when the Max Wait Timer is cancelled. |
UpstreamForkCreated |
Incremented when an upstream forked leg is created to forward a provisional or success response from the CS leg or any secondary PS leg. |
ReceivedProvisionalResponse |
Incremented when a provisional 18x response is received. |
ReceivedFinalResponse |
Incremented when a final response is received for the initial INVITE. |
RouteToCSAttempted |
Incremented when an INVITE is routed down the CS forked leg. |
RouteToPSAttempted |
Incremented when an INVITE is routed down a PS forked leg. |
RouteToCSFailed |
Incremented when the CS leg is torn down without being answered. |
RouteToPSFailed |
Incremented when a PS leg is torn down without being answered. |
AnsweredOnCS |
Incremented when a success response is received on the CS leg. |
AnsweredOnPS |
Incremented when a success response is received on a PS leg. |
TADSTerminatingDomainsNotSet |
Incremented when the feature cannot retrieve the terminating domains for the active routes from session state. |
NoForkAdded |
Incremented when the feature adds the |
NoForkRemoved |
Incremented when the feature removes the |
SCCTADSRouting statistics are tracked by the SCCTADSRouting SBB and can be found under the following parameter set: SLEE-Usage → sentinel.volte.sip service ID → SCCTADSRouting SBB ID.
Name | Description |
Started |
Incremented when the feature is triggered. |
FailedToStart |
Incremented when the feature fails to start. |
FailedDuringExecution |
Incremented when the feature fails while executing. |
IssuedWarning |
Incremented when the feature issues a warning. |
TimedOut |
Incremented when the feature times out during execution. |
RouteToPreferredPS |
Incremented when the feature successfully routes to the first packet route when PS is preferred mode. |
RouteToPreferredCS |
Incremented when the feature successfully routes to the first CSRN when CS is preferred mode. |
RouteToFallbackPS |
Incremented when the feature successfully routes to the first packet route when PS is the fallback mode. |
RouteToFallbackCS |
Incremented when the feature successfully routes to the first CSRN when CS is the fallback mode. |
RouteToSecondaryPS |
Incremented when the feature successfully routes to a subsequent packet route when PS is the preferred or fallback mode. |
RouteToSecondaryCS |
Incremented when the feature successfully routes to a subsequent CSRN when CS is the preferred or fallback mode. |
ErrorResponseMatched |
Incremented when an error response received from a routing attempt triggers a new routing attempt. |
Error18xMatched |
Incremented when the PS call 18x response matches the SDP requirements outlined in 18x Response. |
Received18xResponse |
Incremented when the feature receives a 18x response to the initial |
Received488Response |
Incremented when the feature receives a 488 message from the PS call. |
ReceivedPSToCSFallbackResponseCode |
Incremented when the feature receives a error message from the PS call that is contained in |
TerminatingDomainHeaderSet |
Incremented when the feature adds a terminating domain header to an upstream response |
TADSTimerFired |
Incremented when the Max Wait Timer for a response on a routing attempt is exceeded |
RouteToPreferredPSAnswered |
Incremented when the first packet route is answered and PS is the referred mode. |
RouteToFallbackPSAnswered |
Incremented when the first packet route is answered and PS is the fallback mode. |
RouteToSecondaryPSAnswered |
Incremented when a subsequent packet route answered and PS is the preferred or fallback mode. |
RouteToPreferredCSAnswered |
Incremented when the first CSRN is answered and CS is the referred mode. |
RouteToFallbackCSAnswered |
Incremented when the first CSRN is answered and CS is the fallback mode. |
RouteToSecondaryCSAnswered |
Incremented when a subsequent CSRN is answered and CS is the referred or fallback mode. |
RouteToPreferredPSFailed |
Incremented when the first packet route returns a failed SIP response e.g. >299 and PS is the referred mode. |
RouteToPreferredCSFailed |
Incremented when the first CSRN returns a failed SIP response e.g. >299 and CS is the referred mode. |
RouteToFallbackPSFailed |
Incremented when the first packet route returns a failed SIP response e.g. >299 and PS is the fallback mode. |
RouteToFallbackCSFailed |
Incremented when the first CSRN returns a failed SIP response e.g. >299 and CS is the fallback mode. |
RouteToSubsequentPSFailed |
Incremented when a subsequent packet route returns a failed SIP response e.g. >299 and PS is the preferred or fallback mode. |
RouteToSubsequentCSFailed |
Incremented when a subsequent CSRN returns a failed SIP response e.g. >299 and CS is the preferred or fallback mode. |
SelectedPreferredPS |
Incremented when the first packet route is selected and PS is the preferred mode. |
SelectedPreferredCS |
Incremented when the first CSRN is selected and CS is the preferred mode. |
SelectedFallbackPS |
Incremented when the first packet route is selected and PS is the fallback mode. |
SelectedFallbackCS |
Incremented when the first CSRN is selected and CS is the fallback mode. |
SelectedSecondaryPS |
Incremented when a subsequent packet route is selected and PS is the preferred or fallback mode. |
SelectedSecondaryCS |
Incremented when a subsequent CSRN is selected and CS is the preferred or fallback mode. |
AttemptSuppressCSDomainCallDiversion |
Incremented when a diversion header is added to an outgoing request to the CS domain to suppress CS network call diversion. |
Packet Switched to Circuit Switched Access Transfer features
SCCProcessHandoverInsideAnchor statistics are tracked by the sentinel.volte.sip SBB
and can be found under the following parameter set in REM:
SLEE-Usage → sentinel.volte.sip service → sentinel.volte.sip SBB → feature → SCCProcessHandoverInsideAnchor
or with rhino-stats:
Name | Type | Description |
Started |
Counter |
Incremented each time the feature runs. |
FailedToStart |
Counter |
Incremented when Sentinel VoLTE encounters an error while attempting to start the feature. |
IssuedWarning |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature encounters a non-fatal error while executing. |
FailedDuringExecution |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature encounters a fatal error while executing. |
TimedOut |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature does not finish executing within a reasonable time frame. |
RemoteUpdateRequired |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature determines that a remote update is required. |
RemoteUpdateNotRequired |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature determines that a remote update is not required. |
SentRemoteUpdate |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature sends a remote update to the remote party. |
RemoteUpdateSuccess |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature receives a success response for the remote update request. |
RemoteUpdateError |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature receives a failure response for the remote update request. |
RemoteUpdate491Retry |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature receives a 491 response with an |
CallAnsweredWith200 |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature sends a success response for the handover INVITE on the new access leg. |
ReleasedOldAccessLeg |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature releases the old access leg. |
LinkedNewAccessLegToRemoteLeg |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature links the new access leg to the remote leg. |
AccessTransferAttempted |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature attempts an access transfer. |
TerminatedSession |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature terminates the session due to an error during access transfer. |
AccessTransferComplete |
Counter |
Incremented when the access transfer process is complete, after the ACK is received by the feature on the new access leg. |
TimerStarted |
Counter |
Incremented when the retry timer is started by the feature. |
TimerFired |
Counter |
Incremented when the retry timer fires and triggers the feature. |
TimerCancelled |
Counter |
Incremented when the retry timer is cancelled by the feature. |
MaskedInviteEvent |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature masks delivery of further INVITE events on the new access leg. |
UnmaskedInviteEvent |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature unmasks delivery of further INVITE events on the new access leg. |
FailedToImportNewAccessLeg |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature fails to import the new access leg into the session. |
FailedToDetermineIfRemoteUpdateRequired |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature cannot determine whether a remote update is required. |
LegManagementError |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature fails to link/unlink new and old access legs to/from the remote leg. |
FailedToCreateAnswerForHandoverInvite |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature fails to create a response to a handover INVITE request when a remote update is not required. |
FailedToForwardAnswerForHandoverInvite |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature fails to forward a response to a handover INVITE request after a remote update is completed. |
FailedToSendRemoteUpdate |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature needs to send a remote update request, but cannot do so because of an internal error. |
RemoteUpdateRefused |
Counter |
Incremented when the remote party rejects a remote update request. |
RemotePartyDisconnected |
Counter |
Incremented when the remote party ends the call while a remote update is in progress. |
MediaInterruption0to50ms |
Counter |
Incremented when a re-INVITE to the remote party is accepted 0 to 50ms after being sent. |
MediaInterruption51to100ms |
Counter |
Incremented when a re-INVITE to the remote party is accepted 51 to 100ms after being sent. |
MediaInterruption101to150ms |
Counter |
Incremented when a re-INVITE to the remote party is accepted 101 to 150ms after being sent. |
MediaInterruption151to200ms |
Counter |
Incremented when a re-INVITE to the remote party is accepted 151 to 200ms after being sent. |
MediaInterruption201to250ms |
Counter |
Incremented when a re-INVITE to the remote party is accepted 201 to 250ms after being sent. |
MediaInterruption251to300ms |
Counter |
Incremented when a re-INVITE to the remote party is accepted 251 to 300ms after being sent. |
MediaInterruption301to350ms |
Counter |
Incremented when a re-INVITE to the remote party is accepted 301 to 350ms after being sent. |
MediaInterruption351to400ms |
Counter |
Incremented when a re-INVITE to the remote party is accepted 351 to 4000ms after being sent. |
MediaInterruption401to450ms |
Counter |
Incremented when a re-INVITE to the remote party is accepted 401 to 450ms after being sent. |
MediaInterruption451to500ms |
Counter |
Incremented when a re-INVITE to the remote party is accepted 451 to 500ms after being sent. |
MediaInterruptionMoreThan500ms |
Counter |
Incremented when a re-INVITE to the remote party is accepted more than 500ms after being sent. |
SCCOriginatingPreAnswerSessionTransfer statistics are tracked by the sentinel.volte.sip SBB
and can be found under the following parameter set in REM:
SLEE-Usage → sentinel.volte.sip service → sentinel.volte.sip SBB → feature → SCCOriginatingPreAnswerSessionTransfer
or with rhino-stats:
Parameter | Type | Description |
Started |
Counter |
Incremented each time the feature runs. |
FailedToStart |
Counter |
Incremented when Sentinel VoLTE encounters an error while attempting to start the feature. |
IssuedWarning |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature encounters a non-fatal error while executing. |
FailedDuringExecution |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature encounters a fatal error while executing. |
TimedOut |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature does not finish executing within a reasonable time frame. |
AccessTransferSuccessful |
Counter |
Incremented when the ACK to the 2xx-INVITE due to ATU-STI or STN-SR is received by the feature. |
AccessTransferAborted |
Counter |
Incremented when access transfer procedures are aborted before the transfer is complete. |
AccessTransferAbortedUsingUpdate |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature aborts access transfer procedures while a remote update using a SIP UPDATE request is in progress. |
AccessTransferAbortedUsingPrack |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature aborts access transfer procedures while a remote update using a SIP PRACK request is in progress. |
AccessTransferAbortedUsingInvite |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature aborts access transfer procedures while a remote update using a SIP INVITE request is in progress. |
SentRemoteUpdateUsingUpdate |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature attempts a remote update using an UPDATE message. |
SentRemoteUpdateUsingPrack |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature attempts a remote update using a PRACK message. |
SentRemoteUpdateUsingInvite |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature attempts a remote update using a reINVITE message. |
OrigPreAlertingTransferAttempted |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature attempts an access transfer from a pre-alerting call state. |
OrigPreAlertingTransferSuccessful |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature successfully completes an access transfer from a pre-alerting call state. |
OrigPreAlertingTransferFailed |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature fails to complete an access transfer from a pre-alerting call state. |
OrigAlertingTransferAttempted |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature attempts an access transfer from an alerting call state. |
OrigAlertingTransferSuccessful |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature successfully completes an access transfer from an alerting call state. |
OrigAlertingTransferFailed |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature fails to complete an access transfer from an alerting call state. |
MaskedInviteEvent |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature masks delivery of further INVITE events on the new access leg. |
UnmaskedInviteEvent |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature unmasks delivery of further INVITE events on the new access leg. |
SCCTerminatingPreAnswerSessionTransfer statistics are tracked by the sentinel.volte.sip SBB
and can be found under the following parameter set in REM:
SLEE-Usage → sentinel.volte.sip service → sentinel.volte.sip SBB → feature → SCCTerminatingPreAnswerSessionTransfer
or with rhino-stats:
Parameter | Type | Description |
Started |
Counter |
Incremented each time the feature runs. |
FailedToStart |
Counter |
Incremented when Sentinel VoLTE encounters an error while attempting to start the feature. |
IssuedWarning |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature encounters a non-fatal error while executing. |
FailedDuringExecution |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature encounters a fatal error while executing. |
TimedOut |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature does not finish executing within a reasonable time frame. |
AccessTransferSuccessful |
Counter |
Incremented when the ACK to the 2xx-INVITE due to ATU-STI or STN-SR is received by the feature. |
AccessTransferAborted |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature aborts access transfer procedures before the transfer is complete. |
AbortedDuringRemoteUpdateUsingUpdate |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature aborts access transfer procedures while a remote update using a SIP UPDATE request is in progress. |
AbortedDuringRemoteUpdateUsingInvite |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature aborts access transfer procedures while a remote update using a SIP INVITE request is in progress. |
SentPost405Update183 |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature sends a 183 response to the MSC after a 405 response is received for an UPDATE. |
SentRemoteReInvite |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature attempts a remote update using a reINVITE. |
SentRemoteUpdate |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature attempts a remote update using an UPDATE. |
SentPostUpdate183 |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature sends a 183 response to the MSC following an UPDATE-200 to the originating party. |
SentInfoOnNewAccessLeg |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature sends an INFO to the MSC as part of an Access Transfer. |
SentForked183Response |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature sends a forked 183 response following an UPDATE-200 with different SDP from the access transfer request. |
SentImmediate183 |
Counter |
Incremented when an access transfer does not trigger an UPDATE to the originating party and the feature immediately sends a 183 to the MSC. |
TermAlertingTransferAttempted |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature attempts an access transfer from an alerting call state. |
TermAlertingTransferSuccessful |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature successfully completes an access transfer from an alerting call state. |
TermAlertingTransferFailed |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature fails to complete an access transfer from an alerting call state. |
MaskedInviteEvent |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature masks delivery of further INVITE events on the new access leg. |
UnmaskedInviteEvent |
Counter |
Incremented when the feature unmasks delivery of further INVITE events on the new access leg. |
SCCDetermineTransferableSet statistics are tracked by the sentinel.volte.sip SBB
and can be found under the following parameter set in REM:
SLEE-Usage → sentinel.volte.sip service → sentinel.volte.sip SBB → feature → SCCDetermineTransferableSet
or with rhino-stats:
Name | Description |
Started |
Incremented each time the feature runs |
FailedToStart |
Incremented when a fatal error occurs before feature execution |
IssuedWarning |
Incremented when a non-fatal error occurs during feature execution |
FailedDuringExecution |
Incremented when a fatal error occurs during feature execution |
TimedOut |
Incremented when feature execution does not complete within a reasonable time frame |
SessionOwnershipQuery |
Incremented when the feature sends a query to the session ownership facility |
SessionOwnershipError |
Incremented when a TrackedDialogKeys lookup fails with a Session Ownership error |
SessionOwnershipSuccess |
Incremented when a TrackedDialogKeys lookup returns successfully |
SessionOwnershipNoDataFound |
Incremented when no matching tracked dialog keys entries were found in the session ownership facility |
FoundTrackedSession |
Incremented when the feature successfully finds a Session Ownership Record resulting from a TrackedSession |
SavedSessionToTransfer |
Incremented when the feature saves the most recently active TrackedSession to session state |
SavedSuperfluousSessions |
Incremented when the feature saves all of the remaining TrackedSession’s to session state |
SessionOwnershipAsyncQueryTimeSuccess |
Samples the elapsed time between starting a query and a success response arriving from the session ownership facility |
SessionOwnershipAsyncQueryTimeFailure |
Samples the elapsed time between starting a query and a failure response arriving from the session ownership facility |