The structure of a complete OID for a Rhino statistic is as follows:

<base OID>.[<intermediate OID subtree suffix>].<intermediate OID>.<usage parameter OID subtree suffix>.<usage parameter OID>

This structure divides an OID into five logical parts:

  • Base OID

  • Intermediate OID subtree suffix

  • Intermediate OID

  • Usage parameter OID subtree suffix

  • Usage parameter OID

OID parts are separated with periods. For example, if the value of the base OID is 1.3.6 and the value of the intermediate OID subtree suffix is 1, the combined OID is

Base OID

This part defines the base OIDs for a service, a resource adaptor, or a profile specification.

A base OID consists of multiple parts. For example, the base OID of the Sentinel VoLTE SIP service is, which has the following parts:

  • The private enterprise OID for OpenCloud.

  • 20: The OID subtree allocated to products that use the static OID model.

  • 5: The OID subtree for VoLTE-specific artifacts.

  • 1: The OID subtree for the Sentinel VoLTE SIP service component.

Intermediate OID subtree suffix

This part defines the intermediate OID subtree suffix for an SBB. It splits the OID domain into two subtrees:

  • 1: For component-defined statistics. All statistics defined by an SBB component or its parameter set types fall into this subtree.

  • 2: For Rhino-generated statistics.

Intermediate OID

This part defines the OID suffix for an SBB, a resource adaptor entity, or a profile table.

For example, you can assign the value of 1 as the OID suffix for a SIP resource adaptor entity.

Usage parameter OID subtree suffix

This part defines the OID subtree suffix for a usage parameter. It applies to all component types.

The subtree suffix also splits the OID domain into two subtrees:

  • 1: For component-defined statistics. All statistics defined by a parameter set type fall into this subtree.

  • 2: For Rhino-generated statistics.

Note Currently, Rhino-generated statistics only exist for services. Resource adaptors and profile specifications include this subtree suffix as a reservation for future use.

Usage parameter OID

You can declare a parameter set type as a singleton type or a non-singleton type. A singleton type can have only one parameter set created from it, while a non-singleton type can have more than one parameter set created from it. Accordingly, a parameter set can be of a singleton type or a non-singleton type.

For singleton parameter set types, the structure further divides the usage parameter OID part as follows:

<Parameter set type OID suffix>.<Statistic OID suffix>

For non-singleton parameter set types, the structure further divides the usage parameter OID part as follows:

<Parameter set type OID suffix>.<Parameter set subtree suffix>.<Parameter set OID suffix>.<Statistic OID suffix>

Parameter set type OID suffix

This part defines the OID suffix for a parameter set type.

To register a parameter set type in the SNMP subsystem using the static OID model, assign an OID suffix to it.

Parameter set subtree suffix

This part only applies when the relevant statistic uses a non-singleton parameter set. It defines the subtree suffix for the parameter set.

If the non-singleton parameter set is statically mapped, the value of the parameter set subtree suffix is 1. Otherwise, the value is 2.

Parameter set OID suffix

This part only applies when the relevant statistic uses a statically mapped non-singleton parameter set. It defines the OID suffix for the parameter set.

To register such a parameter set in the SNMP subsystem using the static OID model, assign an OID suffix to it.

Statistic OID suffix

This part defines the OID suffix for a statistic.

To expose the statistic of a usage parameter through SNMP, assign an OID to it in the relevant statistics interface.

Note If the value of the parameter set subtree suffix is 2, Rhino generates SNMP tabular entries and appends relevant table row information to the static OID suffix. For more information about SNMP tables, see the SNMP table format section in Rhino Administration and Deployment Guide.
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