In this part of the tutorial, you will:

  • Create an input directory for VMBC.

  • Prepare the required input files.

  • Compile the HTTP example Rhino application.

  • Assemble a directory of Deployable Units (DUs).

  • Run VMBC to produce a VM CSAR.


Expand each section below to view the detailed steps.

Note Unless specified otherwise, run all commands from the resources directory.

Unpack the VMBC archive

Ensure you are in the resources directory. Unpack the VMBC archive with the command tar -xvf vmbc.tar.gz.

Run ls:

$ ls
vmbc vmbc-image

You should see two files:

  • vmbc, an executable script that you will run to build your VM.

  • vmbc-image, the docker container image for VMBC.

Prepare the VMBC input directory

In the resources directory, create a directory called vmbc-input. Copy the rhino.license file and the JDK .tar.gz archive into the vmbc-input directory.

At this point, the vmbc-input directory listing should look like this:

$ ls -1 vmbc-input

Create the node-parameters.yaml file

Unpack the tutorial archive that you downloaded earlier to the resources directory with the command unzip

The resources directory should contain a file named node-parameters.yaml.

If you open the node-parameters.yaml file in a text editor, you should see the following:

  image-name: "http-example"
  version: "0.1.0"
  username: "rhino"
  default-password: "<insert password>"
  product-name: "HTTP Example Node"
  display-name: "HTTP Example Node"
    - name: http
    - name: internal

  - name: "small"
    ram-mb: 16384
    disk-gb: 30
    vcpus: 4
    azure-sku: "Standard_D4s_v4"
    azure-boot-disk-type: "Premium"
  - name: "medium"
    ram-mb: 16384
    disk-gb: 30
    vcpus: 8
    azure-sku: "Standard_D8s_v4"
    azure-boot-disk-type: "Premium"

  clustered: false
    heap-size-mb: 3072
    new-size-mb: 256
    max-new-size-mb: 256
  preinstall-license: false

Set a default password so you can connect to the VM to diagnose issues if the VM fails to provision the password configured during the deployment.

Save the file and close the text editor after you have done this.

Note Refer to Node parameters file for more information on the node-parameters.yaml file.

Compile the example service

Extract the Rhino SDK

To compile the example service, you will need a copy of the Rhino SDK, which you downloaded earlier. In your development environment, extract the Rhino SDK into a directory named rhino with unzip -d rhino

Prepare directories

Within the rhino directory, create a subdirectory named http-example. From your resources directory, run the following commands to extract various parts of the HTTP RA download zip file to the right places.

mkdir rhino/http-example/lib
cp -R http-* rhino/http-example/lib
cp -R http-* rhino/http-example

The directory listings of the rhino and rhino/http-example directories should now be as follows:

$ ls rhino

$ ls rhino/http-example
Compile and assemble the PingSbb into a DU

From the rhino/http-example directory, run the following ant command to compile the file and assemble the example service into a DU.

ant -Dclient.home=$(pwd)/../RhinoSDK/client -Dlib=$(pwd)/lib clean build-ping

You should see the message BUILD SUCCESSFUL. The assembled DU will be located at target/jars/http-ping-service.jar. Ignore the target/jars/sbb.jar file, which is already included within http-ping-service.jar.

Copy all DUs into the VMBC input directory

The example application requires the following DUs:

  • The HTTP ping example service, which you compiled in the previous step.

  • guava, a set of core Java libraries from Google.

  • netty, a Java networking library.

  • http-ra, the HTTP RA itself.

Create a subdirectory named du in the vmbc-input directory. Run the following commands from the resources directory to copy the DUs into the du directory:

cp rhino/http-example/target/jars/http-ping-service.jar vmbc-input/du/http-ping-service.du.jar
cp http-*.jar vmbc-input/du
cp http-*.jar vmbc-input/du
cp http-*.jar vmbc-input/du
Note The above command renames http-ping-service.jar to have a name ending in .du.jar so that VMBC recognizes it as a DU.
Note Do not include the rhino-api-compatibility jar files from the http- directory. Rhino already comes with these components installed.

Create the build hook script archive

The resources directory should contain a custom-configuration directory, unpacked from earlier.

The custom-configuration directory should contain a file named after-rhino-import, an example build hook script that creates the HTTP resource adaptor entity using the Rhino management console.

If you open the after-rhino-import file in a text editor, you should see the following:


# Build hook script to apply default RA configuration.

from pathlib import Path
import re
import subprocess

# Location of rhino-console.
RHINO_CONSOLE = Path.home() / "rhino" / "client" / "bin" / "rhino-console"

# Name of the RA entity.

def run_rhino_console(cmd: list[str]) -> str:
    Runs a rhino-console command.

    :param cmd: The command to run and its arguments, as separate list elements.
    :return: Output from rhino-console.
    return subprocess.check_output([RHINO_CONSOLE] + cmd, text=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)

def main() -> None:
    Main routine.

    # Determine HTTP RA ID.
    # The output will look like:
    # ResourceAdaptorID[name=HTTP,vendor=OpenCloud,version=2.5]
    # where the part within the square brackets is the RA ID.
    output = run_rhino_console(["listresourceadaptors"])
    for line in output.splitlines():
        if matches :="\[(name=HTTP[^\]]+)\]", line):
            http_ra_id =
        raise ValueError("Could not determine HTTP RA ID")

    # Create an RA entity based on the HTTP RA type.
    run_rhino_console(["createraentity", http_ra_id, HTTP_RA_ENTITY])

    # Configure the RA entity with some default properties.
            "ListenPort", "8000",
            "SecureListenPort", "8002",

    # This script is now done.
    # The before-slee-start initconf hook script configures the IP address
    # (since that isn't known until runtime),
    # creates the HTTPS keystore, and activates the RA entity and service.

if __name__ == "__main__":

Run the following from the resources/custom-build directory to prepare the hook script for execution and create a archive:

chmod +x after-rhino-import
zip after-rhino-import

From your resources directory, copy the archive into the vmbc-input directory:

cp custom-build/ ./vmbc-input
Note Refer to build hooks for more information on build hooks.

Create the initconf hook script archive

The resources directory should contain a custom-configuration directory, unpacked from earlier.

The custom-configuration directory should contain a file named before-slee-start, an example initconf hook script that configures the HTTP resource adaptor entity using the Rhino management console. This script will run on the VM after Rhino has started, but before the SLEE is started. No resource adaptors or services will need restarting to pick up the changes, since they are not running at this stage.

If you open the before-slee-start file in a text editor, you should see the following:


# Initconf hook script to apply RA configuration, and activate the RA and service.
# This script needs to be more careful than the build hook script,
# as it will be run multiple times during a VM's lifecycle,
# and hence has to be prepared for changes it might apply to have already been made.

import os
from pathlib import Path
import re
import subprocess
import sys
import yaml

# Location of rhino-console.
RHINO_CONSOLE = Path.home() / "rhino" / "client" / "bin" / "rhino-console"

# Location of the keystore for HTTPS.
# As per the HTTP RA example documentation, the location is important
# as it must match configured Rhino permissions.
KEYSTORE = Path.home() / "rhino" / "http-ra.ks"

# Password for the keystore.
# Note: hardcoding a password like this is very insecure.
# Prefer instead to make it configurable through your configuration file.

# Name of the RA entity.

def run_rhino_console(cmd: list[str]) -> str:
    Runs a rhino-console command.

    :param cmd: The command to run and its arguments, as separate list elements.
    :return: Output from rhino-console.
    return subprocess.check_output([RHINO_CONSOLE] + cmd, text=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)

def main() -> None:
    Main routine.
    # Load the custom-config-data.yaml file.
    # The first CLI argument given to this script will be the directory
    # where that file can be found.
    config_dir = Path(sys.argv[1])
    custom_config_data = config_dir / "custom-config-data.yaml"

    config_file_contents = yaml.safe_load(custom_config_data.read_text())
    config = config_file_contents["deployment-config:custom-data"]["custom-config"]
    listen_port = config.get("listen-port", 8000)
    secure_listen_port = config.get("secure-listen-port", 8002)

    # Load SDF.
    sdf = config_dir / "sdf-rvt.yaml"
    sdf_contents = yaml.safe_load(sdf.read_text())

    # Determine this VM's signaling IP address.
    # Start by locating our site and VNFC.
    our_hostname = os.uname().nodename
    for vnfc in [
        vnfc for site in sdf_contents["msw-deployment:deployment"]["sites"]
        for vnfc in site["vnfcs"]
        instance_hostnames = [
            instance["name"] for instance in vnfc["cluster-configuration"]["instances"]
        if our_hostname in instance_hostnames:
            this_vnfc = vnfc
            this_vm_index = instance_hostnames.index(our_hostname)
        raise ValueError("Couldn't find our VNFC in the SDF")

    # Find the signaling network (which carries the HTTP traffic type).
    # Within that, the IP address will be at the same index as above in its list of IPs.
    for network in this_vnfc["networks"]:
        if "http" in network["traffic-types"]:
            this_vm_sig_ip = network["ip-addresses"]["ip"][this_vm_index]
        raise ValueError("Couldn't find the signaling network in the SDF")

    # Generate a keystore, if we don't have one already.
    if not KEYSTORE.exists():
                "-keystore", os.fspath(KEYSTORE),
                "-storepass", KEYSTORE_PASSWORD,
                "-dname", "O=Metaswitch,OU=Rhino,CN=HTTP Example Server,C=NZ"

    # Configure the RA entity with some properties.
            "ListenAddress", this_vm_sig_ip,
            "ListenPort", str(listen_port),
            "SecureListenPort", str(secure_listen_port),
            "KeyStore", os.fspath(KEYSTORE),
            "KeyStorePassword", KEYSTORE_PASSWORD,

    # A restart of the RA is necessary to pick up configuration changes.
    # Deactivate the RA and wait until it has stopped.
    # If this is the first time the script runs, the RA entity will be inactive
    # and so this code doesn't need to take any action.
    if HTTP_RA_ENTITY in run_rhino_console(["listraentitiesbystate", "Active"]):
        run_rhino_console(["deactivateraentity", "http"])
        run_rhino_console(["waittilraentityisinactive", "http"])

    # Now activate the RA again.
    run_rhino_console(["activateraentity", "http"])

    # Determine the service ID, and whether the service is active.
    # The output will look like:
    # Services in Inactive state on node 101:
    #  ServiceID[name=HTTP Ping Service,vendor=OpenCloud,version=1.1]
    # where the part within the square brackets is the service ID.
    # If the service is not found in the list of Inactive services,
    # we can assume that it is already active.
    output = run_rhino_console(["listservicesbystate", "Inactive"])
    for line in output.splitlines():
        if matches :="\[(name=HTTP Ping Service[^\]]+)\]", line):
            # Activate the service.
            service_id =
            run_rhino_console(["activateservice", service_id])

if __name__ == "__main__":

Run the following from the resources/custom-configuration directory to prepare the hook script for execution and to create the archive:

chmod +x before-slee-start
zip before-slee-start

From the resources directory, copy the archive to the vmbc-input directory:

cp custom-configuration/ ./vmbc-input
Note Refer to initconf hooks for more information on initconf hooks.

Generate a CSAR signing key

CSARs are signed with a private key during the build process. The SIMPL VM checks this signature before deploying the CSAR to confirm the CSAR’s integrity. The signing key must be in PEM format and must not be protected by a passphrase. It must be placed in the vmbc-input directory in a file named csar-signing-key.

From the vmbc-input directory, generate a suitable private key using the command ssh-keygen -t RSA -b 4096 -f vmbc-input/csar-signing-key -N "" -m pem. Once you have done this, delete the corresponding public key by running the command rm vmbc-input/ as it is not required.


In this step, you will use VMBC to produce a CSAR containing a VM image that you can deploy using the SIMPL VM.

First, verify the contents of your vmbc-input directory.

$ ls -1 vmbc-input

If the contents of the vmbc-input directory do not match the above listing, refer to the previous steps and check if you have followed them correctly.

You are now ready to run the vmbc executable script and create your CSAR. From the resources directory, run either ./vmbc vsphere or ./vmbc openstack according to which VNFI you are using. The input directory, vmbc-input, will be detected automatically based on the location of the rhino.license file.

Note VMBC takes around 15 minutes to build a VM. You may want to start on the Setting up SIMPL VM and CDS step while it is building.

VMBC will create a directory called target in the resources directory. If the CSAR was built successfully, the target directory will contain an images subdirectory containing your CSAR with the suffix The target directory will also contain a number of log files from various stages of the build process.

If the build process failed and your CSAR was not created in the images directory, check that you have completed all steps up to this point correctly and refer to Troubleshooting for more information. Retry the ./vmbc vsphere or ./vmbc openstack command once you have resolved any issues.


You created a CSAR containing your VM image. It will be in the target/images directory:

ls target/images

If you are using OpenStack, it will be named instead of

Next step

In the next step Setting up SIMPL VM and CDS, you will deploy the SIMPL VM and prepare for the deployment of the example VMs from the CSAR you created. Click here to progress to the next step.

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