Purpose |
This session plan is triggered when Sentinel makes a request of the OCS. |
Feature Endpoint API |
sentinel-diameter-mediation-spi |
The following diagram is a visual representation of the session plan. It shows the points-in-session where Sentinel will search for a feature execution script to run (the purple boxes). The points-in-session for this session plan are described in detail below the diagram.

Feature script execution points
The feature script execution points are triggered whenever a front-end service (such as the SS7 or SIP front-end services) delegates to the mediation layer to interact with the OCS.
… diameter mediation …
As a mediation session starts …
Point in session | Execution point name | Feature endpoint | Trigger object | Trigger activity |
Start Mediation |
Mediation_Start |
DiameterMediationStartFeatureEndpoint |
CreditControlRequest (Event) |
RoServerSessionActivity |
Suggested role/purpose of features that run at this feature script execution point
One or more mediation sessions may run in the mediation layer during the lifetime of a front-end service session. For example, an SMS charging scenario may involve a charge and then a refund. This execution point runs once for each mediation session. Features that run at this execution point may take actions when interaction with the OCS starts.
Before each credit control request …
Point in session | Execution point name | Feature endpoint | Trigger object | Trigger activity |
Pre Credit Control Request |
Mediation_PreOcsCC |
DiameterMediationMidSessionFeatureEndpoint |
CreditControlRequest (Event) |
RoServerSessionActivity |
Suggested role/purpose of features that run at this feature script execution point
Features that run at this execution point may inject behaviour (related to Diameter) before the mediation layer makes a request of the OCS.
… take actions based on the outcome of the initial credit check …
Point in Session | Execution Point Name | Feature Endpoint | Trigger Object | Trigger Activity |
Credit Allocated |
Mediation_CreditAllocatedPostOcsCC |
DiameterMediationMidSessionFeatureEndpoint |
CreditControlRequest (Event) |
RoServerSessionActivity |
Credit Limit Reached |
Mediation_CreditLimitReachedPostOcsCC |
DiameterMediationMidSessionFeatureEndpoint |
CreditControlRequest (Event) |
RoServerSessionActivity |
Credit Control Not Required |
Mediation_ControlNotRequiredPostOcsCC |
DiameterMediationMidSessionFeatureEndpoint |
CreditControlRequest (Event) |
RoServerSessionActivity |
Credit Control Failure |
Mediation_OCSFailurePostOcsCC |
DiameterMediationMidSessionFeatureEndpoint |
CreditControlRequest (Event) |
RoServerSessionActivity |
Suggested role/purpose of features that run at this feature script execution point
Features that run at this execution point should decide what will happen to this mediation session, based on the outcome of the response seen from the OCS.
…as a mediation session ends
Point in session | Execution point name | Feature endpoint | Trigger object | Trigger activity |
End Mediation |
Mediation_End |
DiameterMediationMidSessionFeatureEndpoint |
CreditControlRequest (Event) |
RoServerSessionActivity |
Suggested role/purpose of features that run at this feature script execution point
One or more mediation sessions may run in the mediation layer during the lifetime of a front-end service session. For example, an SMS charging scenario may involve a charge and then a refund. This execution point runs once for each mediation session. Features that run at this execution point may take actions when an interaction with the OCS comes to an end. For example, if promotions are used then the PromotionsFreeReservations
must run at this feature script execution point.