To see all available commands for your version of the simulator, enter help at the console. Below is a full listing of simulator commands.

> help
--- Help on available commands ---
Commands ...

"help": Prints general help, or specific help for the listed commands
    Usage: help <command1> [<command2> [...]]
    Example: help printstatus

"history": Prints recent command history
    Usage: history (no args)

"sleep": Sleeps the command reading thread (not the simulator).
        Used to place pauses in command scripts
    Usage: sleep <millis>
    Example: sleep 500

"wait-until-operational": Pauses the command reading thread until the
        simulator is operational, i.e. until all required connections are
        established. Use this in scripts before invoking the start-generating
        or run-session commands
    Usage: wait-until-operational [<timeout-ms>]
    Example: wait-until-operational 30000

"quit": Quits the simulator process (after cleaning up, or the given timeout)
    Usage: quit [<timeout-ms>]
    Example: quit 10000

"force-quit": Quits the simulator process immediately, without finishing calls
        or cleaning up resources
    Usage: force-quit (no args)

"list-protocols": Lists loaded protocol schemas and protocol adaptor types
    Usage: list-protocols (no args)

"set-endpoint-address": Sets a remote address for a given schema and role
    Usage: set-endpoint-address <endpoint-name> <address-string>
    Example: set-endpoint-address hlr_endpoint theAddress

"create-local-endpoint": Creates (or re-creates) a local endpoint using the
        address of the given endpoint
    Usage: create-local-endpoint <endpoint-name> <protocol-adaptor-type>
        [-propsfile properties-file]
        -propsfile - Configuration properties for the endpoint
        [-schemas schema-a,schema-b,...,schema-n]
        -schemas - Comma separated list of schemas to enable for the endpoint
    Example: create-local-endpoint theSwitch cgin -propsfile

"bind-role": Binds a role name to an endpoint
    Usage: bind-role <role-name> <endpoint-name> [-dialog <dialog>] [-config
        -dialog - Dialog in which the binding should take effect
        -config - Named configuration in which the binding should take effect
    Example: bind-role hlr_role hlr_endpoint

"run-session": Runs a single session, without affecting the rate of sessions
        made by the load generator
    Usage: run-session <scenario-name> - The scenario definition name
    Example: run-session MyScenario

"list-scenarios": Lists the scenario definitions currently loaded
    Usage: list-scenarios (no args)

"print-scenario": Prints a description of the given scenario definition
    Usage: print-scenario <scenario-name>
    Example: print-scenario MyScenario

"print-config": Prints details of the current configuration to the console
    Usage: print-config (no args)

"set-preferred-scenario": Sets the preferred scenario definition to use when
        matching incoming dialogs and when generating load, or sets a probability
        distribution to use for generating load. Probability functions are defined
        as a comma seperated list of scenario-name:probability pairs.
        Probabilities must sum to 1.
    Usage: set-preferred-scenario [<scenario-name>[:<probability>,]] - The scenario definition
        name. If no argument is given, the scenario preference is cleared
    Example: set-preferred-scenario MyScenario
        set-preferred-scenario MyScenario:0.6,OtherScenario:0.4

"print-status": Prints the current status of the simulator
    Usage: print-status [<interval-seconds>]
        interval-seconds - The number of seconds between each printing, or '0'
        to stop printing
        (If no args, prints the status once)
    Example: print-status 5

"start-generating": Starts generating sessions
    Usage: start-generating (no args)

"stop-generating": Stops generating sessions
    Usage: stop-generating (no args)

"set-session-rate": Sets the rate in sessions per second. Defaults to 1.
    Usage: set-session-rate <sessions-per-second>
        sessions-per-second - a positive number. (Note: can't be '0'. Use the
        'stop' command to stop generating sessions)
    Example: set-session-rate 33.3

"ramp-up": Ramps up the session rate from a given rate to another given rate,
        in a given period
    Usage: ramp-up <initial-sessions-per-second> <target-sessions-per-second>
        (Session rates must be positive numbers, and ramp-period-seconds must
          be a positive integer)
      Example: ramp-up 33.3 45 120

"load-scenario": Loads a scenario definition from a given file
      Usage: load-scenario <scenario-file> [-config <config-name>]
          -config - The named configuration to use
      Example: load-scenario path/to/some-scenario.scen

"remove-scenario": Removes a given scenario definition
      Usage: remove-scenario <scenario-name>
      Example: remove-scenario MyScenario

"load-data-set": Loads a data set in CSV format from the given file
      Usage: load-data-set <data-set-name> <csv-file-path>
      Example: load-data-set my-data-set path/to/my-data-set.csv

"bind-table": Binds a table name to a data set
      Usage: bind-table <table-name> <data-set-name> [ -config <config-name>]
          -config - Named configuration in which the binding should take effect
      Example: bind-table my-table my-data-set

- Detailed tracing is written to the simulator's log file, not the console
- Tab-completion on command names and arguments is supported (e.g. "he" <TAB> becomes "help")
- All file names are relative to the simulator's installation directory
- For help on load testing, type:   help set-session-rate start-generating print-status <ENTER>
- For help on manual testing, type: help list-scenarios run-session <ENTER>
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