Planning for the procedure

Background knowledge

You must create the OpenStack image for each node type using this procedure because OpenStack does not provide a mechanism to deploy instances directly from a QCOW2 virtual appliance.

You should have some knowledge of VMs and familiarity with OpenStack’s host software. You must also have set up your OpenStack environment permissions before you start this procedure. See Manually installing the custom VMs on OpenStack if you need more information on configuring your OpenStack deployment.

Reserve maintenance period

This procedure does not require a maintenance period.

Plan for service impact

This procedure does not impact service.


You must be a system operator to perform the MOP steps.

Tools and access

You must have:

  • access to a local computer with a network connection and browser access to the OpenStack Dashboard

  • administrative access to the OpenStack host machine

  • the OpenStack privileges required to deploy VMs from an image (see OpenStack documentation for specific details).

Method of procedure


This procedure requires you to enter complex and detailed OpenStack commands which also require the input of lengthy parameters. We strongly recommend that you create these commands in a text editor and then copy and paste them into the SSH session for execution.

Create the OpenStack Image

Download the QCOW2 image to the OpenStack host

Transfer the QCOW2 file to the host platform’s /tmp directory.

Create the OpenStack image

Carry out the following steps from a command line interface on the OpenStack host platform.

Detailed procedure

  1. Create an OpenStack image from the QCOW2 virtual appliance using the following command, replacing <full-version> with the correct version number for the node you are creating.

    glance image-create \
    --name [image name]-<full-version> \
    --disk-format qcow2 \
    --visibility public \
    --container-format bare \
    --file /tmp/[image name]-<full-version>.qcow2
  2. List the image for verification purposes:

    openstack image show [image name]-<full-version>

    The image status should be active.

  3. Cleanup disk space by removing the QCOW2 virtual appliance:

    sudo rm -f /tmp/[image name]-<full-version>.qcow2


You have now converted the QCOW2 virtual appliance to OpenStack images that you will use to install your custom nodes on OpenStack.

Verification procedure

You should check that the image you have created is present.

Verify that the images are present

List images

Run the following command to display all images on the OpenStack deployment. This displays the images in the order in which they were created, with the most recent first.

openstack image list

Backout procedure

If necessary, you can delete an OpenStack image.

Delete images as required

Delete the image

  1. Run the following command to display a list of image identifiers to ensure that you have the correct image id for the image you want to delete.

    openstack image list

  2. Run the following command to delete an OpenStack image, replacing <image id> with the identifier of the image you want to delete.

    glance image-delete <image id>

Next step

Once you have created the OpenStack image, determine the network names and security group.

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VM Build Container Version 1.0.0