To switch from the symmetric activation state mode back to the per-node activation state mode, use the following rhino-console command or related MBean operation.
Console command: disablesymmetricactivationstatemode
Command |
disablesymmetricactivationstatemode Description Disable symmetric activation state mode of services and resource adaptor entities across the cluster, such that components may have different activation states on different nodes |
Example |
$ ./rhino-console disablesymmetricactivationstatemode Symmetric activation state mode disabled |
MBean operation: disableSymmetricActivationStateMode
MBean |
Rhino operation |
public void disableSymmetricActivationStateMode() throws InvalidStateException, ConfigurationException; This operation disables the symmetric activation state mode, thus restoring the per-node activation state mode. The existing activation states of services and resource adaptor entities are not affected by this operation — the per-node activation state of each service and resource adaptor entity is simply set to the current corresponding symmetric state. |