On this page we explain how the answers given to the various questions asked by the installer affect the configuration of the Sentinel VoLTE SDK, and how this configuration can be changed without reinstalling the Sentinel VoLTE SDK.

Where changes to profile tables do not specify an explicit profile, the change is made to the profile ${platform.operator.name}::::.

Please note that some parts of the installer do not require user input, hence some of the sections below do not appear in the installer.

Basic SDK questions

Property file changes

The following values are written to sdk.properties, based on the answers given to their respective questions:

  • sdk.component.vendor,

  • sdk.component.version,

  • sdk.platform.operator.name,

  • sdk.ivy.org, and

  • sdk.ivy.publish.revision.


These values are used in various places throughout the remainder of the installer (e.g. when determining profile names). It is therefore not recommended to change any of these values.


Property file changes

The following values are written to sdk.properties:

  • client.home is set to the configured Rhino client directory, and

  • rhino.home is set to the parent directory of the configured Rhino client directory.


These values can be changed after installation.

If using the Sentinel VoLTE SDK installer to install Rhino automatically, Rhino uses the supplied license file.

The Rhino node setup is used later during the installation.

Deploy module

Configuration profile changes

Many, see notes.


This question determines which features are deployed (this always includes the core features, and can include MMTel and SCC features) and whether the GSM or CDMA features are deployed. Only the chosen features, with their configurations, are deployed. This setting cannot be changed without a reinstall of the Sentinel VoLTE SDK.

Determine international and roaming status

Configuration profile changes

The installer create two profiles, one named DEFAULT and one named after the home network MCC, in:

  • ${platform.operator.name}_DetermineInternationalAndRoamingStatus_AddressListEntryTable, and

  • ${platform.operator.name}_DetermineInternationalAndRoamingStatus_AddressListConfigurationTable.

These profiles are initialised using the configured home network prefix and home network MCC.

Furthermore, it sets the following values in the SipSentinelConfigurationTable profile table:

  • HomeNetworkIDs is set to the home domain,

  • HomeCountryCodeIDs is set to the home network prefix,

  • MCC is set to the home network MCC, and

  • MNCs is set to the home network MNC list.

Finally, the NormalizationFeatureConfigProfileTable is updated as follows:

  • CountryCode is set to the configured home network prefix.


All values can be changed after installation. Furthermore, more profiles can be added to ${platform.operator.name}_DetermineInternationalAndRoamingStatus_AddressListEntryTable and ${platform.operator.name}_DetermineInternationalAndRoamingStatus_AddressListConfigurationTable, using the installer-created profiles as a prototype.

Play announcements

Configuration profile changes

The installer sets MediaServerURI in the SipAnnouncementResourceProfileTable to the supplied media server URI.


The media server URI can be changed after installation.

Online charging

Configuration profile changes

If using Diameter Ro online charging, the DestinationRealm in the DiameterMediationOcsConfigurationTable is set to the value chosen for the destination realm during the Diameter configuration.

Resource adaptor configuration changes

If not using Diameter Ro online charging, the diameterro-0 resource adaptor is deactivated.


The online charging mode can be changed after installation, if the new charging mode is manually configured as detailed below.

Diameter (RO & CCA)

Configuration profile changes

The installer sets Host in the DiameterConfig profile table to the supplied host.

If using the installer to set up a simple configuration, all profiles in the DiameterConfig profile table, except the default profile (the nameless profile), are updated as follows:

  • PeerTable is updated using the supplied peer URI and address,

  • Realm is set to the configured realm name, and

  • RealmTable is updated using the supplied realm name and peer URI.

If setting up a simple configuration, and deploying against a production Rhino (as configured in the Rhino step), we additionally set in the same profiles:

  • EnableMultiNodeConfig is set to the EnableMultiNodeConfig value of the DiameterRoOcsProfile (default false),)

  • NodeIDs is set using the node configuration from the Rhino step, and

  • PerNodeHosts is set using the node configuration from the Rhino step.

Finally, the installer sets DisableCharging in the DetermineChargingConfigProfileTable to false exactly if Diameter Ro online charging was selected in the Online charging step.

Resource adaptor configuration changes

The field 3GPPVersion in the diameterro-0 resource adaptor configuration is set to the configured version.


The configuration can be changed after installation.

Diameter Rf

Configuration profile changes

The installer sets host in the client profile of the RfControlDiameterConfiguration table to the supplied host.

If using the installer to set up a simple configuration, all profiles in the RfControlDiameterConfiguration profile table are updated as follows:

  • PeerTable is updated using the supplied peer URI and address,

  • Realm is set to the configured realm name, and

  • RealmTable is updated using the supplied realm name and peer URI.

Resource adaptor configuration changes

The rf-control-ra resource adaptor configuration is updated as followed:

  • 3GPPVersion is set to the configured version.

Additionally, if using the installer to set up a simple configuration:

  • DestinationHost is set to the peer host, and

  • DestinationRealm is set to the realm name.

Finally, if not using Diameter Rf, the rf-control-ra resource adaptor is deactivated.


The configuration can be changed after installation. If enabling Diameter Rf after installation, please also make the required changes in the Call detail records (CDRs) step.

Call detail records (CDRs)

Configuration profile changes

The installer makes the following changes in the DetermineChargingConfigProfileTable profile table:

  • InterimCdrsEnabled is set to true exactly if interim CDRs have been enabled, and

  • SessionCdrsEnabled is set to true exactly if session CDRs have been enabled.

Similarly, the installer makes the following changes to all profiles in the SipInterimCdrProfileTable profile table:

  • UseCdrRa is set to true exactly if interim CDRs have been enabled, and

  • UseRfControlRa is set to true exactly if Diameter Rf has been enabled in the Diameter Rf step.


These values can be changed after installation, keeping in mind that interim CDRs should be enabled if Diameter Rf is enabled.

CAP charging (IM-SSF)

Property file changes

The properties file imssf-install.properties is updated as follows:

  • imssf.countrycode is set to the supplied country code, and

  • imssf.default.mediaserver.address is set to the supplied default media server address.


These values can be changed after installation as detailed in the IM-SSF documentation.

Sh Cache Diameter

Configuration profile changes

The installer sets host in the client profile of the ShCacheDiameterConfiguration table to the supplied host.

If using the installer to set up a simple configuration, the same profile is updated as follows:

  • PeerTable is updated using the supplied peer URI and address,

  • Realm is set to the configured realm name, and

  • RealmTable is updated using the supplied realm name and peer URI.

If setting up a simple configuration, and deploying against a production Rhino (as configured in the Rhino step), we additionally update the same profile as follows:

  • EnableMultiNodeConfig is set to true,

  • NodeIDs is set using the node configuration from the Rhino step, and

  • PerNodeHosts is set using the node configuration from the Rhino step.

Resource adaptor configuration changes

If using the installer to set up a simple configuration, the following values are set in the sh-cache-ra resource adaptor configuration:

  • DestinationHost is set to the peer host, and

  • DestinationRealm is set to the realm name.


DestinationRealm can be changed after installation, but changing DestinationHost is not recommended.

Sentinel registrar

Configuration profile changes

The installer sets the following values in the RegistrarConfigurationTable profile table:

  • AtuSti is set to the configured ATU-STI,

  • AtcfUpdateTimeout is set to the configured ATCF update timeout,

  • StnSr is set to the configured STN-SR, and

  • SubscriberDataFacadeType is set to the chosen registration data storage type.

Furthermore, a prototype profile ${platform.operator.name}:::::101 is created in the same profile table, with a single entry:

  • AtuSti is set to the configured ATU-STI.

Resource adaptor configuration changes

If Cassandra has been chosen for the registration data storage, the installer enables the cassandra resource adaptor, and sets the following values in the cassandra-third-party-reg resource adaptor configuration:

  • cassandraHosts is set to the configured Cassandra hosts, and

  • policy.protocol.port is set to the configured Cassandra port.

If Cassandra has not been chosen for the registration data storage, the installer disables the cassandra-third-party-reg resource adaptor.


It is not recommended to change the data storage type after installation. However, the details for the chosen storage type can be altered. Furthermore, the ${platform.operator.name}:::::101 profile can be used as a prototype for adding additional nodes.

Sentinel VoLTE shared config

Configuration profile changes

The following values are recorded in the ${platform.operator.name}:::::101 profile of the VoLTESharedConfigProfileTable profile table:

  • MMTelASURI is set to the configured MMTel AS URI, and

  • SCCASURI is set to the configured SCC AS URI.


These values can be changed after installation.


Resource adaptor configuration changes

The installer sets the following values in the cassandra-general resource adaptor configuration:

  • cassandraHosts is set to the configured Cassandra hosts, and

  • policy.protocol.port is set to the configured Cassandra port.


These values can be changed after installation.


Configuration file changes

The installer records the configured SIP SIS RA host in the IPAddress property in sentinel-volte-base-services-components/config.ant.xml.


Please see the SIP Resource Adaptor documentation for more information about changing this value.

MMTel conferencing

Configuration profile changes

The installer sets the following values in the MMTelCONFConfigProfileTable profile table:

  • ICSCFURI is set to the configured conference I-CSCF URI,

  • MRFURI is set to the configured MRF URI, and

  • ConfFactoryPSI is set to the configured conference factory PSI.

Furthermore, it sets the following values in the MMTelECTConfigProfileTable profile table:

  • ICSCFURI is set to the configured ECT I-CSCF URI.

It also sets the following values in the SccConfHandlingConfigProfileTable profile table:

  • ConfFactoryPSI is set to the configured conference factory PSI.

Finally, it updates the SentinelMapperSetEntryTable to use the mappers corresponding to the configured MSML vendor.


These values cannot be changed after installation.

Enable HSS IMS-ODB-Information query

Configuration profile changes

In the IMS-ODB-Information profile of the ${platform.operator.name}_SubscriberDataLookupFromHss2ServiceIndicationProfileTable profile table, DisableQuery is set to true exactly if the HSS query for IMS-ODB-Information has been disabled.


These values can be changed after installation.

Cassandra as repository

Configuration profile changes

This step only makes any changes if Cassandra was chosen in the Sentinel registrar step.

If the deployment includes SCC, the installer makes the following changes to the ${platform.operator.name_FeatureExecutionPointTable profile table:

  • SipAccess_SessionCheck:sipcall:scc-orig is set to SCCOrig_Cassandra_SipAccess_SessionCheck,

  • SipAccess_SessionCheck:sipcall:scc-term is set to SCCTerm_Cassandra_SipAccess_SessionCheck, and

  • DirectAccess_NetworkPreCreditCheck::: is set to default_call_Cassandra_DirectAccess_NetworkPreCreditCheck.

If the deployment includes MMTel, the installer makes the following changes to the ${platform.operator.name_FeatureExecutionPointTable profile table:

  • SipAccess_SessionCheck:sipcall:mmtel-orig is set to MMTel_Cassandra_SipAccess_SessionCheck, and

  • SipAccess_SessionCheck:sipcall:mmtel-term is set to MMTel_Cassandra_SipAccess_SessionCheck.


As changing the deployment type after installation is not possible, these values cannot be changed.

Correlation RA

Configuration profile changes

The default profiles (i.e. the profiles without a name) in both the ReoriginationCorrelationIdPools and EtcAriCorrelationIdPools tables are updated in the following way:

  • NodeIds is set using the node configuration from the Rhino step, and

  • PreconfiguredCorrelationIdSet is set using the node configuration from the Rhino step.


These values can be changed after installation.


Configuration profile changes

This step only makes any changes if installing a CDMA deploy, and using TLDN for SCC TADS routing. If so, the installer first makes the following changes in ${platform.operator.name}_FeatureExecutionPointTable:

  • SipAccess_SubscriberCheck:sipcall:scc-term: is set to SCCTerm_HLR_SipAccess_SubscriberCheck,

  • SipAccess_SubscriberCheck:sipcall:scc-term-tads: is set to SCCTermTads_HLR_SipAccess_SubscriberCheck,

  • SipAccess_PartyResponse:sipcall:scc-term: is set to SCCTerm_HLR_SipAccess_PartyResponse,

  • SipAccess_PartyResponse:sipcall:scc-term-tads: is set to SCCTermTads_HLR_SipAccess_PartyResponse,

  • SipAccess_ServiceTimer:sipcall:scc-term: is set to SCCTerm_HLR_SipAccess_ServiceTimer, and

  • SipAccess_ServiceTimer:sipcall:scc-term-tads: is set to SCCTerm_HLR_SipAccess_ServiceTimer.

Next the installer sets the following values in the CDMAHLRConfigProfileTable profile table:

  • HLRSccpAddressAsString is set to the configured HLR Address,

  • SentinelSccpAddressAsString is set to the configured originating Sentinel address,

  • HLRInvokeTimeout is set to the configured invoke timeout,

  • MarketID is set to the configured market ID, and

  • SwitchNumber is set to the configured switch number.


The values in CDMAHLRConfigProfileTable can be changed after installation.


Configuration profile changes

This step only makes any changes if installing a GSM deploy, and using either the MSRN from the HLR for SCC TADS routing, or determining roaming from HLR.

If using the MSRN from the HLR, the installer first makes the following changes in ${platform.operator.name}_FeatureExecutionPointTable:

  • SipAccess_SubscriberCheck:sipcall:scc-term: is set to SCCTerm_HLR_SipAccess_SubscriberCheck,

  • SipAccess_SubscriberCheck:sipcall:scc-term-tads: is set to SCCTermTads_HLR_SipAccess_SubscriberCheck,

  • SipAccess_PartyResponse:sipcall:scc-term: is set to SCCTerm_HLR_SipAccess_PartyResponse,

  • SipAccess_PartyResponse:sipcall:scc-term-tads: is set to SCCTermTads_HLR_SipAccess_PartyResponse,

  • SipAccess_ServiceTimer:sipcall:scc-term: is set to SCCTerm_HLR_SipAccess_ServiceTimer, and

  • SipAccess_ServiceTimer:sipcall:scc-term-tads: is set to SCCTerm_HLR_SipAccess_ServiceTimer.

If determining roaming from HLR, the installer makes the following changes in ${platform.operator.name}_FeatureExecutionPointTable:

  • SipAccess_SessionCheck:sipcall:mmtel-orig: is set to MMTel_HLR_Cassandra_SipAccess_SessionCheck if Cassandra has been configured in the Sentinel registrar step and to MMTel_HLR_SipAccess_SessionCheck otherwise, and

  • SipAccess_SessionCheck:sipcall:mmtel-term: is set to MMTel_HLR_Cassandra_SipAccess_SessionCheck if Cassandra has been configured in the Sentinel registrar step and to MMTel_HLR_SipAccess_SessionCheck otherwise.

Next the installer sets the following values in the HLRConfigProfileTable profile table:

  • HLRSccpAddressAsString is set to the configured HLR Address,

  • SentinelSccpAddressAsString is set to the configured originating Sentinel address,

  • SentinelSccpMscEndpointAddressAsString is set to the configured originating Sentinel address,

  • SentinelAddressStringAsString is set to the configured MLC address, and

  • HLRInvokeTimeout is set to the configured invoke timeout.


The values in HLRConfigProfileTable can be changed after installation.


Configuration profile changes

If configured to allow WLAN access, the following profiles are added to the SCCTADSNetworkTypeConfigProfileTable:

  • ${platform.operator.name}:::::0

    • NetworkType: 0

    • Description: RAT value 0 = WLAN from TS 29.212 section 5.3.31

    • TerminatingDomain: PS=WLAN

  • ${platform.operator.name}:::::3GPP-WLAN

    • NetworkType: 3GPP-WLAN

    • Description: P-Access-Network-Info value from TS 24.229 section 7.2A.4

    • TerminatingDomain: PS=WLAN

  • ${platform.operator.name}:::::IEEE-802.11

    • NetworkType: IEEE-802.11

    • Description: P-Access-Network-Info value from TS 24.229 section 7.2A.4

    • TerminatingDomain: PS=WLAN

  • ${platform.operator.name}:::::IEEE-802.11A

    • NetworkType: IEEE-802.11A

    • Description: P-Access-Network-Info value from TS 24.229 section 7.2A.4

    • TerminatingDomain: PS=WLAN

  • ${platform.operator.name}:::::IEEE-802.11B

    • NetworkType: IEEE-802.11B

    • Description: P-Access-Network-Info value from TS 24.229 section 7.2A.4

    • TerminatingDomain: PS=WLAN

  • ${platform.operator.name}:::::IEEE-802.11G

    • NetworkType: IEEE-802.11G

    • Description: P-Access-Network-Info value from TS 24.229 section 7.2A.4

    • TerminatingDomain: PS=WLAN

  • ${platform.operator.name}:::::IEEE-802.11N

    • NetworkType: IEEE-802.11N

    • Description: P-Access-Network-Info value from TS 24.229 section 7.2A.4

    • TerminatingDomain: PS=WLAN


This setting can be changed after installation by adding or removing the profiles.

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Sentinel VoLTE Version 2.8.0