This feature implements the re-registration procedures for ESRVCC.

Prerequisite Features

Session Input Variables

Variable name Type Description

The list of active registration records for the current subscriber and call ID.

Session Output Variables

Variable name Type Description

Whether the ESRVCCRegistration feature will need to be run on this REGISTER


ATU-STI to be stored in the third-party registrar database.


ATCF Management URI to be stored in the third-party registrar database.


ATCF Path URI to be stored in the third-party registrar database.


STN-SR to be stored in the third-party registrar database.


ESRVCCReregistration statistics are tracked by the sentinel.registrar SBB and can be found under the following parameter set in REM:
SLEE-Usage → sentinel.registrar service → sentinel.volte.sip SBB → feature → ESRVCCReregistration
or with rhino-stats:

Name Incremented when…​


The feature is invoked (initial invocation only, not subsequent event triggers).


The feature fails during execution due to an internal FeatureError.


The feature issues a warning message.


A fatal error occurs before feature execution


Feature execution does not complete within a reasonable time frame


No previous registration records found


A previous record is missing the ATU-STI


A previous record is missing the ATCF management URI


A previous record is missing the C-MSISDN


A previous record is missing the STN-SR


A previous record has an invalid ATCF management URI


A previous record has an invalid ATCF management URI


The ESRVCCReregistration feature does not have its own configuration, however it does depend on the Registrar Configuration Table to determine the currently configured value for the ATU-STI.


The primary function of this feature is to ensure the correct ATCF will trigger the correct SCC-AS during ESRVCC access transfer. This may be necessary if re-registrations are sent to an SCC-AS node with a different ATU-STI than the initial (or previous) registration’s ATU-STI, or if the re-registration has a different ATCF URI (e.g. having come from a different registrar).

This feature does not initiate any SIP messaging or change any registration details; if it detects a change, it will set a flag that will cause the normal ESRVCCRegistration feature to perform the full registration process on the new REGISTER request.

REGISTER trigger

The feature is triggered when the registration session type is determined to be ESRVCCRegistration and the registration action type is determined to be re_register.

The feature first checks the previous registration data provided by the FetchPreviousRegistrationData feature, searching for a registration record that includes all required ESRVCC registration information. If a record is found, the feature will load the ESRVCC specific data from the record and compare the ATU-STI value in that data to the currently configured ATU-STI for the SCC AS. If no previous ESRVCC registration data can be found, or only partial information can be found, the feature behaves as though data was read, but there was a mismatch between the currently configured and previously registered ATU-STI.

If there is no difference in the ATU-STI, then the feature will next extract the ATCF Management and Path URIs from the first party register, and compare them to the URIs currently stored in the previously loaded registration record. If the management or path uris cannot be extracted from the first party register, then the feature will take no other actions and terminate.

If the currently configured ATU-STI matches the one in the previous registration record, and the previous ATCF Management and Path URIs match what the new REGISTER request contains, then the feature will take no other actions and terminate.

If there is a mismatch in the ATU-STI or in the ATCF URIs, then the feature will set the ESRVCCReRegistrationNeeded session state flag to True, indicating that the ESRVCCRegistration feature should perform the full registration process on this request.

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Sentinel VoLTE Version 4.0.0