To set limiter properties, use the following rhino-console commands or related MBean operations. For more information on the configuration properties for input limiter types see Limiter Types and About Rate Limiting.

Warning Limiters can only be configured administratively — RAs or services cannot configure limiters.

Console commands

Tip For details of available properties for each limiter type, see Limiter Types.



configureratelimiter <limitername> [-nodes node1,node2...] <[-property value]
[-property value] ... >
    Sets the values of the specified configuration properties of the limiter on the
    given node(s). Use a value of '-' to clear existing per-node settings


To set rate limiter properties:

$ ./rhino-console configureratelimiter SystemInput -nodes 101 -bypassed false -maxrate 100
Updated config properties for limiter 'SystemInput':



configuresaturationlimiter <limitername> [-nodes node1,node2...] <[-property
value] [-property value] ... >
    Sets the values of the specified configuration properties of the limiter on the
    given node(s). Use a value of '-' to clear existing per-node settings


To set saturation limiter properties:

$ ./rhino-console configuresaturationlimiter QueueSaturation -maxsaturation 75
Updated config properties for limiter 'QueueSaturation':

If -nodes are specified, these commands set properties for the listed nodes only (the "per-node" properties). Otherwise, these commands update the default properties for the limiter (the properties that apply whenever no per-node property is set).

You cannot change the name or type of a limiter — these are set when a limiter is created.

MBean operations

Limiter MBean operations

Operation Usage
void setBypassedDefault(boolean bypassed)
        throws ConfigurationException;
void setBypassedForNode(boolean[] bypassed, int[] nodeIDs)
        throws NullPointerException, ConfigurationException, InvalidArgumentException;
void setParent(String parentName)
        throws ConfigurationException, ValidationException, NullPointerException, InvalidArgumentException;

RateLimiter MBean operations

Operation Usage
void setDepthDefault(double depth)
        throws ConfigurationException, ValidationException;
void setDepthForNode(double[] depth, int[] nodeIDs)
        throws ConfigurationException,  ValidationException, NullPointerException, InvalidArgumentException;
void setMaxRateDefault(double depth)
        throws ConfigurationException, ValidationException;
void setMaxRateForNode(double[] depth, int[] nodeIDs)
        throws ConfigurationException,  ValidationException, NullPointerException, InvalidArgumentException;
void setTimeUnit(String timeUnit)
        throws ConfigurationException, ValidationException;

QueueSaturationLimiter MBean operations

Operation Usage
void setMaxSaturationDefault(double maxSaturation)
        throws ConfigurationException, ValidationException;
void setMaxSaturationForNode(double[] maxSaturation, int[] nodeIDs)
        throws ConfigurationException, ValidationException,NullPointerException, InvalidArgumentException;
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Rhino Version 2.7.0