public interface CAP4Dialog extends CAP3Dialog
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
int |
sendCollectInformation(CAP4CollectInformationArg argument)
Issues a collectInformation operation request on the dialog.
int |
sendDisconnectForwardConnectionWithArgument(CAP4DisconnectForwardConnectionWithArgumentArg argument)
Issues a disconnectForwardConnectionWithArgument operation request on the dialog.
int |
sendDisconnectLeg(long timeout,
CAP4DisconnectLegArg argument)
Issues a disconnectLeg operation request on the dialog.
void |
sendDisconnectLegResponse(int invokeId)
Issues a response to a disconnectLeg operation on the dialog.
int |
sendEntityReleased(CAP4EntityReleasedArg argument)
Issues an entityReleased operation request on the dialog.
int |
sendInitiateCallAttempt(long timeout,
CAP4InitiateCallAttemptArg argument)
Issues an initiateCallAttempt operation request on the dialog.
void |
sendInitiateCallAttemptResponse(int invokeId,
CAP4InitiateCallAttemptRes result)
Issues a response to an initiateCallAttempt operation on the dialog.
int |
sendMoveLeg(long timeout,
CAP4MoveLegArg argument)
Issues a moveLeg operation request on the dialog.
void |
sendMoveLegResponse(int invokeId)
Issues a response to a moveLeg operation on the dialog.
int |
sendPlayTone(CAP4PlayToneArg argument)
Issues a playTone operation request on the dialog.
int |
sendSplitLeg(long timeout,
CAP4SplitLegArg argument)
Issues a splitLeg operation request on the dialog.
void |
sendSplitLegResponse(int invokeId)
Issues a response to a splitLeg operation on the dialog.
void |
sendUnknownCSIDError(int invokeId)
Issues an unknownCSID error response for an operation on the dialog.
sendActivityTestGPRS, sendActivityTestGPRSResponse, sendApplyChargingGPRS, sendApplyChargingReportGPRS, sendApplyChargingReportGPRSResponse, sendCancelGPRS, sendConnectGPRS, sendConnectSMS, sendContinueGPRS, sendContinueSMS, sendContinueWithArgument, sendEntityReleasedGPRS, sendEntityReleasedGPRSResponse, sendEventReportGPRS, sendEventReportGPRSResponse, sendEventReportSMS, sendFurnishChargingInformationGPRS, sendFurnishChargingInformationSMS, sendInitialDPGPRS, sendInitialDPSMS, sendReleaseGPRS, sendReleaseSMS, sendRequestReportGPRSEvent, sendRequestReportSMSEvent, sendResetTimerGPRS, sendResetTimerSMS, sendSendChargingInformationGPRS, sendUnknownPDPIDError
sendActivityTest, sendActivityTestResponse, sendApplyCharging, sendApplyChargingReport, sendAssistRequestInstructions, sendCallGap, sendCallInformationReport, sendCallInformationRequest, sendCancel, sendCancelFailedError, sendCancelledError, sendConnect, sendConnectToResource, sendContinue, sendDisconnectForwardConnection, sendEstablishTemporaryConnection, sendETCFailedError, sendEventReportBCSM, sendFurnishChargingInformation, sendImproperCallerResponseError, sendInitialDP, sendMissingCustomerRecordError, sendMissingParameterError, sendParameterOutOfRangeError, sendPlayAnnouncement, sendPromptAndCollectUserInformation, sendPromptAndCollectUserInformationResponse, sendReleaseCall, sendRequestedInfoErrorError, sendRequestReportBCSMEvent, sendResetTimer, sendSendChargingInformation, sendSpecializedResourceReport, sendSystemFailureError, sendTaskRefusedError, sendUnavailableResourceError, sendUnexpectedComponentSequenceError, sendUnexpectedDataValueError, sendUnexpectedParameterError, sendUnknownLegIDError
acceptDialog, acceptDialog, equals, getApplicationContext, getApplicationContextName, getDialogID, getDialogState, getLocalTransactionID, getMTPPriority, getProvider, getRemoteTransactionID, getSCCPClass, getSCCPReturnOption, hashCode, isStateless, refuseDialog, refuseDialog, sendClose, sendDelimiter, sendError, sendInvoke, sendResult, sendUserAbort, setActivityTimeout, setMTPPriority, setRemoteAddress, setSCCPClass, setSCCPReturnOption, toString
int sendCollectInformation(CAP4CollectInformationArg argument) throws TooManyInvokesException, ProtocolException
- argument valueTooManyInvokesException
- if no free invoke id is available on this dialogProtocolException
- if the RA was unable to send the invoke for some reasonint sendDisconnectForwardConnectionWithArgument(CAP4DisconnectForwardConnectionWithArgumentArg argument) throws TooManyInvokesException, ProtocolException
- argument valueTooManyInvokesException
- if no free invoke id is available on this dialogProtocolException
- if the RA was unable to send the invoke for some reasonint sendDisconnectLeg(long timeout, CAP4DisconnectLegArg argument) throws TooManyInvokesException, ProtocolException
- invoke timeout, in milliseconds; 0 uses the RA defaultargument
- argument valueTooManyInvokesException
- if no free invoke id is available on this dialogProtocolException
- if the RA was unable to send the invoke for some reasonvoid sendDisconnectLegResponse(int invokeId) throws ProtocolException
- TCAP invoke ID for the operationProtocolException
- if the RA was unable to send the response for some reasonint sendEntityReleased(CAP4EntityReleasedArg argument) throws TooManyInvokesException, ProtocolException
- argument valueTooManyInvokesException
- if no free invoke id is available on this dialogProtocolException
- if the RA was unable to send the invoke for some reasonint sendInitiateCallAttempt(long timeout, CAP4InitiateCallAttemptArg argument) throws TooManyInvokesException, ProtocolException
- invoke timeout, in milliseconds; 0 uses the RA defaultargument
- argument valueTooManyInvokesException
- if no free invoke id is available on this dialogProtocolException
- if the RA was unable to send the invoke for some reasonvoid sendInitiateCallAttemptResponse(int invokeId, CAP4InitiateCallAttemptRes result) throws ProtocolException
- TCAP invoke ID for the operationresult
- result valueProtocolException
- if the RA was unable to send the response for some reasonint sendMoveLeg(long timeout, CAP4MoveLegArg argument) throws TooManyInvokesException, ProtocolException
- invoke timeout, in milliseconds; 0 uses the RA defaultargument
- argument valueTooManyInvokesException
- if no free invoke id is available on this dialogProtocolException
- if the RA was unable to send the invoke for some reasonvoid sendMoveLegResponse(int invokeId) throws ProtocolException
- TCAP invoke ID for the operationProtocolException
- if the RA was unable to send the response for some reasonint sendPlayTone(CAP4PlayToneArg argument) throws TooManyInvokesException, ProtocolException
- argument valueTooManyInvokesException
- if no free invoke id is available on this dialogProtocolException
- if the RA was unable to send the invoke for some reasonint sendSplitLeg(long timeout, CAP4SplitLegArg argument) throws TooManyInvokesException, ProtocolException
- invoke timeout, in milliseconds; 0 uses the RA defaultargument
- argument valueTooManyInvokesException
- if no free invoke id is available on this dialogProtocolException
- if the RA was unable to send the invoke for some reasonvoid sendSplitLegResponse(int invokeId) throws ProtocolException
- TCAP invoke ID for the operationProtocolException
- if the RA was unable to send the response for some reasonvoid sendUnknownCSIDError(int invokeId) throws ProtocolException
- TCAP invoke ID for the operationProtocolException
- if the RA was unable to send the error response for some reason