What it does

Defines the announcements that are available to be played by the MMTel services.

The announcements themselves are played on the Media Resource Function (MRF) node, which should already be provisioned with the announcements before they are configured here.

Interactions with other services

Other services can use the announcements defined here by referencing them using their ID value.


The example for sentinel-volte-gsm-config.yaml and example for sentinel-volte-cdma-config.yaml show example configuration relevant to announcements in the sentinel-volte/mmtel/announcement section.

What you need

  • ❏ The SIP: or Tel: URI of the media server (MRF) that plays the announcements.

  • ❏ Details of the announcements available on that media server:

    • ❏ their URI

    • ❏ their mime type

    • ❏ which locales are available for each announcement.

  • ❏ Details of how those announcements will be used:

    • ❏ Whether to repeat the announcement:

      • ❏ and if so, the maximum number of times to repeat

      • ❏ and the delay between repetitions.

    • ❏ Whether or not the announcement can be interrupt by user actions.

    • ❏ Whether or not the media stream should be forced to be one way between the MRF and the user during the announcement.

    • ❏ Whether to suspend charging while the announcement is playing.

    • ❏ Whether to end the call if the announcement cannot be played.

Setting up the MRF connection

I want to…​

Specify the address of the MRF to use for announcements
            announcements-media-server-uri: sip:annc-audio@mrf-announcements:5260;lr;transport=tcp
Change the timeout when signaling the MRF

The default timeout is 1000 ms.

To set a new value, in the mmtel, announcement section, ensure that the announcements-no-response-timeout-milliseconds parameter is present and not commented out. Set the desired value, in milliseconds.

            announcements-no-response-timeout-milliseconds: 1500

Setting up each announcement

I want to…​

Repeat an announcement indefinitely until interrupted by user actions

For the desired announcement in the mmtel, announcement section, announcements list:

              - id: 20
                description: "MMTel - Outgoing Call Barring"
                announcement-url: "file://mmtel_ocb.3gp"
                duration-milliseconds: 13000
                repeat: -1
                delay-milliseconds: 1000
                mimetype: "audio/3gpp"
                interruptable: true
                end-session-on-failure: false
                enforce-one-way-media: false
                suspend-charging: false
  • Set the repeat value to -1, which will send a repeat=forever parameter to the MRF.

  • Set interruptable to true.

Let the MRF determine how often to repeat the announcement

For the desired announcement in the mmtel, announcement section, announcements list, set the repeat value to 0, so it is not sent to the MRF.

              - id: 20
                description: "MMTel - Outgoing Call Barring"
                announcement-url: "file://mmtel_ocb.3gp"
                duration-milliseconds: 13000
                repeat: 0
                delay-milliseconds: 1000
                mimetype: "audio/3gpp"
                interruptable: false
                end-session-on-failure: false
                enforce-one-way-media: false
                suspend-charging: false
Let the MRF determine the delay between announcement repetitions

For the desired announcement in the mmtel, announcement section, announcements list, set the delay-milliseconds value to 0, so it is not sent to the MRF.

              - id: 20
                description: "MMTel - Outgoing Call Barring"
                announcement-url: "file://mmtel_ocb.3gp"
                duration-milliseconds: 13000
                repeat: 2
                delay-milliseconds: 0
                mimetype: "audio/3gpp"
                interruptable: false
                end-session-on-failure: false
                enforce-one-way-media: false
                suspend-charging: false
Let the MRF determine the duration of the announcement

For the desired announcement in the mmtel, announcement section, announcements list, set the duration-milliseconds value to 0, so it is not sent to the MRF.

              - id: 20
                description: "MMTel - Outgoing Call Barring"
                announcement-url: "file://mmtel_ocb.3gp"
                duration-milliseconds: 0
                repeat: 2
                delay-milliseconds: 1000
                mimetype: "audio/3gpp"
                interruptable: false
                end-session-on-failure: false
                enforce-one-way-media: false
                suspend-charging: false
Let the MRF determine the media type of the announcement

For the desired announcement in the mmtel, announcement section, announcements list, comment out or delete the mimetype entry.

              - id: 20
                description: "MMTel - Outgoing Call Barring"
                announcement-url: "file://mmtel_ocb.3gp"
                duration-milliseconds: 13000
                repeat: 2
                delay-milliseconds: 1000
                # mimetype: "audio/3gpp"
                interruptable: false
                end-session-on-failure: false
                enforce-one-way-media: false
                suspend-charging: false
Reuse an existing announcement which does not suspend charging, but suspend charging

Duplicate an entire announcement definition in the mmtel, announcement section, announcements list, then change the appropriate values in the new announcement.

              - id: 20
                description: "MMTel - Outgoing Call Barring"
                announcement-url: "file://mmtel_ocb.3gp"
                duration-milliseconds: 13000
                repeat: 2
                delay-milliseconds: 1000
                mimetype: "audio/3gpp"
                interruptable: false
                end-session-on-failure: false
                enforce-one-way-media: false
                suspend-charging: false

              - id: 201
                description: "MMTel - Outgoing Call Barring - uncharged"
                announcement-url: "file://mmtel_ocb.3gp"
                duration-milliseconds: 13000
                repeat: 2
                delay-milliseconds: 1000
                mimetype: "audio/3gpp"
                interruptable: false
                end-session-on-failure: false
                enforce-one-way-media: false
                suspend-charging: true
  • Change the id of the copy to a previously unused value, for example, 201.

  • Change the description as appropriate.

  • Change suspend-charging to true.

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Rhino VoLTE TAS Version 4.2