--backup-count <count>

Use a backup-count of <count> instead of the automatically calculated value. <count> count must be an integer value between 1 and 6. For example:

--backup-count 2

--cluster <name>

Specifies the cluster that the operation should be carried out on.

For commands that consider this parameter to be optional the meaning is auto-detected if it is not supplied. This means:

  • sgc-status: all clusters

  • Other commands: the only installed cluster. If there is more than one installed cluster the --cluster parameter must be included.

For example, to get the status of the cluster named test:

./orca -H vm1,vm2,vm3 sgc-status --cluster test

Or to stop the node(s) on the cluster test on host vm1:

./orca -H vm1 sgc-node-stop --cluster test

And to start all nodes belonging to the only cluster installed on host vm2:

./orca -H vm2 sgc-node-start


By default the sgc-upgrade-rollback and sgc-revert-rollback commands perform an online rollback. Supplying the --hard option to either of these commands will result in the entire cluster being stopped, rolled back, and then restarted. Service will be lost during this process.

Use of the --hard option is only recommended where the cluster is unstable following the upgrade or rollback and a complete cluster restart is required.


Causes the SGC start or stop operations to ignore the current SGC node state.

--nodes <nodes>

Specifies the nodes that the operation should be carried out on. For some commands this parameter is optional, and when not supplied by the user is taken to mean all nodes belonging to the specified cluster on the hosts specified by the accompanying -H (--hosts) parameter.

This is a comma-separated list of SGC node names, in the same order as the hosts (-H or --hosts) list. If multiple nodes exist on a single host, this can be specified as a quoted nested comma-separated list of node names.

For example, a configuration with:

  • Host vm1 has node PC1-1

  • Host vm2 has node PC1-2

  • Host vm3 has node PC1-3

Wil specify both the -H (--hosts) and --nodes parameters as:

-H vm1,vm2,vm3 --nodes PC1-1,PC1-2,PC1-3

Supposing that host vm3 gains a second node, PC1-4, such that the cluster now looks like:

  • Host vm1 has node PC1-1

  • Host vm2 has node PC1-2

  • Host vm3 has nodes PC1-3 and PC1-4

Then the both the -H (--hosts) and --nodes parameters are specified as:

-H vm1,vm2,vm3 --nodes PC1-1,PC1-2,"PC1-3,PC1-4"

Note the quotation marks (") around the nodes specified for vm3.


If provided to the sgc-install, sgc-prepare, sgc-upgrade-cluster and sgc-revert-cluster commands will allow any existing installation to be overwritten.

--package-directory <directory>

The local path to the packages directory from the Orca SGC upgrade pack. This directory must contain the Orca supplied packages.cfg file and the OCSS7 installation ZIP. For example:

--package-directory packages/

--retain <count>

Used only by the sgc-backup-prune command. Specifies the number of backups to retain following the prune operation. <count> must be an integer greater than or equal to 0. For example:

--retain 3

--sgc-package <package>

The local path to the package containing the SGC installation to use as the target installation for a revert, upgrade or install action. For example:

--sgc-package /path/to/ocss7-

--target-version <version>

The pre-installed SGC version to upgrade or revert to. For example:


This SGC must have been installed following the recommended installation structure.

--version <version>

The SGC version to apply an operation to, such as sgc-backup or sgc-backup-purge. For example:

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