GWT 2.7.0


Shared infrastructure underlying both browser and non-browser events.


Interface Summary
EventHandler Marker interface for event handlers.
HandlerRegistration Extends {} for legacy compatibility.
HasHandlers An object that implements this interface has a collection of event handlers associated with it.

Class Summary
EventBus Extends {} for legacy compatibility.
GwtEvent<H extends EventHandler> Root of all GWT widget and dom events sourced by a HandlerManager.
GwtEvent.Type<H> Type class used to register events with the HandlerManager.
HandlerManager Manager responsible for adding handlers to event sources and firing those handlers on passed in events.
LegacyHandlerWrapper Wrapper class to ease the transition to HandlerRegistration.
ResettableEventBus Wraps {} for legacy compatibility.
SimpleEventBus Wraps {} for legacy compatibility.

Exception Summary
UmbrellaException Wraps {} for legacy compatibility.

Package Description

Shared infrastructure underlying both browser and non-browser events. Types within this package do not use JSNI and do not have static (even indirect) dependencies upon types which use JSNI.

GWT 2.7.0