Planning for the procedure

Background knowledge

This procedure assumes that:

  • You are installing into an existing VMware vCloud deployment which has pre-configured networks and VLANs; this procedure does not cover setting up a VMware vCloud deployment from scratch.

  • Cloudify VM is deployed and configured on VMware vCloud.

  • You are running these steps on a machine that has Docker installed.

  • The machine also has the Cloudify CLI installed.

  • You have prepared an SDF and extracted the CSAR.

Reserve maintenance period

This procedure does not require a maintenance period. However if you are integrating into a live network then it is recommended to implement measures to mitigate any unforeseen events.

Plan for service impact

This procedure does not impact service.


You must be a system operator to perform the MOP steps.

Tools and access

  • You must have access to the VMware vCloud Director UI, or have ovftool (4.3.0 build-14746126 or greater) installed on your machine.

  • You must have access to the Cloudify UI or CLI.

Method of procedure

Note The unpacked CSAR directory will be referenced as CSAR_HOME in this document. This is located at CSAR_HOME_DIR/.local/share/csar/[image name]

Step 1 - Generate the Cloudify template

Run the following CSAR command:

docker run -v <absolute path to csar utils base dir>:<absolute path on the container> \
           -e CSAR_HOME_DIR=<absolute path to the csar home dir on the container> \
           -e CSAR_LOG_DIR=<absolute path to the csar log dir on the container> \
 {csar-utils-version} \
           csar generate --vnf [image name] --sdf sdf-[image name].yaml --orchestrator cloudify

For example:

docker run -v /home/admin/csar_utils_base_dir:/my_new_csar_dir \
           -e CSAR_HOME_DIR=/my_new_csar_dir/csar \
           -e CSAR_LOG_DIR=/my_new_csar_dir/logs \
 {csar-utils-version} \
           csar generate --vnf [image name] --sdf sdf-[image name].yaml --orchestrator cloudify

This will validate the SDF, and generate the Cloudify template. If any errors occur, check the documentation on preparing the SDF and fix the SDF.

Step 2 - Deploy the OVA to VMware vCloud

Upload the OVA to VMware vCloud as a VMware vCloud template. This OVA is in CSAR_HOME/<version>/images/[image name]-<version>-vcloud.ova

The OVA can be uploaded via the VMware vCloud ovftool or using the VMware vCloud Director UI. The instructions here are only for the VMware vCloud Director UI, but there should be equivalent commands for ovftool.

  1. Start up the VMware vCloud Director UI.

  2. Navigate to the Libraries section.

  3. Go to the Contents Libraries > vApp Templates page.

  4. Click New to create a new vApp Template.

  5. Click on Browse and find the OVA to upload.

  6. Click Next to continue.

  7. Review the details and click Next to continue.

  8. Give the vApp Template a name that matches what you have put in the SDF file.

  9. Also select the catalog that matches what you have put in the SDF file.

  10. Click Next to continue.

  11. Click Finish.

Step 3 - Get the Cloudify CLI ready

Check that the Cloudify CLI has a profile to connect to Cloudify:

cfy profiles show-current

If it isn’t set up, use the following command to do so:

cfy profiles use -u <username> -p <password> <Cloudify IP address> -t default_tenant

Step 4 - Upload Blueprint to Cloudify

Run the following Cloudify command to upload the blueprint:

cfy blueprints upload -b <blueprint-name> CSAR_HOME/definitions/cloudify/<site-id>/<cluster-configuration-name>/<cluster-configuration-name>_blueprint.tar

where blueprint-name is the name to give the blueprint on Cloudify.

Step 5 - Create Deployment in Cloudify

Run the following Cloudify command to create the deployment from the blueprint:

cfy deployments create -b <blueprint-name> [ <deployment-name> ]

Note If the deployment-name is left out, it will be the same as the blueprint name.

Step 6 - Install Deployment

Run the following Cloudify command to deploy the VMs in VMware vCloud:

cfy executions start install -d <deployment-name>

The following message will be seen in the command console or Cloudify UI console:

'install' workflow execution succeeded
Note Installation time is dependent on how many VMs are being deployed.

Next steps

Once all custom VMs have been created using the procedure above, configure them by uploading configuration to CDS. How to do this can be found on the Initial configuration page.

Backout procedure

Run the following Cloudify command if you want to delete the deployed VMs:

cfy executions start uninstall -d <blueprint-name> [-p ignore_failure=true]

Run the following Cloudify command If you want to delete the deployment:

cfy deployments delete <blueprint-name>

Run the following Cloudify command If you want to delete the blueprint:

cfy blueprints delete <blueprint-name>

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VM Build Container Version 1.0.0