Rhino comes with two types of limiter: rate limiter and queue-saturation limiter.

Rate limiter

Rate limiters limit the rate of work. It is typically used to limit the rate of incoming events, or outgoing requests.

Type Name

(the type argument specified when creating a limiter)

Rejects work when…​

the number of units used (or forced) during a given timeUnit exceeds maxRate. TimeUnit can be one second, one minute, one hour, or one day (24-hour period, not calendar day).

Rhino implements rate limiters with a token bucket algorithm, where the depth property determines the bucket size. The actual bucket size is maxRate * depth.

The default setting for depth is 1.0. So "50/sec" means "allow for 50 per second". When depth is 2, "50/sec" means "allow an initial burst of 100 and then 50 per second." The recommended setting for maxRate is where your CPU is around 85%.


Configured as "maxRate=100.0 timeUnit=seconds depth=2.0", the limiter has a bucket size of 100.0*2.0=200.0. If the bucket is empty when the limiter becomes overloaded, it allows 200+100=300 units in the first second and then 100 units per second after that.


Configured as "maxRate=0.1 timeUnit=seconds depth=10.0", the limiter has a bucket size of 0.1*10.0=1.0. If the bucket is empty when the limiter becomes overloaded, it allows 1.0+0.1=1 units in the first second and then 1 units per 1/maxRate seconds after that.


Property Legal values Default Settable per node

true false



name of another limiter or "" for no parent



1.0 ⋯ 10000000.0



0.01 ⋯ 00.0



seconds minutes hours days
Note that 'days' means 24 hour periods, not calendar days.


Queue-saturation limiter

The queue-saturation limiter rejects work when the event-staging queue (explained in the Staging section) passes a given saturation. It provides some overload protection, by limiting incoming activities in cases where too much work is backlogged, while allowing enough headroom to process existing activities.

For example, the default configuration has the QueueSaturation limiter configured with an allowed capacity of 85%. With the default maximum queue size of 3000, this limiter starts rejecting new activities when 2250 or more items are in the queue (leaving 15% headroom for processing existing activities).

Type Name

(the type argument specified when creating a limiter)

Rejects work when…​

the number of items in the staging queue reaches maxSaturation, expressed as a percentage of the queue’s capacity.


Configured as maxSaturation=80.0 and a queue capacity of 200, the limiter will reject work when the queue contains 160 or more items.


Property Legal values Default Settable per node

true false



name of another limiter or "" for no parent



0.0 ⋯ 100.0


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Rhino Version 2.7.0