About this task

This task creates the ShCM flavor that you will need when installing your deployment on OpenStack virtual machines.


You must complete this procedure before you begin the installation of the first ShCM node on OpenStack, but will not need to carry it out again for subsequent node installations.

Create your ShCM flavor

Detailed procedure

  1. Run the following command to create the ShCM OpenStack flavor, replacing <flavor name> with a name that will help you identify the flavor in future, for example ShCM.

    nova flavor-create <flavor name> auto <ram_mb> <disk_gb> <vcpu_count>


    • <ram_mb> is the amount of RAM, in megabytes

    • <disk_gb> is the amount of hard disk space, in gigabytes

    • <vpu_count> is the number of virtual CPUs.

      Specify the parameters as pure numbers without units. The values for RAM, hard disk space, and virtual CPU count can be determined from the following table:

Spec Use case Resources


All deployments - this is the only supported deployment size

  • RAM: 8192MB

  • Hard Disk: 30GB

  • CPU: 4 vCPUs

  1. Make note of the flavor ID value provided in the command output because you will need it when installing your OpenStack deployment.

  2. Run the following command to check that the flavor you have just created has the correct values.

    nova flavor-list

  3. Run the following command if you need to remove an incorrectly-configured flavor, replacing <flavor name> with the name of the flavor.

    nova flavor-delete <flavor name>


You have now created the OpenStack flavor you will need when following the procedure to install ShCM on OpenStack virtual machines.

Next step

Copy and install the OpenStack ShCM virtual appliance image.

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