Package | Description |
com.opencloud.slee.resources.cgin |
Defines an API for the CGIN infrastructure on which all protocols are built.
com.opencloud.slee.resources.cgin.callcontrol |
Provides a common API for callcontrol protocols originally based on the INAP
family of protocols.
com.opencloud.slee.resources.cgin.cap_v3 |
Provides an API for the CAP v3 protocol.
com.opencloud.slee.resources.cgin.cap_v4 |
Provides an API for the CAP v4 protocol.
com.opencloud.slee.resources.cgin.etsi_inap_cs1 |
Provides an API for the ETSI INAP CS1 protocol.
| |
Provides an API for the MAP protocol.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
int |
Dialog.sendInvoke(TcapOperation operation,
boolean invokeIdPresent,
int invokeId,
boolean linkedIdPresent,
int linkedId,
long timeout,
Object arg)
Issue an operation request on the dialog.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
int |
CCDialog.sendActivityTest(long timeout)
Issues an activityTest operation request on the dialog.
int |
CCDialog.sendApplyCharging(CCApplyChargingArg argument)
Issues an applyCharging operation request on the dialog.
int |
CCDialog.sendApplyChargingReport(CCApplyChargingReportArg argument)
Issues an applyChargingReport operation request on the dialog.
int |
CCDialog.sendAssistRequestInstructions(CCAssistRequestInstructionsArg argument)
Issues an assistRequestInstructions operation request on the dialog.
int |
CCDialog.sendCallGap(CCCallGapArg argument)
Issues a callGap operation request on the dialog.
int |
CCDialog.sendCallInformationReport(CCCallInformationReportArg argument)
Issues a callInformationReport operation request on the dialog.
int |
CCDialog.sendCallInformationRequest(CCCallInformationRequestArg argument)
Issues a callInformationRequest operation request on the dialog.
int |
CCDialog.sendCancel(CCCancelArg argument)
Issues a cancel operation request on the dialog.
int |
CCDialog.sendConnect(CCConnectArg argument)
Issues a connect operation request on the dialog.
int |
CCDialog.sendConnectToResource(CCConnectToResourceArg argument)
Issues a connectToResource operation request on the dialog.
int |
Issues a continue operation request on the dialog.
int |
Issues a disconnectForwardConnection operation request on the dialog.
int |
CCDialog.sendEstablishTemporaryConnection(CCEstablishTemporaryConnectionArg argument)
Issues an establishTemporaryConnection operation request on the dialog.
int |
CCDialog.sendEventReportBCSM(CCEventReportBCSMArg argument)
Issues an eventReportBCSM operation request on the dialog.
int |
CCDialog.sendFurnishChargingInformation(CCFurnishChargingInformationArg argument)
Issues a furnishChargingInformation operation request on the dialog.
int |
CCDialog.sendInitialDP(CCInitialDPArg argument)
Issues an initialDP operation request on the dialog.
int |
CCDialog.sendPlayAnnouncement(long timeout,
CCPlayAnnouncementArg argument)
Issues a playAnnouncement operation request on the dialog.
int |
CCDialog.sendPromptAndCollectUserInformation(long timeout,
CCPromptAndCollectUserInformationArg argument)
Issues a promptAndCollectUserInformation operation request on the dialog.
int |
CCDialog.sendReleaseCall(CCReleaseCallArg argument)
Issues a releaseCall operation request on the dialog.
int |
CCDialog.sendRequestReportBCSMEvent(CCRequestReportBCSMEventArg argument)
Issues a requestReportBCSMEvent operation request on the dialog.
int |
CCDialog.sendResetTimer(CCResetTimerArg argument)
Issues a resetTimer operation request on the dialog.
int |
CCDialog.sendSendChargingInformation(CCSendChargingInformationArg argument)
Issues a sendChargingInformation operation request on the dialog.
int |
CCDialog.sendSpecializedResourceReport(int linkedId,
CCSpecializedResourceReportArg argument)
Issues a specializedResourceReport operation request on the dialog.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
int |
CAP3Dialog.sendActivityTestGPRS(long timeout)
Issues an activityTestGPRS operation request on the dialog.
int |
CAP3Dialog.sendApplyChargingGPRS(CAP3ApplyChargingGPRSArg argument)
Issues an applyChargingGPRS operation request on the dialog.
int |
CAP3Dialog.sendApplyChargingReportGPRS(long timeout,
CAP3ApplyChargingReportGPRSArg argument)
Issues an applyChargingReportGPRS operation request on the dialog.
int |
CAP3Dialog.sendCancelGPRS(CAP3CancelGPRSArg argument)
Issues a cancelGPRS operation request on the dialog.
int |
CAP3Dialog.sendConnectGPRS(CAP3ConnectGPRSArg argument)
Issues a connectGPRS operation request on the dialog.
int |
CAP3Dialog.sendConnectSMS(CAP3ConnectSMSArg argument)
Issues a connectSMS operation request on the dialog.
int |
CAP3Dialog.sendContinueGPRS(CAP3ContinueGPRSArg argument)
Issues a continueGPRS operation request on the dialog.
int |
Issues a continueSMS operation request on the dialog.
int |
CAP3Dialog.sendContinueWithArgument(CAP3ContinueWithArgumentArg argument)
Issues a continueWithArgument operation request on the dialog.
int |
CAP3Dialog.sendEntityReleasedGPRS(long timeout,
CAP3EntityReleasedGPRSArg argument)
Issues an entityReleasedGPRS operation request on the dialog.
int |
CAP3Dialog.sendEventReportGPRS(long timeout,
CAP3EventReportGPRSArg argument)
Issues an eventReportGPRS operation request on the dialog.
int |
CAP3Dialog.sendEventReportSMS(CAP3EventReportSMSArg argument)
Issues an eventReportSMS operation request on the dialog.
int |
CAP3Dialog.sendFurnishChargingInformationGPRS(CAP3FurnishChargingInformationGPRSArg argument)
Issues a furnishChargingInformationGPRS operation request on the dialog.
int |
CAP3Dialog.sendFurnishChargingInformationSMS(CAP3FurnishChargingInformationSMSArg argument)
Issues a furnishChargingInformationSMS operation request on the dialog.
int |
CAP3Dialog.sendInitialDPGPRS(CAP3InitialDPGPRSArg argument)
Issues an initialDPGPRS operation request on the dialog.
int |
CAP3Dialog.sendInitialDPSMS(CAP3InitialDPSMSArg argument)
Issues an initialDPSMS operation request on the dialog.
int |
CAP3Dialog.sendReleaseGPRS(CAP3ReleaseGPRSArg argument)
Issues a releaseGPRS operation request on the dialog.
int |
CAP3Dialog.sendReleaseSMS(RPCause argument)
Issues a releaseSMS operation request on the dialog.
int |
CAP3Dialog.sendRequestReportGPRSEvent(CAP3RequestReportGPRSEventArg argument)
Issues a requestReportGPRSEvent operation request on the dialog.
int |
CAP3Dialog.sendRequestReportSMSEvent(CAP3RequestReportSMSEventArg argument)
Issues a requestReportSMSEvent operation request on the dialog.
int |
CAP3Dialog.sendResetTimerGPRS(CAP3ResetTimerGPRSArg argument)
Issues a resetTimerGPRS operation request on the dialog.
int |
CAP3Dialog.sendResetTimerSMS(CAP3ResetTimerSMSArg argument)
Issues a resetTimerSMS operation request on the dialog.
int |
CAP3Dialog.sendSendChargingInformationGPRS(CAP3SendChargingInformationGPRSArg argument)
Issues a sendChargingInformationGPRS operation request on the dialog.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
int |
CAP4Dialog.sendCollectInformation(CAP4CollectInformationArg argument)
Issues a collectInformation operation request on the dialog.
int |
CAP4Dialog.sendDisconnectForwardConnectionWithArgument(CAP4DisconnectForwardConnectionWithArgumentArg argument)
Issues a disconnectForwardConnectionWithArgument operation request on the dialog.
int |
CAP4Dialog.sendDisconnectLeg(long timeout,
CAP4DisconnectLegArg argument)
Issues a disconnectLeg operation request on the dialog.
int |
CAP4Dialog.sendEntityReleased(CAP4EntityReleasedArg argument)
Issues an entityReleased operation request on the dialog.
int |
CAP4Dialog.sendInitiateCallAttempt(long timeout,
CAP4InitiateCallAttemptArg argument)
Issues an initiateCallAttempt operation request on the dialog.
int |
CAP4Dialog.sendMoveLeg(long timeout,
CAP4MoveLegArg argument)
Issues a moveLeg operation request on the dialog.
int |
CAP4Dialog.sendPlayTone(CAP4PlayToneArg argument)
Issues a playTone operation request on the dialog.
int |
CAP4Dialog.sendSplitLeg(long timeout,
CAP4SplitLegArg argument)
Issues a splitLeg operation request on the dialog.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
int |
CS1Dialog.sendActivateServiceFiltering(long timeout,
CS1ActivateServiceFilteringArg argument)
Issues an activateServiceFiltering operation request on the dialog.
int |
CS1Dialog.sendCollectInformation(CS1CollectInformationArg argument)
Issues a collectInformation operation request on the dialog.
int |
CS1Dialog.sendEventNotificationCharging(CS1EventNotificationChargingArg argument)
Issues an eventNotificationCharging operation request on the dialog.
int |
CS1Dialog.sendInitiateCallAttempt(CS1InitiateCallAttemptArg argument)
Issues an initiateCallAttempt operation request on the dialog.
int |
CS1Dialog.sendRequestNotificationChargingEvent(CS1ChargingEvent[] argument)
Issues a requestNotificationChargingEvent operation request on the dialog.
int |
CS1Dialog.sendServiceFilteringResponse(CS1ServiceFilteringResponseArg argument)
Issues a serviceFilteringResponse operation request on the dialog.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
int |
MAPDialog.sendActivateSS(long timeout,
MAPSS_ForBS_Code argument)
Issues an activateSS_v1 operation request on the dialog.
int |
MAPDialog.sendActivateTraceMode(long timeout,
MAPActivateTraceModeArg argument)
Issues an activateTraceMode operation request on the dialog.
int |
MAPDialog.sendAlertServiceCentre(long timeout,
MAPAlertServiceCentreArg argument)
Issues an alertServiceCentre operation request on the dialog.
int |
MAPDialog.sendAlertServiceCentreWithoutResult(MAPAlertServiceCentreArg argument)
Issues an alertServiceCentreWithoutResult_v1 operation request on the dialog.
int |
MAPDialog.sendAnyTimeInterrogation(long timeout,
MAPAnyTimeInterrogationArg argument)
Issues an anyTimeInterrogation operation request on the dialog.
int |
MAPDialog.sendAnyTimeModification(long timeout,
MAPAnyTimeModificationArg argument)
Issues an anyTimeModification operation request on the dialog.
int |
MAPDialog.sendAnyTimeSubscriptionInterrogation(long timeout,
MAPAnyTimeSubscriptionInterrogationArg argument)
Issues an anyTimeSubscriptionInterrogation operation request on the dialog.
int |
MAPDialog.sendAuthenticationFailureReport(long timeout,
MAPAuthenticationFailureReportArg argument)
Issues an authenticationFailureReport operation request on the dialog.
int |
MAPDialog.sendBeginSubscriberActivity(MAPBeginSubscriberActivityArg argument)
Issues a beginSubscriberActivity_v1 operation request on the dialog.
int |
MAPDialog.sendCancelLocation(long timeout,
MAPCancelLocation_v1ArgSeq argument)
Issues a cancelLocation_v1 operation request on the dialog.
int |
MAPDialog.sendCheckIMEI(long timeout,
MAPCheckIMEI_v1ArgSeq argument)
Issues a checkIMEI_v1 operation request on the dialog.
int |
MAPDialog.sendDeactivateSS(long timeout,
MAPSS_ForBS_Code argument)
Issues a deactivateSS_v1 operation request on the dialog.
int |
MAPDialog.sendDeactivateTraceMode(long timeout,
MAPDeactivateTraceModeArg argument)
Issues a deactivateTraceMode operation request on the dialog.
int |
MAPDialog.sendDeleteSubscriberData(long timeout,
MAPDeleteSubscriberDataArg argument)
Issues a deleteSubscriberData_v1 operation request on the dialog.
int |
MAPDialog.sendEraseCC_Entry(long timeout,
MAPEraseCC_EntryArg argument)
Issues an eraseCC_Entry operation request on the dialog.
int |
MAPDialog.sendEraseSS(long timeout,
MAPSS_ForBS_Code argument)
Issues an eraseSS_v1 operation request on the dialog.
int |
MAPDialog.sendFailureReport(long timeout,
MAPFailureReportArg argument)
Issues a failureReport operation request on the dialog.
int |
MAPDialog.sendForwardAccessSignalling(MAPForwardAccessSignalling_Arg argument)
Issues a forwardAccessSignalling operation request on the dialog.
int |
Issues a forwardCheckSS_Indication operation request on the dialog.
int |
MAPDialog.sendForwardGroupCallSignalling(MAPForwardGroupCallSignallingArg argument)
Issues a forwardGroupCallSignalling operation request on the dialog.
int |
MAPDialog.sendGetPassword(int linkedId,
long timeout,
MAPGuidanceInfo argument)
Issues a getPassword_v1 operation request on the dialog.
int |
MAPDialog.sendInformServiceCentre(MAPInformServiceCentreArg argument)
Issues an informServiceCentre operation request on the dialog.
int |
MAPDialog.sendInsertSubscriberData(long timeout,
MAPInsertSubscriberDataArg_v1 argument)
Issues an insertSubscriberData_v1 operation request on the dialog.
int |
MAPDialog.sendInterrogateSS(long timeout,
MAPSS_ForBS_Code argument)
Issues an interrogateSS_v1 operation request on the dialog.
int |
MAPDialog.sendIst_Alert(long timeout,
MAPIST_AlertArg argument)
Issues an ist_Alert operation request on the dialog.
int |
MAPDialog.sendIst_Command(long timeout,
MAPIST_CommandArg argument)
Issues an ist_Command operation request on the dialog.
int |
MAPDialog.sendMo_ForwardSM(long timeout,
MAPMO_ForwardSM_Arg argument)
Issues a mo_ForwardSM_v1 operation request on the dialog.
int |
MAPDialog.sendMt_ForwardSM_VGCS(long timeout,
MAPMT_ForwardSM_VGCS_Arg argument)
Issues a mt_ForwardSM_VGCS operation request on the dialog.
int |
MAPDialog.sendMt_ForwardSM(long timeout,
MAPMT_ForwardSM_Arg argument)
Issues a mt_ForwardSM_v1 operation request on the dialog.
int |
MAPDialog.sendNoteInternalHandover(MAPNoteInternalHandoverArg argument)
Issues a noteInternalHandover_v1 operation request on the dialog.
int |
MAPDialog.sendNoteMM_Event(long timeout,
MAPNoteMM_EventArg argument)
Issues a noteMM_Event operation request on the dialog.
int |
MAPDialog.sendNoteMSPresent(IMSIAddress argument)
Issues a noteMSPresent_v1 operation request on the dialog.
int |
MAPDialog.sendNoteMsPresentForGprs(long timeout,
MAPNoteMsPresentForGprsArg argument)
Issues a noteMsPresentForGprs operation request on the dialog.
int |
MAPDialog.sendNoteSubscriberDataModified(long timeout,
MAPNoteSubscriberDataModifiedArg argument)
Issues a noteSubscriberDataModified operation request on the dialog.
int |
MAPDialog.sendPerformHandover(long timeout,
MAPPerformHandoverArg argument)
Issues a performHandover_v1 operation request on the dialog.
int |
MAPDialog.sendPerformSubsequentHandover(long timeout,
MAPPerformSubsequentHandoverArg argument)
Issues a performSubsequentHandover_v1 operation request on the dialog.
int |
MAPDialog.sendPrepareGroupCall(long timeout,
MAPPrepareGroupCallArg argument)
Issues a prepareGroupCall operation request on the dialog.
int |
MAPDialog.sendPrepareHandover(long timeout,
MAPPrepareHO_Arg argument)
Issues a prepareHandover operation request on the dialog.
int |
MAPDialog.sendPrepareSubsequentHandover(long timeout,
MAPPrepareSubsequentHO_Arg argument)
Issues a prepareSubsequentHandover operation request on the dialog.
int |
MAPDialog.sendProcessAccessSignalling(MAPProcessAccessSignalling_Arg argument)
Issues a processAccessSignalling operation request on the dialog.
int |
MAPDialog.sendProcessGroupCallSignalling(MAPProcessGroupCallSignallingArg argument)
Issues a processGroupCallSignalling operation request on the dialog.
int |
MAPDialog.sendProcessUnstructuredSS_Request(long timeout,
MAPUSSD_Arg argument)
Issues a processUnstructuredSS_Request operation request on the dialog.
int |
MAPDialog.sendProcessUnstructuredSsData(long timeout,
String argument)
Issues a processUnstructuredSsData_v1 operation request on the dialog.
int |
MAPDialog.sendProvideRoamingNumber(long timeout,
MAPProvideRoamingNumberArg argument)
Issues a provideRoamingNumber_v1 operation request on the dialog.
int |
MAPDialog.sendProvideSIWFSNumber(long timeout,
MAPProvideSIWFSNumberArg argument)
Issues a provideSIWFSNumber operation request on the dialog.
int |
MAPDialog.sendProvideSubscriberInfo(long timeout,
MAPProvideSubscriberInfoArg argument)
Issues a provideSubscriberInfo operation request on the dialog.
int |
MAPDialog.sendProvideSubscriberLocation(long timeout,
MAPProvideSubscriberLocation_Arg argument)
Issues a provideSubscriberLocation operation request on the dialog.
int |
MAPDialog.sendPurgeMS(long timeout,
MAPPurgeMS_Arg argument)
Issues a purgeMS operation request on the dialog.
int |
MAPDialog.sendReadyForSM(long timeout,
MAPReadyForSM_Arg argument)
Issues a readyForSM operation request on the dialog.
int |
MAPDialog.sendRegisterCC_Entry(long timeout,
MAPRegisterCC_EntryArg argument)
Issues a registerCC_Entry operation request on the dialog.
int |
MAPDialog.sendRegisterPassword(long timeout,
SSCode argument)
Issues a registerPassword_v1 operation request on the dialog.
int |
MAPDialog.sendRegisterSS(long timeout,
MAPRegisterSS_Arg argument)
Issues a registerSS_v1 operation request on the dialog.
int |
MAPDialog.sendReleaseResources(long timeout,
MAPReleaseResourcesArg argument)
Issues a releaseResources operation request on the dialog.
int |
MAPDialog.sendRemoteUserFree(long timeout,
MAPRemoteUserFreeArg argument)
Issues a remoteUserFree operation request on the dialog.
int |
MAPDialog.sendReportSM_DeliveryStatus(long timeout,
MAPReportSM_DeliveryStatusArg_v1 argument)
Issues a reportSM_DeliveryStatus_v1 operation request on the dialog.
int |
MAPDialog.sendReset(MAPResetArg argument)
Issues a reset_v1 operation request on the dialog.
int |
MAPDialog.sendRestoreData(long timeout,
MAPRestoreDataArg argument)
Issues a restoreData operation request on the dialog.
int |
MAPDialog.sendResumeCallHandling(long timeout,
MAPResumeCallHandlingArg argument)
Issues a resumeCallHandling operation request on the dialog.
int |
MAPDialog.sendSendAuthenticationInfo(long timeout,
MAPSendAuthenticationInfoArgSeq argument)
Issues a sendAuthenticationInfo operation request on the dialog.
int |
MAPDialog.sendSendEndSignal(long timeout)
Issues a sendEndSignal_v1 operation request on the dialog.
int |
MAPDialog.sendSendEndSignal(long timeout,
MAPSendEndSignal_Arg argument)
Issues a sendEndSignal_v1 operation request on the dialog.
int |
MAPDialog.sendSendGroupCallEndSignal(long timeout,
MAPSendGroupCallEndSignalArg argument)
Issues a sendGroupCallEndSignal operation request on the dialog.
int |
MAPDialog.sendSendGroupCallInfo(long timeout,
MAPSendGroupCallInfoArg argument)
Issues a sendGroupCallInfo operation request on the dialog.
int |
MAPDialog.sendSendIdentification(long timeout,
MAPSendIdentificationArgSeq argument)
Issues a sendIdentification operation request on the dialog.
int |
MAPDialog.sendSendIMSI(long timeout,
AddressString argument)
Issues a sendIMSI operation request on the dialog.
int |
MAPDialog.sendSendParameters(long timeout,
MAPSendParametersArg argument)
Issues a sendParameters_v1 operation request on the dialog.
int |
MAPDialog.sendSendRoutingInfo(long timeout,
MAPSendRoutingInfoArg argument)
Issues a sendRoutingInfo operation request on the dialog.
int |
MAPDialog.sendSendRoutingInfoForGprs(long timeout,
MAPSendRoutingInfoForGprsArg argument)
Issues a sendRoutingInfoForGprs operation request on the dialog.
int |
MAPDialog.sendSendRoutingInfoForLCS(long timeout,
MAPRoutingInfoForLCS_Arg argument)
Issues a sendRoutingInfoForLCS operation request on the dialog.
int |
MAPDialog.sendSendRoutingInfoForSM(long timeout,
MAPSendRoutingInfoForSMArg argument)
Issues a sendRoutingInfoForSM_v1 operation request on the dialog.
int |
MAPDialog.sendSendRoutingInformation(long timeout,
MAPSendRoutingInformationArg argument)
Issues a sendRoutingInformation_v1 operation request on the dialog.
int |
MAPDialog.sendSetReportingState(long timeout,
MAPSetReportingStateArg argument)
Issues a setReportingState operation request on the dialog.
int |
MAPDialog.sendSiwfs_SignallingModify(long timeout,
MAPSIWFSSignallingModifyArg argument)
Issues a siwfs_SignallingModify operation request on the dialog.
int |
MAPDialog.sendSs_InvocationNotification(long timeout,
MAPSS_InvocationNotificationArg argument)
Issues a ss_InvocationNotification operation request on the dialog.
int |
MAPDialog.sendStatusReport(long timeout,
MAPStatusReportArg argument)
Issues a statusReport operation request on the dialog.
int |
MAPDialog.sendSubscriberLocationReport(long timeout,
MAPSubscriberLocationReport_Arg argument)
Issues a subscriberLocationReport operation request on the dialog.
int |
MAPDialog.sendTraceSubscriberActivity(MAPTraceSubscriberActivityArg argument)
Issues a traceSubscriberActivity_v1 operation request on the dialog.
int |
MAPDialog.sendUnstructuredSS_Notify(long timeout,
MAPUSSD_Arg argument)
Issues an unstructuredSS_Notify operation request on the dialog.
int |
MAPDialog.sendUnstructuredSS_Request(long timeout,
MAPUSSD_Arg argument)
Issues an unstructuredSS_Request operation request on the dialog.
int |
MAPDialog.sendUpdateGprsLocation(long timeout,
MAPUpdateGprsLocationArg argument)
Issues an updateGprsLocation operation request on the dialog.
int |
MAPDialog.sendUpdateLocation(long timeout,
MAPUpdateLocationArg argument)
Issues an updateLocation_v1 operation request on the dialog.