Starting the simulator

To start the simulator, invoke the start script from the command-line:

$ ./
Starting JVM...
Ready to start

Please type commands... (type "help" <ENTER> for command help)

(This takes us to the command prompt.)

You can also pass in command scripts on the command line:

$ ./ -f in-examples/3sims/config/loopback/setup-sim1.commands -f in-examples/3sims/config/setup-examples-sim1.commands

(Control returns to the command console once the scripts have completed.)

By default, logging will be written to logs/simulator.log. Use the -l <filename> option to write to another file in the logs directory. This is useful when running multiple simulator instances, to avoid writing to the same log file. For example, to start 2 simulators which write to logs/sim1.log and logs/sim2.log:

$ ./ -l sim1.log
$ ./ -l sim2.log

See the Logging section of the Simulator Commands page for details about logging configuration.

Stopping the simulator

To stop the simulator, use the quit command or the force-quit command:

"quit": Quits the simulator process (after cleaning up, or the given timeout)
    Usage: quit [<timeout-ms>]
    Example: quit 10000
"force-quit": Quits the simulator process immediately, without finishing calls
        or cleaning up resources
    Usage: force-quit (no args)
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