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ObjectGenerator - Class in com.opencloud.slee.upgrade.transformation.model
An object generator produces an object, which may be a string, a null, or an array of such items.
ObjectGenerator.ArrayGenerator - Class in com.opencloud.slee.upgrade.transformation.model
A type of ObjectGenerator which always returns an array.
ObjectGenerator.ConstantGenerator - Class in com.opencloud.slee.upgrade.transformation.model
A type of ObjectGenerator.StringGenerator which always returns a fixed, non-null string value.
ObjectGenerator.FunctionGenerator - Class in com.opencloud.slee.upgrade.transformation.model
A type of ObjectGenerator which returns values based on some ValueFunction.
ObjectGenerator.NullValueGenerator - Class in com.opencloud.slee.upgrade.transformation.model
A type of ObjectGenerator.StringGenerator which always returns the null value.
ObjectGenerator.StringGenerator - Class in com.opencloud.slee.upgrade.transformation.model
A type of ObjectGenerator which always generates a String value.
OID_FEATURES_CLASH_IGNORING_VERSION - com.opencloud.slee.upgrade.transformation.engine.TransformationWarning.Type
OID_MISSING_UPLEVEL - com.opencloud.slee.upgrade.transformation.engine.TransformationWarning.Type
OidDataTransformation - Class in com.opencloud.slee.upgrade.transformation.engine
OidDataTransformation() - Constructor for class com.opencloud.slee.upgrade.transformation.engine.OidDataTransformation
oidMappings - Variable in class com.opencloud.slee.upgrade.transformation.engine.OidTransformationResult
OidTransformationResult - Class in com.opencloud.slee.upgrade.transformation.engine
OidTransformationResult(List<TransformationWarning>, List<OIDMapping>) - Constructor for class com.opencloud.slee.upgrade.transformation.engine.OidTransformationResult
OPTIONAL - com.opencloud.slee.upgrade.transformation.model.ProfileAction.ContextRequirement
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