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forResult(T) - Static method in class com.opencloud.slee.upgrade.transformation.engine.ResultAndWarnings
forResultAndWarning(T, TransformationWarning) - Static method in class com.opencloud.slee.upgrade.transformation.engine.ResultAndWarnings
forResultAndWarnings(T, Iterable<TransformationWarning>) - Static method in class com.opencloud.slee.upgrade.transformation.engine.ResultAndWarnings
forResultAndWarnings(T, Iterable<TransformationWarning>, Iterable<TransformationWarning>) - Static method in class com.opencloud.slee.upgrade.transformation.engine.ResultAndWarnings
fromMutableList(List<TransformationWarning>) - Static method in class com.opencloud.slee.upgrade.transformation.engine.WarningAppender
fromText(String) - Static method in enum com.opencloud.slee.upgrade.transformation.engine.profile.TransformableProfileTable.ContentType
functionArrayAddUniqueValues(String...) - Static method in class com.opencloud.slee.upgrade.transformation.TransformationApi
Returns a function that only adds the unique given values to an array in a profile attribute value.
functionArrayAppend(String...) - Static method in class com.opencloud.slee.upgrade.transformation.TransformationApi
Returns a function that appends the given values to an array in a profile attribute value.
functionArrayRemove(String...) - Static method in class com.opencloud.slee.upgrade.transformation.TransformationApi
Returns a function that removes the given values from an array in a profile attribute value.
functionForConstant(Object) - Static method in class com.opencloud.slee.upgrade.transformation.TransformationApi
Returns a function which always returns the given value, which may be null.
functionForDefaultProfileAndOthers(ValueFunction, ValueFunction) - Static method in class com.opencloud.slee.upgrade.transformation.TransformationApi
Returns a function that uses the first value if editing the default profile, or the second value if editing a non-default profile.
functionForDefaultProfileAndOthers(ValueFunction, String) - Static method in class com.opencloud.slee.upgrade.transformation.TransformationApi
functionForDefaultProfileAndOthers(String, ValueFunction) - Static method in class com.opencloud.slee.upgrade.transformation.TransformationApi
functionForDefaultProfileAndOthers(String, String) - Static method in class com.opencloud.slee.upgrade.transformation.TransformationApi
FunctionGenerator(ValueFunction) - Constructor for class com.opencloud.slee.upgrade.transformation.model.ObjectGenerator.FunctionGenerator
functionUplevelProfileAttribute() - Method in class com.opencloud.slee.upgrade.transformation.TransformationApi
Returns a function that uses the existing uplevel value for the relevant profile attribute.
functionUplevelProfileAttributeArray() - Method in class com.opencloud.slee.upgrade.transformation.TransformationApi
Returns a function that uses the existing uplevel value for the relevant profile attribute which has an array type.
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