sentinel 2.7.0
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CALLINGPARTY_NAME - Static variable in interface com.opencloud.sentinel.multileg.LegManager
Leg name used for the original Calling Party for this Sentinel SIP service instance.
CallType - Enum in com.opencloud.sentinel.common
cancelTimer(TimerID) - Method in interface com.opencloud.sentinel.providers.ServiceTimerProvider
Cancel the timer with the provided 'timerId', if it exists.
ccaHasOpenCloudResult(CreditControlAnswer) - Static method in class com.opencloud.sentinel.util.OpenCloudDiameter
Determines if the supplied CreditControlAnswer contains the OpenCloud vendor ID in an ExperimentalResult AVP.
ChargingInstance - Interface in com.opencloud.sentinel.charging
ChargingInstance.ChargingType - Enum in com.opencloud.sentinel.charging
Identifies the type of the Charging: reserved or immediate charging.
ChargingInstance.Instruction - Enum in com.opencloud.sentinel.charging
Type of charging instructions.
ChargingInstance.State - Enum in com.opencloud.sentinel.charging
Represents the current state of a ChargingInstance, an instance is in the Initial state prior to processing CCA-I, Mid state after processing CCA-I and Final state after credit finalisation is instructed.
ChargingInstanceAlreadyFinalisedException - Exception in com.opencloud.sentinel.charging
Exception thrown if the charging instance is already finalised.
ChargingInstanceAlreadyFinalisedException() - Constructor for exception com.opencloud.sentinel.charging.ChargingInstanceAlreadyFinalisedException
Create a ChargingInstanceAlreadyFinalisedException.
ChargingInstanceAlreadyFinalisedException(String) - Constructor for exception com.opencloud.sentinel.charging.ChargingInstanceAlreadyFinalisedException
Create a ChargingInstanceAlreadyFinalisedException with a detail message.
ChargingInstanceAlreadyFinalisedException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.opencloud.sentinel.charging.ChargingInstanceAlreadyFinalisedException
Create a ChargingInstanceAlreadyFinalisedException with a cause.
ChargingInstanceAlreadyFinalisedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.opencloud.sentinel.charging.ChargingInstanceAlreadyFinalisedException
Create a ChargingInstanceAlreadyFinalisedException with a detail message and cause.
ChargingManager - Interface in com.opencloud.sentinel.charging
classifyStatusCode(int) - Static method in class com.opencloud.sentinel.util.SipStatusUtil
Classifies SIP response status codes into one of the following categories: Provisional, Success, Failure, Invalid.
clear() - Method in interface com.opencloud.sentinel.multileg.MessageQueue
Removes all of the elements from this queue.
clearInstruction() - Method in interface com.opencloud.sentinel.charging.ChargingInstance
Clears any pending charging instruction
clearTimer(TimerID) - Method in interface com.opencloud.sentinel.providers.ServiceTimerProvider
Clear the timer with the provided 'timerId', if it exists.
CLIENT_ABORT - Static variable in class com.opencloud.sentinel.common.OcsSessionTerminationCause
The session terminated due to a client request, typically as a result of an abnormal event.
com.opencloud.sentinel.charging - package com.opencloud.sentinel.charging
com.opencloud.sentinel.charging.sessioncounters - package com.opencloud.sentinel.charging.sessioncounters
The API for Sentinel Session Counter Charging.
com.opencloud.sentinel.common - package com.opencloud.sentinel.common
This package contains session state interfaces in the Sentinel services.
com.opencloud.sentinel.config - package com.opencloud.sentinel.config
The Sentinel platform configuration and Reader interfaces that features use to access platform configuration.
com.opencloud.sentinel.endpoint - package com.opencloud.sentinel.endpoint
The API for Sentinel endpoints. - package
The API for Sentinel local events.
com.opencloud.sentinel.feature - package com.opencloud.sentinel.feature
The API for Sentinel features.
com.opencloud.sentinel.feature.impl - package com.opencloud.sentinel.feature.impl
Classes that Sentinel POJO based features may choose to extend.
com.opencloud.sentinel.feature.sbb - package com.opencloud.sentinel.feature.sbb
A base class that Sentinel SBB based features may choose to extend.
com.opencloud.sentinel.feature.spi - package com.opencloud.sentinel.feature.spi
This package contains the endpoint and feature API in the Sentinel services.
com.opencloud.sentinel.feature.spi.init - package com.opencloud.sentinel.feature.spi.init
API for Sentinel feature dependency injection.
com.opencloud.sentinel.mapper - package com.opencloud.sentinel.mapper
This package contains mapper related interfaces in the Sentinel services.
com.opencloud.sentinel.multileg - package com.opencloud.sentinel.multileg
This package contains the interfaces required for leg management operations in the Sentinel services.
com.opencloud.sentinel.providers - package com.opencloud.sentinel.providers
This package contains the interfaces for injected resource providers in the Sentinel services.
com.opencloud.sentinel.stats - package com.opencloud.sentinel.stats
Statistics interface for the Sentinel services.
com.opencloud.sentinel.util - package com.opencloud.sentinel.util
CommonInitialFeatureEndpoint - Interface in com.opencloud.sentinel.feature.spi
Common interface for features being able request an immediate response in form of: Redirect, EndUserServiceDenied, an error with a code from the DiameterBase protocol's 'DiameterResultCode' class.
COMPONENT_NAME_KEY - Static variable in interface com.opencloud.sentinel.charging.ChargingManager
ChargingManager component name key, used in FailedInstruction.
COMPONENT_NAME_KEY - Static variable in interface com.opencloud.sentinel.multileg.LegManager
Leg Manager component name key, used in FailedInstruction.
COMPONENT_TYPE_KEY - Static variable in interface
Component Type Key in the Instruction Details Map.
COMPONENT_TYPE_NAME - Static variable in interface com.opencloud.sentinel.charging.ChargingManager
ChargingManager component type value, used in FailedInstruction.
COMPONENT_TYPE_NAME - Static variable in interface com.opencloud.sentinel.multileg.LegManager
Leg Manager component type value, used in FailedInstruction.
connectAndCloseDialog() - Method in interface com.opencloud.sentinel.feature.spi.SentinelSs7EndSessionFeatureEndpoint
request: send a Connect + TC-End
connectAndCloseDialog() - Method in interface com.opencloud.sentinel.feature.spi.SentinelSs7InitialTriggerFeatureEndpoint
request: send a Connect + TC-End
continueAndCloseDialog() - Method in interface com.opencloud.sentinel.feature.spi.SentinelSs7EndSessionFeatureEndpoint
request: send a Continue + TC-End
continueAndCloseDialog() - Method in interface com.opencloud.sentinel.feature.spi.SentinelSs7InitialTriggerFeatureEndpoint
request: send a Continue + TC-End
copyLegValues(String, String) - Method in class com.opencloud.sentinel.multileg.HeadersByLeg
Copies the headers associated with fromLeg and associates them with toLeg.
copySDPSessionVersion(OutgoingSipRequest, SessionDescriptionWrapper, Tracer) - Static method in class com.opencloud.sentinel.util.SIPUtil
Copies the SDP session version from the latest received SDP into the outgoing INVITE's SDP.
CoreEndSessionPhase - Static variable in enum com.opencloud.sentinel.feature.spi.CoreExecutionPhase
CoreExecutionPhase - Enum in com.opencloud.sentinel.feature.spi
Generic execution phases used by core features.
CoreHttpSessionStartPhase - Static variable in enum com.opencloud.sentinel.feature.spi.CoreExecutionPhase
CoreMidSessionPhase - Static variable in enum com.opencloud.sentinel.feature.spi.CoreExecutionPhase
CoreSessionSetupPhase - Static variable in enum com.opencloud.sentinel.feature.spi.CoreExecutionPhase
CoreSessionStartPhase - Static variable in enum com.opencloud.sentinel.feature.spi.CoreExecutionPhase
CoreSessionTriggerPhase - Static variable in enum com.opencloud.sentinel.feature.spi.CoreExecutionPhase
createImmediateChargingInstance(String) - Method in interface com.opencloud.sentinel.charging.ChargingManager
Create a new Immediate Charging Instance in the ChargingManager.
createLeg(OutgoingSipRequest, String) - Method in interface com.opencloud.sentinel.multileg.LegManager
Immediately create a leg and queue the initialRequest request in the MessagesToSend queue of the leg.
createReservationInstance(String) - Method in interface com.opencloud.sentinel.charging.ChargingManager
Create a new ReservationChargingInstance in the ChargingManager.
CREDIT_CONTROL_FAILURE - Static variable in class com.opencloud.sentinel.common.OcsSessionTerminationCause
The session terminated due to a failure trying to generate a CCR in the Diameter mediation layer.
CREDIT_LIMIT_REACHED - Static variable in class com.opencloud.sentinel.common.OcsSessionTerminationCause
The session terminated due to the OCS reporting the credit limit had been reached.
CreditCheckAlreadyInProgressException - Exception in com.opencloud.sentinel.charging
Exception thrown if there is already a credit check in progress.
CreditCheckAlreadyInProgressException() - Constructor for exception com.opencloud.sentinel.charging.CreditCheckAlreadyInProgressException
Create a CreditCheckAlreadyInProgressException.
CreditCheckAlreadyInProgressException(String) - Constructor for exception com.opencloud.sentinel.charging.CreditCheckAlreadyInProgressException
Create a CreditCheckAlreadyInProgressException with a detail message.
CreditCheckAlreadyInProgressException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.opencloud.sentinel.charging.CreditCheckAlreadyInProgressException
Create a CreditCheckAlreadyInProgressException with a cause.
CreditCheckAlreadyInProgressException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.opencloud.sentinel.charging.CreditCheckAlreadyInProgressException
Create a CreditCheckAlreadyInProgressException with a detail message and cause.
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sentinel 2.7.0

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