This guide describes how to deploy, manage and maintain the OCSS7 SGC component of Metaswitch’s SS7 Stack.
The SGC works in concert with CGIN to deliver SS7/SIGTRAN capability to Rhino. For information on configuring CGIN to use OCSS7, and other technical details and considerations about SGC to CGIN communication, please see Using the OCSS7 TCAP stack in the CGIN manual.
This document assumes a working knowledge of SS7 and SIGTRAN, as well as some familiarity with the administration of Linux systems and Java applications.
This document includes the following topics:
An overview of OCSS7, including features and architecture |
A step-by-step setup guide from packages through a test dialog, ignoring production-grade details |
SGC installation in detail, including production-grade features and tuning |
Configuration options for startup and runtime operations |
Monitoring OCC7’s operational state |
Driving OCCS7 from the command line |
Upgrading the SGC and the CGIN TCAP stack |
Appendix describing the configuration properties that may be set in the |
Gathering information for support requests |
The SGC versions that support online upgrade |
Glossary of acronyms |
Other documentation for OCSS7 can be found on the OCSS7 product page.