module number-analysis-configuration {
    yang-version 1.1;
    namespace "";
    prefix "number-analysis";

    import vm-types {
        prefix "vmt";
        revision-date 2019-11-29;

    organization "Metaswitch Networks";
    contact "";
    description "Number analysis configuration schema.";

    revision 2019-11-29 {
            "Initial revision";
            "Metaswitch Deployment Definition Guide";

    typedef dialing-code-type {
        type string {
            pattern '[0-9]+';
        description "A type that represents a dialing code.";

    grouping number-analysis-configuration-grouping {
        container normalization {
            leaf international-prefix {
                type dialing-code-type {
                    length "1 .. 5"; // from
                mandatory true;
                description "The international prefix. 1 to 5 digits in length.";

            leaf min-normalizable-length {
                type uint8 {
                    range "0 .. 31";
                mandatory true;
                description "The minimum normalizable length.";

            leaf national-prefix {
                type dialing-code-type {
                    length "1 .. 5";
                mandatory true;
                description "The national prefix. 1 to 5 digits in length.";

            leaf network-dialing-code {
                type dialing-code-type {
                    length "1 .. 3";
                mandatory true;
                description "The network dialing code. 1 to 3 digits in length.";

            leaf normalize-to {
                type enumeration {
                    enum international {
                        description "Normalize to international format.";
                    enum national {
                        description "Normalize to national format.";
                default international;
                description "The format to normalize to when comparing numbers, sending outgoing
                             requests and checking whether numbers are normalizable.";

            description "Normalization configuration.";

        leaf-list non-provisionable-uris {
            type union {
                type vmt:sip-or-tel-uri-type;
                type vmt:phone-number-type;
            description "List of URIs that cannot be provisioned.";

        leaf assume-sip-uris-are-phone-numbers {
            type boolean;
            default true;
            description "Set to 'true' to attempt to extract phone numbers from SIP URIs
                        even if they don't contain the 'user=phone' parameter.
                        Set to 'false' to disable this behaviour.";

        description "Number analysis configuration.";
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Rhino VoLTE TAS VMs Version 4.2