To list or set parameter set type → counter mappings, use the following rhino-console commands.



listsnmpcountermappings [parameter set type name]
    Lists the current Parameter Set Type + Counter Name -> Index mappings.  If a
    parameter set type name is specified, then only the mappings associated with
    that parameter set type are listed, otherwise all mappings are listed.

What it does

Lists the current Parameter Set Type + Counter Name to Index mappings used to represent SNMP statistics from each parameter set. Includes three columns of information:

  • the parameter set type name

  • the index assigned to the counter

  • the counter name within the parameter set type.


[Rhino@localhost (#20)] listsnmpcountermappings Transactions
Counter Mappings
Transactions                              2 active
Transactions                              3 committed
Transactions                              4 rolledBack
Transactions                              5 started



setsnmpcountermapping [-namespace] <parameter set type name> <counter name>
<-index <index>|-auto|-none>
    Sets or clears the index used for the specified parameter set type and counter.
    The -index option sets the mapping to a specific index, while the -auto option
    auto-assigns an available index.  The -none option clears any existing mapping.
Note If the parameter set type has default pre-defined counter mapping, -auto will set the counter mapping to the pre-defined value. Otherwise, it will set to an auto-generated value.

What it does

Sets or clears SNMP counter mappings.


[Rhino@localhost (#22)] setsnmpcountermapping Services activeRootSbbs 3
SNMP counter mapping for activeRootSbbs set to 3
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Rhino Version 2.7.0