GWT 2.7.0

Uses of Interface

Packages that use HasHandlers Classes for HTML Canvas 2D support. User interface components for the bean editor framework. Types related to DOM events. Types related to logical events that do not have direct analogues to DOM events and which can be used in contexts other than web browsers. Shared infrastructure underlying both browser and non-browser events. Classes used for testing the GWT event bus. Internationalization support for GWT applications. Log handlers and related classes for java.util.logging support in GWT. Widgets for HTML Audio and Video support. The "cellview" widget set. Widgets, Panels, and other user-interface classes. The date picker widget and associated types. Classes and interfaces used by the cellview widget set. 

Uses of HasHandlers in

Classes in that implement HasHandlers
 class Canvas
          A widget representing a <canvas> element.

Uses of HasHandlers in

Classes in that implement HasHandlers
 class ValueBoxEditorDecorator<T>
          A simple decorator to display leaf widgets with an error message.

Uses of HasHandlers in

Subinterfaces of HasHandlers in
 interface HasAllDragAndDropHandlers
          This is a convenience interface that includes all drag and drop handlers defined by the core GWT system.
 interface HasAllFocusHandlers
          This is a convenience interface that includes all focus handlers defined by the core GWT system.
 interface HasAllGestureHandlers
          This is a convenience interface that includes all gesture handlers defined by the core GWT system.
 interface HasAllKeyHandlers
          Convenience interface used to implement all key handlers at once.
 interface HasAllMediaHandlers
          This is a convenience interface that includes all media handlers defined by the core GWT system.
 interface HasAllMouseHandlers
          This is a convenience interface that includes all mouse handlers defined by the core GWT system.
 interface HasAllTouchHandlers
          This is a convenience interface that includes all touch handlers defined by the core GWT system.
 interface HasBlurHandlers
          A widget that implements this interface provides registration for BlurHandler instances.
 interface HasCanPlayThroughHandlers
          A widget that implements this interface provides registration for CanPlayThroughHandler instances.
 interface HasChangeHandlers
          A widget that implements this interface provides registration for ChangeHandler instances.
 interface HasClickHandlers
          A widget that implements this interface provides registration for ClickHandler instances.
 interface HasContextMenuHandlers
          A widget that implements this interface provides registration for ContextMenuHandler instances.
 interface HasDoubleClickHandlers
          A widget that implements this interface provides registration for DoubleClickHandler instances.
 interface HasDragEndHandlers
          A widget that implements this interface provides registration for DragEndHandler instances.
 interface HasDragEnterHandlers
          A widget that implements this interface provides registration for DragEnterHandler instances.
 interface HasDragHandlers
          A widget that implements this interface provides registration for DragHandler instances.
 interface HasDragLeaveHandlers
          A widget that implements this interface provides registration for DragLeaveHandler instances.
 interface HasDragOverHandlers
          A widget that implements this interface provides registration for DragOverHandler instances.
 interface HasDragStartHandlers
          A widget that implements this interface provides registration for DragStartHandler instances.
 interface HasDropHandlers
          A widget that implements this interface provides registration for DropHandler instances.
 interface HasEndedHandlers
          A widget that implements this interface provides registration for EndedHandler instances.
 interface HasErrorHandlers
          A widget that implements this interface provides registration for ErrorHandler instances.
 interface HasFocusHandlers
          A widget that implements this interface provides registration for FocusHandler instances.
 interface HasGestureChangeHandlers
          A widget that implements this interface provides registration for GestureChangeHandler instances.
 interface HasGestureEndHandlers
          A widget that implements this interface provides registration for GestureEndHandler instances.
 interface HasGestureStartHandlers
          A widget that implements this interface provides registration for GestureStartHandler instances.
 interface HasKeyDownHandlers
          A widget that implements this interface provides registration for KeyDownHandler instances.
 interface HasKeyPressHandlers
          A widget that implements this interface provides registration for KeyPressHandler instances.
 interface HasKeyUpHandlers
          A widget that implements this interface provides registration for KeyUpHandler instances.
 interface HasLoadedMetadataHandlers
          A widget that implements this interface provides registration for LoadedMetadataHandler instances.
 interface HasLoadHandlers
          A widget that implements this interface provides registration for LoadHandler instances.
 interface HasLoseCaptureHandlers
          A widget that implements this interface provides registration for LoseCaptureHandler instances.
 interface HasMouseDownHandlers
          A widget that implements this interface provides registration for MouseDownHandler instances.
 interface HasMouseMoveHandlers
          A widget that implements this interface provides registration for MouseMoveHandler instances.
 interface HasMouseOutHandlers
          A widget that implements this interface provides registration for MouseOutHandler instances.
 interface HasMouseOverHandlers
          A widget that implements this interface provides registration for MouseOverHandler instances.
 interface HasMouseUpHandlers
          A widget that implements this interface provides registration for MouseUpHandler instances.
 interface HasMouseWheelHandlers
          A widget that implements this interface provides registration for MouseWheelHandler instances.
 interface HasProgressHandlers
          A widget that implements this interface provides registration for ProgressHandler instances.
 interface HasScrollHandlers
          A widget that implements this interface provides registration for ScrollHandler instances.
 interface HasTouchCancelHandlers
          A widget that implements this interface provides registration for TouchCancelHandler instances.
 interface HasTouchEndHandlers
          A widget that implements this interface provides registration for TouchEndHandler instances.
 interface HasTouchMoveHandlers
          A widget that implements this interface provides registration for TouchMoveHandler instances.
 interface HasTouchStartHandlers
          A widget that implements this interface provides registration for TouchStartHandler instances.

Methods in with parameters of type HasHandlers
static void DomEvent.fireNativeEvent(NativeEvent nativeEvent, HasHandlers handlerSource)
          Fires the given native event on the specified handlers.
static void DomEvent.fireNativeEvent(NativeEvent nativeEvent, HasHandlers handlerSource, Element relativeElem)
          Fires the given native event on the specified handlers.

Uses of HasHandlers in

Subinterfaces of HasHandlers in
 interface HasAttachHandlers
          A widget that implements this interface is a public source of AttachEvent events.
 interface HasBeforeSelectionHandlers<T>
          A widget that implements this interface is a public source of BeforeSelectionEvent events.
 interface HasCloseHandlers<T>
          A widget that implements this interface is a public source of CloseEvent events.
 interface HasHighlightHandlers<V>
          A widget that implements this interface is a public source of HighlightEvent events.
 interface HasInitializeHandlers
          A widget that implements this interface is a public source of InitializeEvent events.
 interface HasOpenHandlers<T>
          A widget that implements this interface is a public source of OpenEvent events.
 interface HasResizeHandlers
          A widget that implements this interface is a public source of ResizeEvent events.
 interface HasSelectionHandlers<T>
          A widget that implements this interface is a public source of SelectionEvent events.
 interface HasShowRangeHandlers<V>
          A widget that implements this interface is a public source of ShowRangeEvent events.
 interface HasValueChangeHandlers<T>
          A widget that implements this interface is a public source of ValueChangeEvent events.

Methods in with type parameters of type HasHandlers
<S extends HasInitializeHandlers & HasHandlers>
void source)
          Fires a initialize event on all registered handlers in the handler source.
<S extends HasResizeHandlers & HasHandlers>
void source, int width, int height)
          Fires a resize event on all registered handlers in the handler source.
<V,S extends HasHighlightHandlers<V> & HasHandlers>
void source, V highlighted)
          Fires a highlight event on all registered handlers in the handler manager.
<V,S extends HasShowRangeHandlers<V> & HasHandlers>
void source, V start, V end)
          Fires a show range event on all registered handlers in the handler manager.

Uses of HasHandlers in

Classes in that implement HasHandlers
 class EventBus
          Extends {} for legacy compatibility.
 class HandlerManager
          Manager responsible for adding handlers to event sources and firing those handlers on passed in events.
 class ResettableEventBus
          Wraps {} for legacy compatibility.
 class SimpleEventBus
          Wraps {} for legacy compatibility.

Uses of HasHandlers in

Classes in that implement HasHandlers
 class CountingEventBus
          Legacy compatibility wrapper for CountingEventBus.

Uses of HasHandlers in

Subinterfaces of HasHandlers in
static interface AutoDirectionHandler.Target
          The interface an object must implement in order to add an AutoDirectionHandler to it.

Uses of HasHandlers in

Classes in that implement HasHandlers
 class LoggingPopup
          A simple popup to show log messages, which can be resized, minimized, and dragged to a different location.

Uses of HasHandlers in

Classes in that implement HasHandlers
 class Audio
           A widget representing an <audio> element.
 class MediaBase
           A widget representing a media element.
 class Video
           A widget representing a <video> element.

Uses of HasHandlers in

Classes in that implement HasHandlers
 class AbstractCellTable<T>
          Abstract base class for tabular views that supports paging and columns.
 class AbstractCellTree
          An abstract representation of a tree widget that renders items using Cells.
 class AbstractHasData<T>
          An abstract Widget that implements HasData.
 class AbstractPager
          An abstract pager that exposes many methods useful for paging.
 class CellBrowser
          A "browsable" view of a tree in which only a single node per level may be open at one time.
(package private)  class CellBrowser.BrowserCellList<T>
          A custom version of cell list used by the browser.
 class CellList<T>
          A single column list of cells.
 class CellTable<T>
          A tabular view that supports paging and columns.
 class CellTree
          A view of a tree.
(package private) static class CellTreeNodeView.NodeCellList<C>
          The HasData used to show children.
 class CellWidget<C>
          A Widget that wraps a Cell.
 class DataGrid<T>
          A tabular view with a fixed header and footer section and a scrollable data section in the middle.
(package private) static class DataGrid.TableWidget
          A simple widget wrapper around a table element.
(package private)  class HasDataPresenter<T>
           Presenter implementation of HasData that presents data for various cell based widgets.
 class PageSizePager
          A simple pager that controls the page size.
 class SimplePager
          A pager for controlling a HasRows that only supports simple page navigation.

Methods in with parameters of type HasHandlers
static ColumnSortEvent source, ColumnSortList sortList)
          Fires a column sort event on all registered handlers in the handler manager.
static RowHoverEvent source, TableRowElement hoveringRow, boolean isUnHover)
          Fires a row hover event on all registered handlers in the handler manager.
static RowHoverEvent source, TableRowElement hoveringRow, Event browserEvent, boolean isUnHover)
          Fires a row hover event on all registered handlers in the handler manager.
static RowHoverEvent source, TableRowElement hoveringRow, Event browserEvent, boolean isUnHover, RowHoverEvent.HoveringScope hoveringScope)
          Fires a row hover event on all registered handlers in the handler manager.

Uses of HasHandlers in

Subinterfaces of HasHandlers in
static interface DialogBox.Caption
          Set of characteristic interfaces supported by the DialogBox caption.
 interface HasConstrainedValue<T>
          Implemented by widgets that pick from a set of values.
 interface HasScrolling
          Implemented by widgets that support scrolling.
 interface HasValue<T>
          Extends TakesValue to allow the value to be pulled back out, and to throw ValueChangeEvent events.
 interface HorizontalScrollbar
          Describes a horizontal scrollbar.
static interface TabBar.Tab
          Set of characteristic interfaces supported by TabBar tabs.
 interface VerticalScrollbar
          Describes a vertical scrollbar.

Classes in that implement HasHandlers
 class AbsolutePanel
          An absolute panel positions all of its children absolutely, allowing them to overlap.
 class AbstractNativeScrollbar
          Abstract parent class for scrollbars implemented using the native browser scrollbars.
 class Anchor
          A widget that represents a simple <a> element.
 class Button
          A standard push-button widget.
 class ButtonBase
          Abstract base class for Button, CheckBox, RadioButton.
 class CaptionPanel
          A panel that wraps its contents in a border with a caption that appears in the upper left corner of the border.
 class CellPanel
          A panel whose child widgets are contained within the cells of a table.
 class CheckBox
          A standard check box widget.
 class ComplexPanel
          Abstract base class for panels that can contain multiple child widgets.
 class Composite
          A type of widget that can wrap another widget, hiding the wrapped widget's methods.
 class CustomButton
          CustomButton is a base button class with built in support for a set number of button faces.
 class CustomScrollPanel
          A custom version of the ScrollPanel that allows user provided scrollbars.
 class DateLabel
          Extends ValueLabel for convenience when dealing with dates and DateTimeFormat, especially in UiBinder templates.
 class DeckLayoutPanel
          A panel that displays all of its child widgets in a 'deck', where only one can be visible at a time.
 class DeckPanel
          A panel that displays all of its child widgets in a 'deck', where only one can be visible at a time.
 class DecoratedPopupPanel
           A PopupPanel that wraps its content in a 3x3 grid, which allows users to add rounded corners.
 class DecoratedStackPanel
           A StackPanel that wraps each item in a 2x3 grid (six box), which allows users to add rounded corners.
 class DecoratedTabBar
           A TabBar that wraps each tab in a 2x3 grid (six box), which allows users to add rounded corners.
 class DecoratedTabPanel
          A TabPanel that uses a DecoratedTabBar with rounded corners.
 class DecoratorPanel
           A SimplePanel that wraps its contents in stylized boxes, which can be used to add rounded corners to a Widget.
 class DialogBox
          A form of popup that has a caption area at the top and can be dragged by the user.
static class DialogBox.CaptionImpl
          Default implementation of Caption.
 class DisclosurePanel
          A widget that consists of a header and a content panel that discloses the content when a user clicks on the header.
 class DockLayoutPanel
          A panel that lays its child widgets out "docked" at its outer edges, and allows its last widget to take up the remaining space in its center.
 class DockPanel
          A panel that lays its child widgets out "docked" at its outer edges, and allows its last widget to take up the remaining space in its center.
 class DoubleBox
          A ValueBox that uses DoubleParser and DoubleRenderer.
 class FileUpload
          A widget that wraps the HTML <input type='file'> element.
 class FlexTable
          A flexible table that creates cells on demand.
 class FlowPanel
          A panel that formats its child widgets using the default HTML layout behavior.
 class FocusPanel
          A simple panel that makes its contents focusable, and adds the ability to catch mouse and keyboard events.
 class FocusWidget
          Abstract base class for most widgets that can receive keyboard focus.
 class FormPanel
          A panel that wraps its contents in an HTML <FORM> element.
 class Frame
          A widget that wraps an IFRAME element, which can contain an arbitrary web site.
 class Grid
          A rectangular grid that can contain text, html, or a child Widget within its cells.
 class HeaderPanel
          A panel that includes a header (top), footer (bottom), and content (middle) area.
 class Hidden
          Represents a hidden field in an HTML form.
 class HorizontalPanel
          A panel that lays all of its widgets out in a single horizontal column.
 class HorizontalSplitPanel
          Deprecated. Use SplitLayoutPanel instead, but understand that it is not a drop in replacement for this class. It requires standards mode, and is most easily used under a RootLayoutPanel (as opposed to a RootPanel
 class HTML
          A widget that can contain arbitrary HTML.
 class HTMLPanel
          A panel that contains HTML, and which can attach child widgets to identified elements within that HTML.
 class HTMLTable
          HTMLTable contains the common table algorithms for Grid and FlexTable.
 class Hyperlink
          A widget that serves as an "internal" hyperlink.
 class Image
          A widget that displays the image at a given URL.
 class InlineHTML
          A widget that can contain arbitrary HTML.
 class InlineHyperlink
          A widget that serves as an "internal" hyperlink.
 class InlineLabel
          A widget that contains arbitrary text, not interpreted as HTML.
 class IntegerBox
          A ValueBox that uses IntegerParser and IntegerRenderer.
 class Label
          A widget that contains arbitrary text, not interpreted as HTML.
 class LabelBase<T>
          Abstract base class for all text display widgets.
 class LayoutPanel
          A panel that lays its children out in arbitrary layers using the Layout class.
 class LazyPanel
          Convenience class to help lazy loading.
 class ListBox
          A widget that presents a list of choices to the user, either as a list box or as a drop-down list.
 class LongBox
          A ValueBox that uses LongParser and LongRenderer.
 class MenuBar
          A standard menu bar widget.
 class NamedFrame
          A Frame that has a 'name' associated with it.
 class NativeHorizontalScrollbar
          A horizontal scrollbar implemented using the browsers native scrollbar.
 class NativeVerticalScrollbar
          A vertical scrollbar implemented using the browsers native scrollbar.
 class NotificationMole
          Simple widget for providing notification feedback.
 class NumberLabel<T extends Number>
          Extends ValueLabel for convenience when dealing with numbers and NumberFormat, especially in UiBinder templates.
 class Panel
          Abstract base class for all panels, which are widgets that can contain other widgets.
 class PasswordTextBox
          A text box that visually masks its input to prevent eavesdropping.
 class PopupPanel
          A panel that can "pop up" over other widgets.
 class PushButton
          A normal push button with custom styling.
 class RadioButton
          A mutually-exclusive selection radio button widget.
 class RenderablePanel
          EXPERIMENTAL and subject to change.
 class ResetButton
          A standard push-button widget which will automatically reset its enclosing FormPanel if any.
 class ResizeComposite
          A Composite implementation that implements RequiresResize and automatically delegates that interface's methods to its wrapped widget, which must itself implement RequiresResize.
 class ResizeLayoutPanel
          A simple panel that ProvidesResize to its one child, but does not RequiresResize.
 class RichTextArea
          A rich text editor that allows complex styling and formatting.
 class RootLayoutPanel
          A singleton implementation of LayoutPanel that always attaches itself to the document body (i.e.
 class RootPanel
          The panel to which all other widgets must ultimately be added.
 class ScrollPanel
          A simple panel that wraps its contents in a scrollable area.
 class SimpleCheckBox
          A simple checkbox widget, with no label.
 class SimpleLayoutPanel
          A simple panel that ProvidesResize to its one child.
 class SimplePanel
          Base class for panels that contain only one widget.
 class SimpleRadioButton
          A simple radio button widget, with no label.
 class SplitLayoutPanel
          A panel that adds user-positioned splitters between each of its child widgets.
(package private)  class SplitLayoutPanel.HSplitter
(package private)  class SplitLayoutPanel.Splitter
(package private)  class SplitLayoutPanel.VSplitter
(package private)  class SplitPanel
          Deprecated. Use SplitLayoutPanel instead, but understand that it is not a drop in replacement for this class. It requires standards mode, and is most easily used under a RootLayoutPanel (as opposed to a RootPanel
 class StackLayoutPanel
          A panel that stacks its children vertically, displaying only one at a time, with a header for each child which the user can click to display.
 class StackPanel
          A panel that stacks its children vertically, displaying only one at a time, with a header for each child which the user can click to display.
 class SubmitButton
          A standard push-button widget which will automatically submit its enclosing FormPanel if any.
 class SuggestBox
          A SuggestBox is a text box or text area which displays a pre-configured set of selections that match the user's input.
 class TabBar
          A horizontal bar of folder-style tabs, most commonly used as part of a TabPanel.
 class TabLayoutPanel
          A panel that represents a tabbed set of pages, each of which contains another widget.
 class TabPanel
          A panel that represents a tabbed set of pages, each of which contains another widget.
 class TextArea
          A text box that allows multiple lines of text to be entered.
 class TextBox
          A standard single-line text box.
 class TextBoxBase
          Abstract base class for most text entry widgets.
 class ToggleButton
          A ToggleButton is a stylish stateful button which allows the user to toggle between up and down states.
 class Tree
          A standard hierarchical tree widget.
 class ValueBox<T>
          A text box able to parse its displayed value.
 class ValueBoxBase<T>
          Abstract base class for all text entry widgets.
 class ValueLabel<T>
          A label displaying its value through a renderer.
 class ValueListBox<T>
          Implementation of HasConstrainedValue based on a SelectElement.
 class ValuePicker<T>
          Allows the user to pick a single value from a list.
 class VerticalPanel
          A panel that lays all of its widgets out in a single vertical column.
 class VerticalSplitPanel
          Deprecated. Use SplitLayoutPanel instead, but understand that it is not a drop in replacement for this class. It requires standards mode, and is most easily used under a RootLayoutPanel (as opposed to a RootPanel
 class Widget
          The base class for the majority of user-interface objects.

Uses of HasHandlers in

Classes in that implement HasHandlers
 class CalendarView
          The CalendarView is a calendar grid that represents the current view of a DatePicker.
(package private)  class CellGridImpl<V>
          Highlighting, selectable cell grid.
(package private)  class CellGridImpl.Cell
 class DateBox
          A text box that shows a DatePicker when the user focuses on it.
 class DatePicker
          Standard GWT date picker.
(package private)  class DatePickerComponent
          Package protected class used to combine functionality for the MonthSelector and CalendarView components.
 class DefaultCalendarView
          Simple calendar view.
(package private)  class DefaultCalendarView.CellGrid
          Cell grid.
(package private)  class DefaultCalendarView.CellGrid.DateCell
          A cell representing a date.
 class DefaultMonthSelector
          A simple MonthSelector used for the default date picker.
 class MonthSelector
          Abstract month selector widget.

Methods in with type parameters of type HasHandlers
<S extends HasValueChangeHandlers<java.util.Date> & HasHandlers>
DateChangeEvent.fireIfNotEqualDates(S source, java.util.Date oldValue, java.util.Date newValue)
          Fires value change event if the old value is not equal to the new value.

Uses of HasHandlers in

Subinterfaces of HasHandlers in
 interface HasCellPreviewHandlers<T>
          A widget that implements this interface is a public source of CellPreviewEvent events.
 interface HasData<T>
          A view that can display a range of data.
 interface HasRows
          Describes an object that displays a range of rows.
static interface SelectionChangeEvent.HasSelectionChangedHandlers
          Interface specifying that a class can add SelectionChangeEvent.Handlers.
 interface SelectionModel<T>
          A model for selection within a list.
 interface SetSelectionModel<T>
          A model that allows getting all elements and clearing the selection.

Classes in that implement HasHandlers
 class DefaultSelectionModel<T>
          A convenience SelectionModel that allows items to be selected according to a subclass-defined rule, plus a list of positive or negative exceptions.
 class MultiSelectionModel<T>
          A simple selection model that allows multiple items to be selected.
 class NoSelectionModel<T>
          A selection model that does not allow selection, but fires selection change events.
 class OrderedMultiSelectionModel<T>
          A simple selection model that allows multiple items to be selected and retains order of selection.
static class SelectionModel.AbstractSelectionModel<T>
          A default implementation of SelectionModel that provides listener addition and removal.
 class SingleSelectionModel<T>
          A simple selection model that allows only one item to be selected a a time.

GWT 2.7.0