There are several configuration items for the administrative User Interface (in REM) related to XCAP connectivity and MMTel service data mappings.

These include:

  • the XCAP server configuration, such as

    • Sh Cache Microservice stack configuration

    • XPaths used to map between the UE’s "simservs" document and the HSS "MMTel-Services" document

    • any extension configuration to expand the standard Simservs document

  • the REM Web UI for viewing and editing Transparent Data in the HSS, such as

    • the MMTel-Services document (for example Communication Diversion, Communication Barring etc)

    • the IMS-ODB-Information document used for Operator Determined Barring

    • the Metaswitch-TAS-Services document used for additional subscriber configuration

For more information, and instructions on configuring the XCAP Server with Sentinel AGW, see the Sentinel AGW Guide.

This can either be done manually following the admin guide, or more easily using the script sentinel-volte-mappings-config.

This can be executed from your VoLTE TAS’s command line, provided the Java Runtime Environment (v 7+) is installed. The command must be given these arguments:

Mandatory Arguments What it specifies
 -u (--username)

Your Rhino Element Manager (REM) username.

 -pw (--password)

Your Rhino Element Manager (REM) password.

 -h (--hostname)

The hostname or IP address of your Rhino Element Manager (REM).

 -p (--port)

The port of your Rhino Element Manager (REM).

 -n (--network-operator)

The network operator name.

 -r (--rhino-instance-id)

The Rhino Instance ID.

 -s (--serverurl-shcm)

The URL for the Sh Cache Microservice

Optional Arguments

What it specifies

 -sph (--shcm-proxy-host)

The proxy host used to connect to the Sh Cache Microservice

 -sph (--shcm-proxy-port)

The proxy port used to connect to the Sh Cache Microservice

 -x (--xcap-mapping)

Additional MMTel-Services XCAP Simservs mappings.

Must be in the format -x "<simservsPath>;<mmtelPath>".

Can be specified multiple times. e.g. -x "<simservsPath1>;<mmtelPath1>" -x "<simservsPath2>;<mmtelPath2>"

 -m (--metaswitch-xcap-mapping)

Additional Metaswitch-TAS-Services XCAP Simservs mappings.

Must be in the format -x "<simservsPath>;<metaswitchTasServicesPath>".

Can be specified multiple times. e.g. -m "<simservsPath1>;<metaswitchTasServicesPath1>" -x "<simservsPath2>;<metaswitchTasServicesPath2>"

 -im (--include-mappings)

Explicitly designate what Subscriber Data and XCAP mappings to include in a comma delimited list while implicitly excluding other mappings. Valid options include 'msw' = Metaswitch-TAS-Services, 'odb' = IMS-ODB-Information, 'mmtel' = MMTEL-Services

 -ah (--additional-host-mappings)

Additional XCAP host names (in addition to the one specified with -h or --hostname), can be specified multiple times

 -o (--override)

Will override all existing mappings with the currently provided options

Here is an example command:

cd ~/sentinel-volte/sentinel-volte-sdk
./build/bin/sentinel-volte-mappings-config -u emadm -pw password -h localhost -p 8080 -r Local -n Metaswitch -s http://localhost:8088/shcache/v1
Tip To see a listing of the required arguments, from the command line, execute the JAR file without any arguments.
Tip The tool can also be run from the Sentinel AGW SDK inside the sentinel-gaa-sdk directory
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Sentinel VoLTE Version 4.1