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name - Variable in class com.opencloud.slee.upgrade.transformation.model.GeneratorContext.Attribute
The name of the profile attribute.
name - Variable in class com.opencloud.slee.upgrade.transformation.model.GeneratorContext.Profile
The name of the profile.
name - Variable in class com.opencloud.slee.upgrade.transformation.model.GeneratorContext.RuleInfo
The name of the rule.
name - Variable in class com.opencloud.slee.upgrade.transformation.model.GeneratorContext.Table
The name of the profile table.
NAME_ATTRIB - Static variable in class com.opencloud.slee.upgrade.transformation.engine.profile.TransformableProfileTable.AttributeDescription
NAME_ATTRIB - Static variable in class com.opencloud.slee.upgrade.transformation.engine.profile.TransformableProfileTable.AttributeValue
NAME_ATTRIB - Static variable in class com.opencloud.slee.upgrade.transformation.engine.profile.TransformableProfileTable.Profile
needsContext() - Method in class com.opencloud.slee.upgrade.transformation.model.ObjectGenerator.ArrayGenerator
needsContext() - Method in class com.opencloud.slee.upgrade.transformation.model.ObjectGenerator.FunctionGenerator
needsContext() - Method in class com.opencloud.slee.upgrade.transformation.model.ObjectGenerator
Returns true if this class requires that calls to generate a value be passed a GeneratorContext object, false otherwise.
If it returns true, then only the ObjectGenerator.generate(GeneratorContext) method may be called to generate values; the ObjectGenerator.generate() method should never be called.
If it returns false, then either method may be called.
NO_CHANGE - com.opencloud.slee.upgrade.transformation.engine.TransformationWarning.Type
NOT_APPLICABLE - com.opencloud.slee.upgrade.transformation.model.ProfileAction.ContextRequirement
NULL - com.opencloud.slee.upgrade.transformation.engine.profile.TransformableProfileTable.ContentType
NullChecker - Class in com.opencloud.slee.upgrade.transformation.util
Utility methods for checking whether values are null.
NullChecker() - Constructor for class com.opencloud.slee.upgrade.transformation.util.NullChecker
NullValueGenerator() - Constructor for class com.opencloud.slee.upgrade.transformation.model.ObjectGenerator.NullValueGenerator
NullValueMatcher() - Constructor for class com.opencloud.slee.upgrade.transformation.model.StringMatcher.NullValueMatcher
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