Well-used markers can make it easy for users to find the information they need and help to produce a coherent view of the call flow.

Follow these guidelines when you use markers:

  • Use an appropriate marker to record each party’s identity in at least one event in each trail.

    To SAS users, a trace is worthless if they cannot find it.

  • Assign at least one start marker and one end marker to a trace.

    The start marker allows the trace to be found as part of a time-constrained search. The end marker ensures that SAS writes the trace to the disk in a timely manner.

  • Make a trace searchable even if there is no appropriate marker.

    If there is no Call ID or SIP URL or anything else that is searchable associated with a trail, make something up and employ one of the existing searchable markers. If an end user identity looks like a directory number (DN), pretend it is a DN. and if it looks like a URL, pretend it is a URL. If there is a token, which would be known or discoverable, passed around, pretend it is a Call ID. Test and make sure that the pretense works, and then document that as a way of searching for the trace.

  • Associate trails in the same trace.

    If there is a risk that two trails in a trace might not be associated, use at least one association marker with the same value and appropriate scope in both trails.

  • Don’t use DN or URI markers as association markers.

    These markers aren’t unique to a particular trace and will result in incorrectly associating unrelated trails in a single trace. For example, if a subscriber makes two calls in quick succession and the DN marker is used for trail association, SAS will display the trails for these two calls in the same search result, which is incorrect.

    For DN or URI markers, always use the noneScope() method to specify that they aren’t association markers.

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