Create an SBB class and define slee-annotations

Create an abstract class that implements javax.slee.sbb. This class will be the root SBB of the Pet Store service and should implement the SBB lifecycle operations.

Define slee annotations on your abstract class that define: the Pet Store service, the root sbb and a resource adaptor type binding for the Pet Store REST API.

MockPetstoreSbb annotations
  id = @ComponentId(name = "",
                  vendor = "@component.vendor@",
                 version = "@component.version@"),
  rootSbb = @RootSBB(
                sbb = @ComponentId(name = "",
                                 vendor = "@component.vendor@",
                                version = "@component.version@"))
  id = @ComponentId(name = "",
                  vendor = "@component.vendor@",
                 version = "@component.version@"),
  sbbClasses = @SBBClasses(abstractClass = @SBBAbstractClass(reentrant = true)),
  libraryRefs = {
            library = @ComponentId(name = "",
                                 vendor = "",
                                version = ""))
  raTypeBindings = {
      raType = @ComponentId(name = "petstore-api-server", vendor = "ExampleCo", version = "1.0"),
      resourceAdaptorObjectName = MockPetstoreSbb.petstore_PROVIDER_JNDI_NAME,
      resourceAdaptorEntityLink = "unified-rest-ra"
public abstract class MockPetstoreSbb implements javax.slee.Sbb {

Implement setSbbContext() and other SBB lifecycle operations

Rhino invokes the setSbbContext() method on instances of your SBB abstract class. Initialize state that can be held by the SBB object during its lifetime.

Tip Such state cannot be specific to an SBB entity because the SBB object might be reused during its lifetime to serve multiple SBB entities.

The MockPetstoreSbb creates a Tracer, does a JNDI lookup to get a Pet Store API provider object and finally creates a Pets API object.

MockPetstoreSbb setSbbContext()
    public void setSbbContext(SbbContext context) {
        sbbContext = (RhinoSbbContext) context;
        tracer = (ExtendedTracer) sbbContext.getTracer(sbbContext.getSbb().getName());
        try {
            final Context env = (Context) new InitialContext().lookup("java:comp/env");
            this.apiProvider = (PetstoreApiServerProvider)
        catch (NamingException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException("NamingException locating PetstoreApiServerProvider", e);
        // get a pet store API instance
        this.petsApi = apiProvider.getApiClient(

Implement event handlers

Tip Speed up your development by referring to the generated sbbpart superclass. The generated event handlers in the Petstore API sbbpart superclass can be copied directly to MockPetstoreSbb.

On receipt of a CreatePet request event, call handleCreatePetRequest(). If there is any failure then call rejectCreatePetRequest().

MockPetstoreSbb CreatePetRequest event handler
        eventType = @ComponentId(name = "com.exampleco.petstore.api.CreatePetRequest",
                               vendor = "ExampleCo",
                              version = "1.0"),
        initialEvent = true,
        initialEventSelectVariable = IESVariableType.ActivityContext
    public void onCreatePetRequest(CreatePetRequest request,
                                   ActivityContextInterface aci,
                                   EventContext eventContext)
        tracer.finest("Received: {}", request);
        try {
            handleCreatePetRequest(request, aci);
        catch(IOException e) {
            tracer.finest("Failed to handle: {}", request, e);
            rejectCreatePetRequest(request, aci);

Process a CreatePet request by updating the Pets DB. If updating the DB is successful, then send a success response (request.create_204_SuccessResponse()). Otherwise send a 501 error response.

MockPetstoreSbb handling a CreatePet request
    private void handleCreatePetRequest(CreatePetRequest request,
                                        ActivityContextInterface aci) throws IOException
        if (addPet(request.getPet())) {
            tracer.finest("Added pet: {}", request.getPet());
            sendResponse(request.create_204_SuccessResponse(), aci);
        else {
            final RestResponseBuilder errorResponse = request.createDefaultResponse(
                    new Error().code(501)
                            .message("Pet already exists with id: " + request.getPet().getId()));
            sendResponse(errorResponse, aci);

Reject a CreatePet request, by sending a 501 error response.

MockPetstoreSbb rejecting a CreatePet request
    private void rejectCreatePetRequest(CreatePetRequest request, ActivityContextInterface aci) {
        final RestResponseBuilder errorResponse = request.createDefaultResponse(
                new Error().code(501).message("Failed to create pet: " + request.getPet()));
        sendResponse(errorResponse, aci);
MockPetstoreSbb sending responses
    private void sendResponse(RestResponseBuilder response, ActivityContextInterface aci) {
        try { petsApi.sendResponse(response, aci); }
        catch (IOException e) {
            tracer.finest("Failed to send  response. Api = {} , OperationId = {}",
                    response.getApi(), response.getOperationId(), e);

Implementation of the ListPetsRequest and ShowPetByIdRequest event handlers follows the same pattern.

MockPetstoreSbb ListPetsRequest event handler
        eventType = @ComponentId(name = "com.exampleco.petstore.api.ListPetsRequest",
                               vendor = "ExampleCo",
                              version = "1.0"),
        initialEvent = true,
        initialEventSelectVariable = IESVariableType.ActivityContext
    public void onListPetsRequest(ListPetsRequest request,
                                  ActivityContextInterface aci,
                                  EventContext eventContext)
        tracer.finest("Received: {}", request);
        try {
            handleListPetsRequest(request, aci);
        catch(IOException e) {
            tracer.finest("Failed to handle: {}", request, e);
            rejectListPetsRequest(request, aci);
MockPetstoreSbb ShowPetByIdRequest event handler
        eventType = @ComponentId(name = "com.exampleco.petstore.api.ShowPetByIdRequest",
                               vendor = "ExampleCo",
                              version = "1.0"),
        initialEvent = true,
        initialEventSelectVariable = IESVariableType.ActivityContext
    public void onShowPetByIdRequest(ShowPetByIdRequest request,
                                     ActivityContextInterface aci,
                                     EventContext eventContext)
        tracer.finest("Received: {}", request);
        try {
            handleShowPetByIdRequest(request, aci);
        catch(IOException e) {
            tracer.finest("Failed to handle: {}", request, e);
            rejectShowPetByIdRequest(request, aci);
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