Note See Sentinel Common Configuration for configuration options that are applicable to all Sentinel services.
  • Activity Test Configuration for SS7 — The Activity Test configuration determines when Sentinel will test for the continued liveness of a dialog that has had a period of inactivity.

  • Call Information Report Configuration — The Call Information Report configuration determines if Sentinel will request Call Information Reports from the network for an SS7 first-party call and if call alerting time will be chargeable for Mobile Originating calls.

  • Handling GSM Call Forwarding Active on MTC

  • Relay Dialog Configuration — The Relay Dialog Configuration defines the destination SCCP address of the external network element for relayed dialogs.

  • Session Control Configuration — The Session Control Configuration determines how the charging shall be controlled during the session and whether Apply Charging Reports or Call Information Reports shall be used when the charging session to the OCS is finalised.

  • SS7 Call Configuration — The SS7 call configuration defines properties related to event requests and 3rd party call setup.

  • SS7 Diameter Configuration — The SS7 diameter configuration specifies the method used for event based charging scenarios.

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Sentinel Express Version 3.0.0