module rem-vm-pool {
    yang-version 1.1;
    namespace "";
    prefix "rem-vm-pool";

    import vm-types {
        prefix "vmt";
        revision-date 2019-11-29;

    import extensions {
        prefix "yangdoc";
        revision-date 2020-12-02;

    organization "Metaswitch Networks";
    contact "";
    description "Rhino Element Manager (REM) virtual machine pool configuration schema.";

    revision 2020-06-01 {
            "Initial revision";
            "Metaswitch Deployment Definition Guide";

    grouping rem-virtual-machine-pool {

        leaf deployment-id {
            type vmt:deployment-id-type;
            mandatory true;
            description "The deployment identifier. Used to form a unique VM identifier within the
                         VM host.";

        leaf site-id {
            type vmt:site-id-type;
            mandatory true;
            description "Site ID for the site that this VM pool is a part of.";

        leaf node-type-suffix {
            type vmt:node-type-suffix-type;
            default "";
            description "Suffix to add to the node type when deriving the group identifier. Should
                         normally be left blank.";

        list rem-auth {
            key "username";
            min-elements 1;

            uses vmt:rem-auth-grouping;

            description "List of REM users and their plain text passwords.";
            yangdoc:change-impact "converges";

        list virtual-machines {

            key "vm-id";

            leaf vm-id {
                type string;
                mandatory true;
                description "The unique virtual machine identifier.";

            description "Configured virtual machines.";

        leaf rem-debug-logging-enabled {
            type boolean;
            default false;
            description "Enable extensive logging for verification and issue diagnosis during
                         acceptance testing. Must not be enabled in production.";

        description "Rhino Element Manager (REM) virtual machine pool.";
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VM Build Container Version 3.2