GWT 2.7.0


The "cellview" widget set.


Interface Summary
AbstractCellTable.Resources A ClientBundle that provides images for this widget.
AbstractCellTable.Style Styles used by this widget.
AbstractCellTable.TableSectionChangeHandler Interface that this class's subclass may implement to get notified with table section change event.
CellBrowser.PagerFactory Pager factory used to create pagers for each CellList of the CellBrowser.
CellBrowser.Resources A ClientBundle that provides images for this widget.
CellBrowser.Style Styles used by this widget.
CellList.Resources A ClientBundle that provides images for this widget.
CellList.Style Styles used by this widget.
CellTable.BasicResources Resources that match the GWT standard style theme.
CellTable.BasicStyle Styles used by CellTable.BasicResources.
CellTable.Resources A ClientBundle that provides images for this widget.
CellTable.Style Styles used by this widget.
CellTableBuilder<T> Builder used to construct a CellTable.
CellTree.BasicResources Resources that match the GWT standard style theme.
CellTree.BasicStyle Styles used by CellTree.BasicResources.
CellTree.CellTreeMessages Constants for labeling the cell tree.
CellTree.Resources A ClientBundle that provides images for this widget.
CellTree.Style Styles used by this widget.
ColumnSortEvent.Handler Handler for ColumnSortEvent.
ColumnSortList.Delegate The delegate that handles modifications to the list.
DataGrid.Resources A ClientBundle that provides images for this widget.
DataGrid.Style Styles used by this widget.
FooterBuilder<T> Builds the DOM elements for the footer section of a CellTable.
HasDataPresenter.ElementIterator An iterator over DOM elements.
HasDataPresenter.View<T> The view that this presenter presents.
HasKeyboardPagingPolicy Implemented by widgets that have a HasKeyboardPagingPolicy.KeyboardPagingPolicy.
HasKeyboardSelectionPolicy Implemented by widgets that have a HasKeyboardSelectionPolicy.KeyboardSelectionPolicy.
HeaderBuilder<T> Builds the DOM elements for the header section of a CellTable.
LoadingStateChangeEvent.Handler Implemented by handlers of LoadingStateChangeEvent.
LoadingStateChangeEvent.LoadingState Represents the current status of the data being loaded.
RowHoverEvent.Handler Handler for RowHoverEvent.
RowStyles<T> A description of how rows are to be styled in a CellTable.
SimplePager.ImageButtonsConstants Constant for labeling the simple pager navigational ImageButtons
SimplePager.Resources A ClientBundle that provides images for this widget.
SimplePager.Style Styles used by this widget.
TreeNode A representation of a node in a tree.

Class Summary
AbstractCellTable<T> Abstract base class for tabular views that supports paging and columns.
AbstractCellTable.CellTableKeyboardSelectionHandler<T> Default implementation of a keyboard navigation handler for tables that supports navigation between cells.
AbstractCellTableBuilder<T> Builder used to construct a CellTable.
AbstractCellTree An abstract representation of a tree widget that renders items using Cells.
AbstractHasData<T> An abstract Widget that implements HasData.
AbstractHasData.DefaultKeyboardSelectionHandler<T> Default implementation of a keyboard navigation handler.
AbstractHeaderOrFooterBuilder<T> Default implementation of HeaderBuilder that renders columns.
AbstractPager An abstract pager that exposes many methods useful for paging.
CellBasedWidgetImpl Implementation used by various cell based widgets.
CellBasedWidgetImplStandard Standard implementation used by most cell based widgets.
CellBasedWidgetImplStandardBase StandardBase implementation of CellBasedWidgetImpl.
CellBasedWidgetImplTrident IE specified Impl used by cell based widgets.
CellBrowser A "browsable" view of a tree in which only a single node per level may be open at one time.
CellBrowser.Builder<T> Builder object to create CellBrowser.
CellList<T> A single column list of cells.
CellTable<T> A tabular view that supports paging and columns.
CellTree A view of a tree.
CellTree.NodeAnimation A node animation.
CellTree.RevealAnimation A CellTree.NodeAnimation that reveals the contents of child nodes.
CellTree.SlideAnimation A CellTree.NodeAnimation that slides children into view.
CellTreeNodeView<T> A view of a tree node.
CellTreeNodeView.NodeCellList<C> The HasData used to show children.
CellTreeNodeView.TreeNodeImpl An implementation of TreeNode that delegates to a CellTreeNodeView.
CellWidget<C> A Widget that wraps a Cell.
Column<T,C> A representation of a column in a table.
ColumnSortEvent Represents a column sort event.
ColumnSortEvent.AsyncHandler A default handler used with views attached to asynchronous data providers such as AsyncDataProvider.
ColumnSortEvent.ListHandler<T> A default handler used to sort a List backing a table.
ColumnSortList An ordered list containing the sort history of Columns in a table.
ColumnSortList.ColumnSortInfo Information about the sort order of a specific column in a table.
DataGrid<T> A tabular view with a fixed header and footer section and a scrollable data section in the middle.
DataGrid.TableWidget A simple widget wrapper around a table element.
DefaultCellTableBuilder<T> Default cell table builder that renders row values into a grid of columns.
DefaultHeaderOrFooterBuilder<T> Default implementation of HeaderBuilder that renders columns.
HasDataPresenter<T> Presenter implementation of HasData that presents data for various cell based widgets.
Header<H> A table column header or footer.
IdentityColumn<T> A passthrough column, useful for giving cells access to the entire row object.
LoadingStateChangeEvent An event used to indicate that the data loading state has changed.
PageSizePager A simple pager that controls the page size.
RowHoverEvent Represents a row hover event.
SafeHtmlHeader A Header containing safe HTML data rendered by a SafeHtmlCell.
SimplePager A pager for controlling a HasRows that only supports simple page navigation.
TextColumn<T> A column that displays its contents with a TextCell and does not make use of view data.
TextHeader A Header containing String data rendered by a TextCell.

Enum Summary
HasKeyboardPagingPolicy.KeyboardPagingPolicy The policy that determines how keyboard paging will work.
HasKeyboardSelectionPolicy.KeyboardSelectionPolicy The policy that determines how keyboard selection will work.
RowHoverEvent.HoveringScope Indicates the scope/area of the hover event
SimplePager.TextLocation The location of the text relative to the paging buttons.

Package Description

The "cellview" widget set. The current widgets include:

CellTable supports the notion of paging, which may be controlled by an AbstractPager such as SimplePager, PageSizePager, or a user-defined subclass.

GWT 2.1

GWT 2.7.0