To ensure your application correctly processes data, test it before putting it into production. For applications with SAS tracing support, in addition to local tests, you must check the data received by SAS and make sure relevant events are displayed as expected.

For the SAS tracing functionalities in your application, make sure that you test these items:

  • The mini-bundle file.

    Review the event definitions and see whether there are any issues. If an event uses enums, make sure the relevant enums are defined in the enums section.

  • The Java enums file.

    Make sure a Java enums file is generated for each mini-bundle. If there are any errors in the mini-bundle file, you will see errors when you generate the enums file.

  • The bundle mapping file.

    Make sure a bundle mapping file is in place for your application. Check the bundle mapping file and make sure a prefix has been defined for each Java package that has a mini-bundle. Check whether there are any prefix conflicts.

    Tip For deployed applications, use the listunmappedsasbundles command to identify missing prefixes.

To check the data that SAS receives from your application, take the following steps.

  • Create a deployment package and then deploy the application onto Rhino TAS.

  • Install the bundle mapping file onto Rhino TAS with the setsasbundlemapping Ant task.

  • Configure the Rhino SAS facility to connect to relevant SAS servers.

  • Export a resource bundle file from Rhino TAS with the exportsasbundle command.

  • Enable SAS tracing in Rhino TAS.

  • Import the resource bundle file in SAS.

    The resource bundle file contains information about the events defined in your application. Once you import it in SAS, SAS can format the data it receives with relevant event information and then display complete event information through its user interface.

  • Check the events that SAS receives and make sure everything is as expected.

    For example, you may want to check whether the set of events for a feature represents the data flow and the processing logic, because that can help SAS users better understand the situation and diagnose issues easily. For more information about the best practices like this, see Best practices.

For instructions on importing resource bundle files and checking events in SAS, see the SAS documentation listed in Rhino SAS API documentation.

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