The GeoLocalNormalization service adds the geo-local value to the Tel URI phone-context parameter for local numbers that should not be translated to international format.

The GeoLocalNormalization feature includes the geo-local value in case the served user is in roaming and request URI is not in international format or already contains the geo-local value. If geo-local value is added to the phone-context parameter the feature sets the session state GeoLocalNormalizationApplied to true. This value is used to suppress the SIP Normalization Feature, that is executed afterwards.

Feature cheat sheet

B2BUA Instance SAS Support Originating / Terminating Point(s) in Session Plan Network Operator Data Subscriber Data Stateful or Stateless POJO or SBB Feature



Both Originating and Terminating

  • MMTel_SipAccess_SessionCheck



Reads Session State

SBB Feature

Prerequisite features

  • DetermineInitialLegNames

  • DetermineInternationalAndRoamingStatus

Session input variables

The roaming indicator is set by the DetermineInternationalAndRoamingStatus feature.

Session output variables

The session state GeoLocalNormalizationApplied.


GeoLocalNormalization statistics are tracked by the sentinel.volte.sip SBB and can be found under the following parameter set in REM:
SLEE-Usage → sentinel.volte.sip service → sentinel.volte.sip SBB → feature → GeoLocalNormalization
or with rhino-stats:
SLEE-Usage → [sentinel.volte.sip service name] → [sentinel.volte.sip SBB name] → .feature.GeoLocalNormalization

Name Description

Incremented each time the feature runs


Incremented when Sentinel VoLTE encounters an error while attempting to start the feature


Incremented when a fatal error occurs during feature execution


Incremented when a non-fatal error occurs during feature execution


Incremented when the feature takes too long to complete and Sentinel VoLTE aborts execution


Incremented when the requestURI contains the phone-context


Incremented when the incoming SIP request is an INVITE


Incremented when the requestURI is a SIP URI


Incremented when the requestURI is a TelURL


Incremented when roaming


This feature’s source code is available in the Sentinel VoLTE SDK in the mmtel-geo-local-normalization module pack. It can be viewed by using the create-module command in the SDK with that module pack, for example:

> create-module new-geoloc-module opencloud#mmtel-geo-local-normalization#volte/3.0.0;

This command will prompt you for information needed to create the new module, once completed the original source for the feature can be found in the new module.

Specification Reference

  • IR.65 version 12.0

  • IR.92 version 9.0

  • 3GPP TS 24.229 version 13.

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Sentinel VoLTE Version 3.0.0