# This file contains the configuration for Sentinel IPSMGW that is not already in a shared file.


  # Geo-redundancy configuration.
  # Comment out, or remove this section to disable geo-redundancy.
#  georedundancy:
#    # The number of IPSMGW sites
#    total-sites: 2

  # MAP messaging configuration
    # Template SMSC address. The digits are replaced by those of the received SMSC address.
    template-smsc-address: type=C7,ri=gt,digits=0,ssn=8,national=false,nature=INTERNATIONAL,numbering=ISDN,tt=0

    # IPSMGW SCCP address.
    originating-address: type=C7,ri=pcssn,pc=5,ssn=148,national=false

    # IPSMGW as msc address.
    ipsmgw-as-msc-address: "address=653333333,nature=INTERNATIONAL,numberingPlan=ISDN"

    # Indicates if 'hlr-config/hlr-address' should be used as the actual HLR address, or have its
    # digits replaced with the MSISDN of the subscriber.
    use-msisdn-as-hlr-address: false

    # If true, no MAP messages will be sent to the HLR.
    # Can only be set to true when 'delivery-order' is 'PS_ONLY'
    suppress-hlr-interaction: false

    # When accepting an OpenRequest, the SCCP responder address in theOpenAccept will, by
    # default, be set to the value of the SCCP called party in the OpenRequest.
    # If `UseGtAsCallingParty` is set to true, and if the received sccp-called-party contains a
    # global title, then the global title will be used.
    use-gt-as-calling-party: false

    # If the length of the message content falls within the configured maximum then send the
    # ForwardSM as part of the TC-BEGIN.
    # As a special case a configured max size of 0 disables this functionality regardless of the
    # actual content length.
    sms-content-size-threshold: 0

    # If true, specify the SmDeliveryNotIntended flag when performing an SRI for SM IMSI-only
    # query (i.e. during SMMA callflows).
    sri-sm-delivery-not-intended: false

  # The domain name used in SIP URIs on IPSMGW-generated outbound requests.
  terminating-domain: metaswitch.com

  # The delivery order for mobile-terminating messages.
  # Choices are PS_THEN_CS, CS_THEN_PS, PS_ONLY or CS_ONLY.
  # PS stands for "packet-switched network" (i.e. IMS network).
  # CS stands for "circuit-switched network".
  delivery-order: PS_THEN_CS

  # Charging options.
    # Whether to enable charging for mobile-terminating PS messages.
    mt-ps-enabled: false

    # Whether to enable charging for mobile-terminating CS messages.
    mt-cs-enabled: false

    # Whether to enable charging for mobile-originating PS messages.
    mo-ps-enabled: false

    # Only required if one of the charging options is enabled.
    # You must also specify the per-node-diameter-ro configuration in smo-vmpool-config.yaml
#    diameter-ro:
#      # The Diameter Ro release to use.
#      diameter-ro-release: Vcb0
#      # The origin realm to use when sending messages.
#      origin-realm: metaswitch.com
#      # The value to use as the destination realm.
#      destination-realm: metaswitch.com
#      # The Diameter Ro destination peers.
#      destination-peers:
#        - destination-hostname: peer.metaswitch.com
#          port: 3868
#          protocol-transport: aaa
#          metric: 1

  # Presence enables UE reachability notifications.
    # Reachability notification subscription expiry time (in seconds).
    subscription-expiry-time-seconds: 3600

  # MCC/MNC used by the Correlation RA to generate a Correlation IMSI when the terminating
  # subscriber's routing info cannot be determined. Must match one of the PLMNIDs in
  # the home network configuration.
    mcc: "001"
    mnc: "01"

  # Fallback control for message delivery.
    # Timeout (in milliseconds) before falling back to the other network type.
    fallback-timer-milliseconds: 5000

    # List of error codes which will prevent fallback from PS to CS.
      - 22

    # List of error codes which will prevent fallback from CS to PS.
    avoidance-codes-cs-to-ps: []

  # SCCP allowed GT prefixes.
  sccp-allowlist: []

  # Configuration for USSI functions
#  ussi:
#    # Should all USSI messages be rejected with a default message.
#    # Remove or comment out this section to allow USSI messages to be processed.
#    reject-all-with-default-message:
#      # The language of the message to be sent in the USSI response
#      language: "en"
#      # The message to be sent in the USSI response
#      message: "Please visit www.example.com"

  # Enable extensive logging for verification and issue diagnosis during acceptance testing
  debug-logging-enabled: false
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Rhino VoLTE TAS Version 4.2