SGC CLI commands

SGC CLI commands can be grouped into four sets of commands:

Warning Most CLI operations are executed on the SGC Cluster using JMX management beans. Therefore the CLI requires successful establishment of a JMX connection to the SGC Cluster.

Management of SGC Stack processing objects

Most processing objects that can be managed within the SGC cluster support a set of CRUD commands. Some processing objects can also be enabled or disabled. Command names are a concatenation of the operation name and processing object name; for example: create-node, display-as, or remove-conn-ip. Generic commands are described below. For a detailed description of operations available for a particular processing object type, please see the SGC CLI built-in help system. The commands for managing processing objects are:


What it’s for

Sample use case



Creating a new instance of a processing object within the SGC cluster.

Warning The create operation requires providing the mandatory parameters for a given SGC processing object; otherwise a validation error will display on the terminal.

Creating a new connection object, which together with conn-ip defines remote the IP address of an SCTP association.

SGC[]> create-connection: ;
ERROR VALIDATION_FAILED: Mandatory parameter 'oname' was not set.
ERROR VALIDATION_FAILED: Mandatory parameter 'port' was not set.
ERROR VALIDATION_FAILED: Mandatory parameter 'local-endpoint-name' was not set.
ERROR VALIDATION_FAILED: Mandatory parameter 'conn-type' was not set.


Removes an instance of a processing object within the SGC Cluster.

Removing the conn-ip associated with a connection.

SGC[]> remove-conn-ip: oname=ip1ForConnectionA;
OK conn-ip removed.


Updates the state of a processing object within the SGC Cluster.

Warning Can cause validation/operation errors for processing objects, which must be be disabled and deactivated before update.

Updating the application server configuration (modify-as) by increasing the number of maximum pending messages and maximum pending time required.

Execution of Modify operation on and active application server (as) processing object resulting in a validation error:

SGC[]> modify-as: oname=AS-RC-1, pending-size=1000;
ERROR MODIFY_OBJECT_FAILED: com.cts.ss7.common.SGCException: Parameter pending-size cannot be modified when bean AS-RC-1 is enabled or active


Display the configuration of SGC Cluster processing objects.

Note The column parameter can be specified multiple times to restrict displayed columns.

Displaying the attribute values of connection-processing objects.

Successfully executed display operation for all defined connections:

SGC[]> display-connection:;
Found 2 object(s):
|oname          |dependenci|enabled |active  |port      |local-endpoint-|conn-type      |t-ack     |t-daud    |t-reconnec|state-maintenan|asp-id    |is-ipsp |out-queue-|
|               |es        |        |        |          |name           |               |          |          |t         |ce-role        |          |        |size      |
|C-CL2-N1       |0         |true    |false   |30115     |N1-E           |SERVER         |2         |60        |6         |ACTIVE         |null      |true    |1000      |
|C-CL2-N2       |1         |true    |false   |30105     |N1-E           |CLIENT         |10        |60        |5         |ACTIVE         |1         |true    |1000      |

Successfully executed display operation for a single connection (oname parameter specified):

SGC[]> display-connection: oname=C-CL2-N2;
Found 1 object(s):
|oname          |dependenci|enabled |active  |port      |local-endpoint-|conn-type      |t-ack     |t-daud    |t-reconnec|state-maintenan|asp-id    |is-ipsp |out-queue-|
|               |es        |        |        |          |name           |               |          |          |t         |ce-role        |          |        |size      |
|C-CL2-N2       |1         |true    |false   |30105     |N1-E           |CLIENT         |10        |60        |5         |ACTIVE         |1         |true    |1000      |

Successfully executed display operation for a single connection with a restricted number of columns (oname and column parameters specified):

SGC[]> display-connection: oname=C-CL2-N2,column=oname, column=enabled, column=conn-type;
Found 1 object(s):
|oname          |enabled |conn-type      |
|C-CL2-N2       |true    |CLIENT         |


Change the "enabled" state of: as, connection, local-endpoint, node, and snmp-node processing object types.

Warning These processing objects can be considered as fully functional only when enabled. Most configuration parameters of such objects cannot be changed when the processing object is enabled.

Enabling and disabling a connection:

SGC[]> enable-<TAB_PRESSED>
enable-as               enable-connection       enable-local-endpoint   enable-node             enable-snmp-node
SGC[]> enable-connection: oname=
oname=A-CONN        oname=B-CONN
SGC[]> enable-connection: oname=A-CONN;
OK connection enabled.
SGC[]> disable-connection: oname=A-CONN;
OK connection disabled.

Alarms and event history

The SGC CLI provides commands for displaying and clearing alarms generated by the SGC Cluster. Alarms raised and subsequently cleared, or notifications emitted, can be reviewed using a separate operation: display-event-history. Display operations for alarms let filter expressions be specified for id, name, and severity. Filter expressions can include % wildcard characters at the start, middle, or end of the expression. Also, the column parameter can be specified multiple times to restrict presented columns. Below are some examples:

Displaying all active alarms (no filtering criteria specified):

SGC[]> display-active-alarm:;
Found 2 object(s):
|description    |id        |name           |parameters     |severity       |timestamp           |
|The node in the|36        |nodefailure    |nodeId='Node101|MAJOR          |2014-02-10 10:47:35 |
| cluster disapp|          |               |',failureDescri|               |                    |
|eared          |          |               |ption='Mis...  |               |                    |
|The node in the|37        |nodefailure    |nodeId='Node102|MAJOR          |2014-02-10 10:47:37 |
| cluster disapp|          |               |',failureDescri|               |                    |
|eared          |          |               |ption='Mis...  |               |                    |

Displaying all active alarms with filters:

SGC[]> display-active-alarm: id=36, severity=M%, name=%failure;
Found 2 object(s):
|description    |id        |name           |parameters     |severity       |timestamp           |
|The node in the|36        |nodefailure    |nodeId='Node101|MAJOR          |2014-02-10 10:47:35 |
| cluster disapp|          |               |',failureDescri|               |                    |
|eared          |          |               |ption='Mis...  |               |                    |

Displaying all active alarms with filters and column parameters:

SGC[]> display-active-alarm: severity=M%, name=%failure, column=id, column=description, column=timestamp;
Found 1 object(s):
|id        |description    |timestamp           |
|36        |The node in the|2014-02-10 10:47:35 |
|          | cluster disapp|                    |
|          |eared          |                    |

Clearing an active alarm:

Clearing alarms

Any alarm can be cleared by the System Administrator. There are two clear operations exposed by the CLI:

  • clear-active-alarm — clears an active alarm as defined by the mandatory id parameter

  • clear-all-alarms — clears all active alarms.

SGC[]> clear-active-alarm: id=36;
OK alarm cleared.

Displaying all registered alarms:

Displaying event history

The display-event-history operation is used to display alarm and notification history. The output of this command can be filtered by specifying any of last, time-from, and time-to parameters. Also, the column parameter can be specified multiple times to restrict presented columns.

SGC[]> display-event-history: ;
Found 1 object(s):
|description    |id        |name           |parameters     |severity       |timestamp           |
|The node in the|36        |nodefailure    |nodeId='Node102|MAJOR          |2014-02-10 10:47:35 |
| cluster disapp|          |               |',failureDescri|               |                    |
|eared          |          |               |ption='Mis...  |               |                    |

Statistics (Info)

A set of commands allow interrogation of statistics exposed by the SGC Stack. For details, please see Statistics. The available statistics are:

Module Statistic


















Filtering statistical information

Commands displaying statistical information support filtering. Filtering of statistics is based on the equality between the filter value and statistic column value. Also, the column parameter can be specified multiple times to restrict presented columns.

Below are some examples.

Displaying statistic without filters:

SGC[]> display-info-asinfo:;
Found 1 object(s):
|connectionId   |asId           |TXCount        |RXCount        |status         |nodeId         |
|C-CL2-N1       |AS-RC-1        |0              |0              |INACTIVE       |CL1-N1         |

Displaying asinfo statistics with filters on the nodeId:

SGC[]> display-info-asinfo:<TAB_PRESSED>

RXCount        TXCount        asId           column         connectionId   nodeId         status
SGC[]> display-info-asinfo: nodeId=CL1-N1;
Found 1 object(s):
|connectionId   |asId           |TXCount        |RXCount        |status         |nodeId         |
|C-CL2-N1       |AS-RC-1        |0              |0              |INACTIVE       |CL1-N1         |

Export / Import

The following commands allowing exporting and importing the SGC Stack configuration to or from a text file.


What it’s for



Produces a dump of the current configuration in a format that is directly usable by the batch command.

Warning When the file argument is not provided, the output will be printed to the standard location.
Tip The export operation can be used also in non-interactive mode, if the script is executed with the -x, --export parameter.

Non-interactive mode:

./ -x config-backup.mml

Interactive mode:

SGC[]> export: file=config-backup.mml
OK configuration exported.


Loads a text file containing a set of MML commands, and executes them after connecting to the SGC Cluster (in a format that is produced by the export command).

Tip Batch operation can also be used in non-interactive mode, if the script is executed with the -b, --batch parameter.
Note The batch command supports an additional flag: -stopOnError, --stopOnError. If this flag is set to false, it won’t stop processing commands even if execution of a command results in an error. (The default behaviour is to stop processing commands after the first error.)

Non-interactive mode:

./ -b config-backup.mml -stopOnError false

Interactive mode:

SGC[]> batch: file=set-of-displays.mml
display-conn-ip: oname=conn-ip1;
Found 1 object(s):
|oname          |dependenci|ip             |conn-name      |
|               |es        |               |               |
|conn-ip1       |0         |  |C-CL2-N1       |
display-conn-ip: oname=conn-ip2;
Found 1 object(s):
|oname          |dependenci|ip             |conn-name      |
|               |es        |               |               |
|conn-ip2       |0         |  |C-CL2-N1       |
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