module vm-types {
yang-version 1.1;
namespace "";
prefix "vm-types";
import ietf-inet-types {
prefix "ietf-inet";
import extensions {
prefix "yangdoc";
revision-date 2020-12-02;
organization "Metaswitch Networks";
contact "";
description "Types used by the various virtual machine schemas.";
revision 2019-11-29 {
"Initial revision";
"Metaswitch Deployment Definition Guide";
typedef rhino-node-id-type {
type uint16 {
range "1 .. 32767";
description "The Rhino node identifier type.";
typedef sgc-cluster-name-type {
type string;
description "The SGC cluster name type.";
typedef deployment-id-type {
type string {
pattern "[a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,20}";
description "Deployment identifier type. May only contain upper and lower case letters 'a'
through 'z', the digits '0' through '9' and hyphens. Must be between 1 and
20 characters in length, inclusive.";
typedef site-id-type {
type string {
pattern "DC[0-9]+";
description "Site identifier type. Must be the letters DC followed by one or more
digits 0-9.";
typedef node-type-suffix-type {
type string {
pattern "[a-zA-Z0-9]*";
description "Node type suffix type. May only contain upper and lower case letters 'a'
through 'z' and the digits '0' through '9'. May be empty.";
typedef trace-level-type {
type enumeration {
enum off {
description "The 'off' trace level.";
enum severe {
description "The 'severe' trace level.";
enum warning {
description "The 'warning level.";
enum info {
description "The 'info' trace level.";
enum config {
description "The 'config' trace level.";
enum fine {
description "The 'fine' trace level.";
enum finer {
description "The 'finer' trace level.";
enum finest {
description "The 'finest' trace level.";
description "The Rhino trace level type";
typedef sip-uri-type {
type string {
pattern 'sip:.*';
description "The SIP URI type.";
typedef tel-uri-type {
type string {
pattern 'tel:\+?[-*#.()A-F0-9]+';
description "The Tel URI type.";
typedef sip-or-tel-uri-type {
type union {
type sip-uri-type;
type tel-uri-type;
description "A type allowing either a SIP URI or a Tel URI.";
typedef number-string {
type string {
pattern "[0-9]+";
description "A type that permits a non-negative integer value.";
typedef phone-number-type {
type string {
pattern '\+?[*0-9]+';
description "A type that represents a phone number.";
typedef sccp-address-type {
type string {
pattern "(.*,)*type=(A|C)7.*";
pattern "(.*,)*ri=(gt|pcssn).*";
pattern "(.*,)*ssn=[0-2]?[0-9]?[0-9].*";
pattern ".*=.*(,.*=.*)*";
description "A type representing an SCCP address in string form.
The basic form of an SCCP address is:
`type=<variant>,ri=<address type>,<parameter>=<value>,...`
where `<variant>` is `A7` for ANSI-variant SCCP or `C7` for ITU-variant SCCP,
and `<address type>` is one of `gt` or `pcssn`
(for an address specified by Global Title (GT),
or Point Code (PC) and Subsystem Number (SSN), respectively).
The `<parameter>` options are:
- Point code: `pc=<point code in network-cluster-member (ANSI)
or integer (ITU) format>`
- Subsystem number: `ssn=<subsystem number 0-255>`
- Global title address digits: `digits=<address digits, one or more 0-9>`
- Nature of address: `nature=<nature>` where `<nature>` is
`unknown`, `international`, `national`, or `subscriber`
- Numbering plan: `numbering=<numbering>` where `<numbering>` is
`unknown`, `isdn`, `generic`, `data`, `telex`, `maritime-mobile`,
`land-mobile`, `isdn-mobile`, or `private`
- Global title translation type: `tt=<integer 0-255>`
- National indicator: `national=<true or false>`.
`parameter` names are separated from their values by an equals sign,
and all `<parameter>=<value>` pairs are separated by commas.
Do not include any whitespace anywhere in the address.
Only the `ssn` and `national` parameters are mandatory; the others are optional,
depending on the details of the address - see below.
Note carefully the following:
- For ANSI addresses, ALWAYS specify `national=true`,
unless using ITU-format addresses in an ANSI-variant network.
- For ITU addresses, ALWAYS specify `national=false`.
- All SCCP addresses across the deployment's configuration
must use the same variant (`A7` or `C7`).
- Be sure to update the SGC's SCCP variant in `sgc-config.yaml`
to match the variant of the addresses.
For PC/SSN addresses (with `ri=pcssn`), you need to specify
the point code and SSN.
For GT addresses (with `ri=gt`), you must specify the global title digits
and SSN in addition to the fields listed below (choose one option).
There are two options for ANSI GT addresses:
- translation type only
- numbering plan and translation type.
There are four options for ITU GT addresses:
- nature of address only
- translation type only
- numbering plan and translation type
- nature of address with either or both of numbering plan and translation type.
Some valid ANSI address examples are:
- `type=A7,ri=pcssn,pc=0-0-5,ssn=147,national=true`
- `type=A7,ri=gt,ssn=146,tt=8,digits=12012223333,national=true`
Some valid ITU address examples are:
- `type=C7,ri=pcssn,pc=1434,ssn=147,national=false`
- `type=C7,ri=gt,ssn=146,nature=INTERNATIONAL,numbering=ISDN,tt=0,
- `type=C7,ri=gt,ssn=148,numbering=ISDN,tt=0,digits=0778899,national=false`";
typedef ss7-point-code-type {
type string {
pattern "(([0-2]?[0-9]?[0-9]-){2}[0-2]?[0-9]?[0-9])|"
+ "([0-1]?[0-9]{1,4})";
description "A type representing an SS7 point code.
When ANSI variant is in use, specify this in network-cluster-member format,
such as 1-2-3, where each element is between 0 and 255.
When ITU variant is in use, specify this as an integer between 0 and 16383.
Note that for ITU you will need to quote the integer,
as this field takes a string rather than an integer.";
typedef ss7-address-string-type {
type string {
pattern "(.*,)*address=.*";
pattern ".*=.*(,.*=.*)*";
description "The SS7 address string type.";
typedef sip-status-code {
type uint16 {
range "100..699";
description "SIP response status code type.";
typedef secret {
type string;
description "A secret, which will be automatically encrypted using the secrets-private-key
configured in the Site Definition File (SDF).";
typedef secret-freeform-id {
type string;
"A string that represents a secret identifier for a freeform secret such as a
password. i.e. not a secret private key or certificate. This must reference a
secret value stored securely in the secret store.";
grouping cassandra-contact-point-interfaces {
leaf management.ipv4 {
type ietf-inet:ipv4-address-no-zone;
mandatory true;
description "The IPv4 address of the management interface.";
leaf signaling.ipv4 {
type ietf-inet:ipv4-address-no-zone;
mandatory true;
description "The IPv4 address of the signaling interface.";
description "Base network interfaces: management and signaling";
grouping day-of-week-grouping {
leaf day-of-week {
type enumeration {
enum Monday {
description "Every Monday.";
enum Tuesday {
description "Every Tuesday.";
enum Wednesday {
description "Every Wednesday.";
enum Thursday {
description "Every Thursday.";
enum Friday {
description "Every Friday.";
enum Saturday {
description "Every Saturday.";
enum Sunday {
description "Every Sunday.";
description "The day of the week on which to run the scheduled task.";
description "Grouping for the day of the week.";
grouping day-of-month-grouping {
leaf day-of-month {
type uint8 {
range "1..28";
description "The day of the month (from the 1st to the 28th)
on which to run the scheduled task.";
description "Grouping for the day of the month.";
grouping frequency-grouping {
choice frequency {
case daily {
// empty
case weekly {
uses day-of-week-grouping;
case monthly {
uses day-of-month-grouping;
description "Frequency options for running a scheduled task.
Note: running a scheduled task in the single-entry
format is deprecated.";
uses time-of-day-grouping;
description "Grouping for frequency options for running a scheduled task.
Note: This field is deprecated. Use the options in
frequency-list-grouping instead.";
grouping frequency-list-grouping {
choice frequency-list {
case weekly {
list weekly {
key "day-of-week";
uses day-of-week-grouping;
uses time-of-day-grouping;
description "A list of schedules that specifies the days of the week
and times of day to run the scheduled task";
case monthly {
list monthly {
key "day-of-month";
uses day-of-month-grouping;
uses time-of-day-grouping;
description "A list of schedules that specifies the days of the month
and times of day to run the scheduled task";
description "Frequency options for running a scheduled task.";
description "Grouping for frequency options for a task scheduled multiple times.";
grouping time-of-day-grouping {
leaf time-of-day {
type string {
pattern "([0-1][0-9]|2[0-3]):[0-5][0-9]";
mandatory true;
description "The time of day (24hr clock in the system's timezone)
at which to run the scheduled task.";
description "Grouping for specifying the time of day.";
grouping scheduled-task {
choice scheduling-rule {
case single-schedule {
uses frequency-grouping;
case multiple-schedule {
uses frequency-list-grouping;
description "Whether the scheduled task runs once or multiple times per interval.";
description "Grouping for determining whether the scheduled task runs once
or multiple times per interval.
Note: Scheduling a task once per interval is deprecated.
Use the options in frequency-list-grouping instead
to schedule a task multiple times per interval.";
grouping rvt-vm-grouping {
uses rhino-vm-grouping;
container scheduled-sbb-cleanups {
presence "This container is optional, but has mandatory descendants.";
uses scheduled-task;
description "Cleanup leftover SBBs and activities on specified schedules.
If omitted, SBB cleanups will be scheduled for every day at 02:00.";
description "Parameters for a Rhino VoLTE TAS (RVT) VM.";
grouping rhino-vm-grouping {
leaf rhino-node-id {
type rhino-node-id-type;
mandatory true;
description "The Rhino node identifier.";
container scheduled-rhino-restarts {
presence "This container is optional, but has mandatory descendants.";
uses scheduled-task;
description "Restart Rhino on a specified schedule, for maintenance purposes.
If omitted, no Rhino restarts will be enabled.
Note: Please ensure there are no Rhino restarts within one hour of a
scheduled Cassandra repair.";
description "Parameters for a VM that runs Rhino.";
grouping rhino-auth-grouping {
leaf username {
type string {
length "3..16";
pattern "[a-zA-Z0-9]+";
description "The user's username.
Must consist of between 3 and 16 alphanumeric characters.";
leaf password {
type secret {
length "8..max";
pattern "[a-zA-Z0-9_@!$%^/.=-]+";
must "../password-id" {
error-message "The 'password' leaf is deprecated. Use 'password-id' instead.";
default "internal-use-only";
status deprecated;
description "The user's password. Will be automatically encrypted at deployment using
the deployment's 'secret-private-key'.";
leaf password-id {
type secret-freeform-id;
description "A reference to user's password stored in the secret store.";
leaf role {
type enumeration {
enum admin {
description "Administrator role. Can make changes to Rhino configuration.";
enum view {
description "Read-only role. Cannot make changes to Rhino configuration.";
default view;
description "The user's role.";
description "Configuration for one Rhino user.";
grouping rem-auth-grouping {
leaf username {
type string {
length "3..16";
pattern "[a-zA-Z0-9]+";
description "The user's username.
Must consist of between 3 and 16 alphanumeric characters.";
leaf real-name {
type string;
description "The user's real name.";
leaf password {
type secret {
length "8..max";
pattern "[a-zA-Z0-9_@!$%^/.=-]+";
must "../password-id" {
error-message "The 'password' leaf is deprecated. Use 'password-id' instead.";
default "internal-use-only";
status deprecated;
description "The user's password. Will be automatically encrypted at deployment using
the deployment's 'secret-private-key'.";
leaf password-id {
type secret-freeform-id;
description "A reference to user's password stored in the secret store.";
leaf role {
type enumeration {
enum em-admin {
description "Administrator role. Can make changes to REM configuration.
Also has access to the HSS Subscriber Provisioning REST API.";
enum em-user {
description "Read-only role. Cannot make changes to REM configuration.
Note: Rhino write permissions are controlled by the Rhino
credentials used to connect to Rhino, NOT the REM credentials.";
default em-user;
description "The user's role.";
description "Configuration for one REM user.";
grouping diameter-multiple-realm-configuration-grouping {
uses diameter-common-configuration-grouping;
choice realm-choice {
case single-realm {
leaf destination-realm {
type ietf-inet:domain-name;
mandatory true;
description "The Diameter destination realm.";
case multiple-realms {
list destination-realms {
key "destination-realm";
min-elements 1;
leaf destination-realm {
type ietf-inet:domain-name;
mandatory true;
description "The destination realm.";
leaf charging-function-address {
type string;
description "The value that must appear in a P-Charging-Function-Addresses
header in order to select this destination realm. If omitted,
this will be the same as the destination-realm value.";
leaf-list peers {
type string;
min-elements 1;
description "List of Diameter peers for the realm.";
description "List of Diameter destination realms.";
description "Whether to use a single realm or multiple realms.";
description "Diameter configuration supporting multiple realms.";
grouping diameter-configuration-grouping {
uses diameter-common-configuration-grouping;
leaf destination-realm {
type ietf-inet:domain-name;
mandatory true;
description "The Diameter destination realm.";
description "Diameter configuration using a single realm.";
grouping diameter-common-configuration-grouping {
leaf origin-realm {
type ietf-inet:domain-name;
mandatory true;
description "The Diameter origin realm.";
yangdoc:change-impact "restart";
list destination-peers {
key "destination-hostname";
min-elements 1;
leaf protocol-transport {
type enumeration {
enum aaa {
description "The Authentication, Authorization and Accounting (AAA)
protocol over tcp";
enum aaas {
description "The Authentication, Authorization and Accounting with Secure
Transport (AAAS) protocol over tcp.
IMPORTANT: this protocol is currently not supported.";
enum sctp {
description "The Authentication, Authorization and Accounting (AAA)
protocol over Stream Control Transmission Protocol
(SCTP) transport. Will automatically be configured
multi-homed if multiple signaling interfaces are
default aaa;
description "The combined Diameter protocol and transport.";
leaf destination-hostname {
type ietf-inet:domain-name;
mandatory true;
description "The destination hostname.";
leaf port {
type ietf-inet:port-number;
default 3868;
description "The destination port number.";
leaf metric {
type uint32;
default 1;
description "The metric to use for this peer.
Peers with lower metrics take priority over peers
with higher metrics. If all peers have the same metric,
traffic is round-robin load balanced over all peers.";
description "Diameter destination peer(s).";
description "Diameter configuration.";
typedef announcement-id-type {
type leafref {
path "/sentinel-volte/mmtel/announcement/announcements/id";
description "The announcement-id type, limits use to be one of the configured SIP
announcement IDs from
grouping feature-announcement {
container announcement {
presence "Enables announcements";
leaf announcement-id {
type announcement-id-type;
mandatory true;
description "The announcement to be played.";
description "Should an announcement be played";
description "Configuration for announcements.";