sentinel 2.7.0
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decode(DataInput, ClassLoader, DecoderUtils) - Method in class com.opencloud.sentinel.feature.SipFeatureScriptExecutionPointCodec
decode(DataInput, ClassLoader, DecoderUtils) - Method in class com.opencloud.sentinel.multileg.HeadersByLegCodec
decode(byte[], String) - Static method in class com.opencloud.sentinel.util.MultipartMessageBody
Decodes a message body that has a "multipart" Content-Type as per RFC2046.
DelegatingFeatureCollection - Class in com.opencloud.sentinel.feature.impl
This class will be used to bridge between the old style of feature collection and the new style
DelegatingFeatureCollection(String, FeatureCollection, FeatureCollection, Tracer) - Constructor for class com.opencloud.sentinel.feature.impl.DelegatingFeatureCollection
dependenciesInjected() - Method in class com.opencloud.sentinel.feature.impl.BaseFeature
All requested elements have been injected, so the feature may carry out additional initialisation.
dependenciesInjected() - Method in class com.opencloud.sentinel.feature.sbb.BaseFeatureSbbImpl
All requested elements have been injected, so the feature may carry out additional initialisation
dependenciesInjected() - Method in class com.opencloud.sentinel.feature.sbb.FeatureSbbFacade
All requested elements have been injected, so the feature may carry out additional initialisation
dependenciesInjected() - Method in interface com.opencloud.sentinel.feature.spi.SentinelFeature
All requested elements have been injected, so the feature may carry out additional initialisation
detach(ActivityContextInterface) - Method in interface com.opencloud.sentinel.feature.spi.SentinelSipMultiLegFeatureEndpoint
Detach an aci from the service SBB.
detachFromAllLegs() - Method in interface com.opencloud.sentinel.multileg.LegManager
Immediately detach from all legs.
detachFromLeg(Leg) - Method in interface com.opencloud.sentinel.multileg.LegManager
Immediately remove the Leg from the leg manager.
DiameterFeature - Interface in com.opencloud.sentinel.feature.spi
Interface implemented by diameter features which wish to expose a toDiameterFeatureEndpoint interface Typically only used by features which operate asynchronously: the toDiameterFeatureEndpoint interface is used by Sentinel to notify the feature of events that concern it.
DiameterMediationChargingControlFeatureEndpoint - Interface in com.opencloud.sentinel.feature.spi
Defines requests a feature may make to the sentinel core that are related to control of interaction with the OCS
DiameterMediationEndFeatureEndpoint - Interface in com.opencloud.sentinel.feature.spi
Interface for features running in the Mediation End execution point.
DiameterMediationFeature - Interface in com.opencloud.sentinel.feature.spi
Interface implemented by diameter features which wish to expose a toDiameterMediationFeatureEndpoint interface Typically only used by features which operate asynchronously: the toDiameterMediationFeatureEndpoint interface is used by Sentinel to notify the feature of events that concern it.
DiameterMediationMappingPoint - Enum in com.opencloud.sentinel.mapper
points in session where mapping may be required
DiameterMediationMidSessionFeatureEndpoint - Interface in com.opencloud.sentinel.feature.spi
Interface for features running in the Mediation Pre Credit Control Request, Credit Allocated, Credit Limit Reached, Credit Control Not Required and Credit Control Failure feature execution points.
DiameterMediationStartFeatureEndpoint - Interface in com.opencloud.sentinel.feature.spi
Interface for features running in the Mediation Start execution point.
DiameterServiceMappingPoint - Enum in com.opencloud.sentinel.mapper
points in session where mapping may be required
DirtyMonitor - Interface in com.opencloud.sentinel.util
doCreditFinalisation(ReportingReason) - Method in interface com.opencloud.sentinel.charging.ReservationChargingInstance
Instructs the core to finalise the current charging session if a session is active, and call the feature if response-CCA arrives.
doCreditReservation(ReportingReason, ReservationChargingInstance.CreditResultExecutionPhase) - Method in interface com.opencloud.sentinel.charging.ReservationChargingInstance
Instructs the charging instance to initiate a credit reservation, send an update or perform a reauthorisation
doCreditReservation(ReservationChargingInstance.CreditResultExecutionPhase) - Method in interface com.opencloud.sentinel.charging.ReservationChargingInstance
Instructs the charging instance to initiate a credit reservation, send an update or perform a reauthorisation
doDirectDebit(ReservationChargingInstance.CreditResultExecutionPhase) - Method in interface com.opencloud.sentinel.charging.ImmediateChargingInstance
Instructs the core to perform a direct debit and deliver the response CCA to the feature on arrival.
doNotChargeSession() - Method in interface com.opencloud.sentinel.feature.spi.BaseInitialTriggerFeatureEndpoint
request: do not charge this session
doNotMonitorSession() - Method in interface com.opencloud.sentinel.feature.spi.BaseInitialTriggerFeatureEndpoint
request: do not monitor this session
doRefund(ReservationChargingInstance.CreditResultExecutionPhase) - Method in interface com.opencloud.sentinel.charging.ImmediateChargingInstance
Instructs the core to perform a refund and call the feature if response-CCA arrives
downstreamFork(SipSession, String) - Method in interface com.opencloud.sentinel.multileg.Leg
Immediate create a new leg which is a downstream fork to this leg, associate it with the provided SipSession and attach the Sentinel service SBB to the ACI of the SipSession.
DuplicateLegException - Exception in com.opencloud.sentinel.multileg
Exception thrown if a Leg already exists with the supplied name in during importing, creating or forking process.
DuplicateLegException() - Constructor for exception com.opencloud.sentinel.multileg.DuplicateLegException
DuplicateLegException(String) - Constructor for exception com.opencloud.sentinel.multileg.DuplicateLegException
Create a DuplicateLegException with a detail message.
DuplicateLegException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.opencloud.sentinel.multileg.DuplicateLegException
Create a DuplicateLegException with a cause.
DuplicateLegException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.opencloud.sentinel.multileg.DuplicateLegException
Create a DuplicateLegException with a detail message and cause.
DuplicateNameException - Exception in com.opencloud.sentinel.charging
Exception thrown if charging instance already exists with the supplied name.
DuplicateNameException() - Constructor for exception com.opencloud.sentinel.charging.DuplicateNameException
Create a DuplicateNameException.
DuplicateNameException(String) - Constructor for exception com.opencloud.sentinel.charging.DuplicateNameException
Create a DuplicateNameException with a cause.
DuplicateNameException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.opencloud.sentinel.charging.DuplicateNameException
Create a DuplicateNameException with a detail message.
DuplicateNameException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.opencloud.sentinel.charging.DuplicateNameException
Create a DuplicateNameException with a detail message and cause.
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sentinel 2.7.0

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