sentinel 2.7.0
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Leg - Interface in com.opencloud.sentinel.multileg
LegEndEvent - Interface in
Interface for the LegEndEvent
LegManager - Interface in com.opencloud.sentinel.multileg
LegsAlreadyLinkedException - Exception in com.opencloud.sentinel.multileg
Exception thrown if a Leg already linked to another Leg.
LegsAlreadyLinkedException() - Constructor for exception com.opencloud.sentinel.multileg.LegsAlreadyLinkedException
Create a LegsAlreadyLinkedException.
LegsAlreadyLinkedException(String) - Constructor for exception com.opencloud.sentinel.multileg.LegsAlreadyLinkedException
Create a LegsAlreadyLinkedException with a detail message.
LegsAlreadyLinkedException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.opencloud.sentinel.multileg.LegsAlreadyLinkedException
Create a LegsAlreadyLinkedException with a cause.
LegsAlreadyLinkedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.opencloud.sentinel.multileg.LegsAlreadyLinkedException
Create a LegsAlreadyLinkedException with a detail message and cause.
LegSubscriptionID - Class in com.opencloud.sentinel.util
Represents a subscribed SIP event on a particular Leg
LegSubscriptionID(String, SubscribedEventID) - Constructor for class com.opencloud.sentinel.util.LegSubscriptionID
Create a new LegSubscriptionID
LegSubscriptionID(DataInput) - Constructor for class com.opencloud.sentinel.util.LegSubscriptionID
Constructs a new LegSubscriptionID object by deserializing data from a stream that was written by LegSubscriptionID.toStream(DataOutput).
LegTransactionID - Class in com.opencloud.sentinel.util
Represents a SIP transaction on a particular Leg
LegTransactionID(String, long) - Constructor for class com.opencloud.sentinel.util.LegTransactionID
Create a new LegTransactionID
LegTransactionID(DataInput) - Constructor for class com.opencloud.sentinel.util.LegTransactionID
LegUsageID - Interface in com.opencloud.sentinel.util
LegUsageID should uniquely represent the SIP Usage.
linkLeg(Leg) - Method in interface com.opencloud.sentinel.multileg.Leg
Immediately link this leg to the leg provided as an argument.
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sentinel 2.7.0

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