Planning for the procedure

Background knowledge

This procedure assumes that:

  • you are installing into an existing OpenStack deployment

    • the OpenStack deployment must be set up with support for Heat templates

  • you are using an OpenStack version from Icehouse through to Train inclusive

  • you have some knowledge of VMs and familiarity with OpenStack’s host software

  • you have prepared an SDF and deployed a Commissioning VM.

Reserve maintenance period

This procedure does not require a maintenance period. However if you are integrating into a live network then it is recommended to implement measures to mitigate any unforeseen events.

Plan for service impact

This procedure does not impact service.


You must be a system operator to perform the MOP steps.

Tools and access

You must have access to the Commissioning VM, and the Commissioning VM must have the right permissions on the OpenStack deployment.

Installation Questions

Question More information

Do you have the correct ShCM CSAR?

All ShCM virtual appliances use the naming convention - shcm-<full-version> For example, where 1.0.0 is the software version. In particular, ensure you have the OpenStack CSAR.

Method of procedure

Step 1 - Check OpenStack quotas

The Commissioning VM creates one server group per VM, and one security group per interface on each VM. OpenStack sets limits on the number of server groups and security groups through quotas.

View the quota by running openstack quota show <project id>. This shows the maximum number of various resources.

The existing server groups can be seen by running openstack server group list Similarly, the security groups can be found by running openstack security group list

If the quotas are too small to accommodate the new VMs that will be deployed, increase it by running openstack quota set --<quota field to increase> <new quota value> <project ID>. For example: openstack quota set --server-groups 100 125610b8bf424e61ad2aa5be27ad73bb

Step 2 - Upload your CSAR to the Commissioning VM

Transfer the CSAR onto the Commissioning VM and run csar unpack <path to CSAR>, where <path to CSAR> is the full path to the transferred CSAR.

This will unpack the CSAR to ~/.local/share/csar/.

Step 3 - Upload your SDF to the Commissioning VM

Transfer the previously written SDF onto the Commissioning VM.

Step 4 - Generate the Heat template

Run csar generate --vnf shcm --sdf <path to SDF> --orchestrator heat. This will validate the SDF, and generate the Heat template. If any errors occur, check the documentation on preparing the SDF and fix the SDF.

Step 5 - Deploy the OVA using the Heat template

Run csar deploy --vnf shcm --orchestrator heat. This will upload the image, and deploy the number of ShCM nodes specified in the SDF.

Next steps

Once all ShCM VMs have been created using the procedure above, configure them by uploading configuration to CDS. How to do this can be found on the Initial configuration page.

Backout procedure

If you want to delete the deployed VMs, run csar deploy --vnf shcm --delete --orchestrator heat.

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