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Example YAML

# This file describes the pool of Virtual Machines that comprise a "ShCM group"

    # needs to match the deployment_id vapp parameter
    deployment-id: example

    # needs to match the site_id vApp parameter
    site-id: DC1

    # rhino cluster of one is only true for the ShCM Virtual Machine
        cluster-id: 202

        - vm-id: example-shcm-1
          diameter-sh-origin-host: shcm1.shcm.site1.mnc123.mcc530.3gppnetwork.org
          # Only specify this if SAS is enabled in the ShCM service configuration.
#          sas-instance-configuration:
#              system-name: shcm-1

        - vm-id: example-shcm-2
          diameter-sh-origin-host: shcm2.shcm.site1.mnc123.mcc530.3gppnetwork.org
          # Only specify this if SAS is enabled in the ShCM service configuration.
#          sas-instance-configuration:
#              system-name: shcm-2
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